Hello, hello!
This is Tribute, warden of the business plans forum and moderator for Nashaki. I've been roleplaying for a number of years, and my tenure in Standing Trials started when Jade and Dementia asked me to help out. But enough about all of that, I'm a really nice guy, so feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about any of the forums I moderate.
About me: My name's Jake in real life, and I LOVE to write, play video games, watch movies and talk to people. I'm training to be a salesperson in real life and working on the site in my ample amounts of spare time. Big fandoms of mine are Harry Potter, Narnia, but I also enjoy some obscure texts, but the majority of my reading nowadays are RP's that people write, because I love reading collaborative writing. I feel like it has more stopping power than a story written by just one person. Hence, why I'm on ST XD
Anyway, I hope you have fun on Standing Trials! If you're starting off in Nashaki, send me a message, I'd love to hear about your character.
The Gold Standard
Tribute's oh so introductory introduction.
Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!
Moderator: Staff
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