18th Zi'da, 716
"It's from Malc... the Warden", she said to Padraig, handing him the note. "He'd like us to come to see him." It was good timing, breakfast had just finished and there was time now. Although, of course, if he'd wanted to see them in the middle of the night, then they would have to answer. In this place, on this campaign it was very much his bat, his ball and he was captain. Faith looked at Padraig and smiled, although there were some nerves in her expression. The situation with Sintih the trial before had been difficult and she was worried about Padraig, who was worried about her and it was all just a mess, in truth. But there was no point to worrying about that now, it was happening and so she put down her cleaning cloth, untied the apron she wore and then looked at Padraig and smiled. "This is silly. I want to ask if I look alright. Immortals, I've known this man the longest of any free person bar none. He was literally the first one I met." Faith shook her head, slipped her hand into Padraig's and smiled. "I'm going to stop asking if you're coming with me and just assume you are, but I'm especially not going to ask now, because it's for both of us."
The messenger who had brought the note accompanied them and Faith smiled and thanked her as they were shown in. Malcolm was there, there were more maps than she thought had existed and she looked around in awe. She had been in military encampments before, not often but once or twice, and this place seemed like it was a hub of activity.
Faith was wearing very different clothes these trials, a far cry from the high fashion she had worn when Tristan had owned her. A long black thick wool skirt over a pair of thick black tights, knee high soft boots and a thick wool jumper which had long sleeves, held in place by a tight black belt was the outfit she was in, and frankly, she was comfortable. Her hair was tied back in a loose braid and she wore nothing resembling make up. If Malcolm noticed such things, when she moved, the neckline of her top revealed that there were bruises visable on her shoulders, just starting to reach to the bottom of her neck. Her hand in Padraig's was unashamed and she had an air of nervousness about her, but Faith's eyes showed her pleasure at seeing Malcolm as she stepped in and dropped a curtsy.
"You wanted to see us?" She spoke in a quiet tone and only when he looked at her. She smiled and no matter where she was, she was unequivocally herself, so she asked "How can we help?" Free woman or slave, it seemed, she had the same bottom line.
The messenger who had brought the note accompanied them and Faith smiled and thanked her as they were shown in. Malcolm was there, there were more maps than she thought had existed and she looked around in awe. She had been in military encampments before, not often but once or twice, and this place seemed like it was a hub of activity.
Faith was wearing very different clothes these trials, a far cry from the high fashion she had worn when Tristan had owned her. A long black thick wool skirt over a pair of thick black tights, knee high soft boots and a thick wool jumper which had long sleeves, held in place by a tight black belt was the outfit she was in, and frankly, she was comfortable. Her hair was tied back in a loose braid and she wore nothing resembling make up. If Malcolm noticed such things, when she moved, the neckline of her top revealed that there were bruises visable on her shoulders, just starting to reach to the bottom of her neck. Her hand in Padraig's was unashamed and she had an air of nervousness about her, but Faith's eyes showed her pleasure at seeing Malcolm as she stepped in and dropped a curtsy.
"You wanted to see us?" She spoke in a quiet tone and only when he looked at her. She smiled and no matter where she was, she was unequivocally herself, so she asked "How can we help?" Free woman or slave, it seemed, she had the same bottom line.