The Wages of Guilt (Memory)

(Petra meets Noth)

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)


Ashan 100, 714

The world felt so terribly broken. It was warm outside, and yet all he felt was a condemning cold, a chilling sensation that refused to cease. He wandered seemingly without aim through the world, his eyes glazed over with guilt, unwilling to see the world beyond his memory. He could still see the man’s face, the bruises that covered him, and the unnatural way that his neck had bent when he picked him up. The weight of death that had strained his shoulders as he attempted to awaken his father. Now, the hybrid could feel his arms as they hung limply at his side. Everything had grown into shaded muted colors, if they even registered at all. He walked, but he didn’t feel his feet even touch the ground. The only thing he did was remember, the flickering flashes of memories good and bad whirled throughout his mind, increasing in intensity as the neared his inevitable destination.

It came into view behind a copse of trees, beautiful and scenic as ever. The building that had become his home for so many Arcs now seemed so much less welcoming. Surely, nothing had changed to the exterior of the structure, but its’ very presence haunted the Avriel. He couldn’t stand it, it was all too much. Bitter tears fell from his eyes, melding into his feathers, invisible to the outside world. Occasionally one would breach the barrier and fall to the ground, but it was a rare occurrence, his suffering kept well to himself. Gnarled nails dug into palmy flesh, creating an imitation of the suffering he felt in his soul, in his very being.

It could not relieve it, there was no relief to be found in anything at all. The fingers began to quit their pressing, and he glared down at his palms to assess the damage that his emotional fit had sustained. Gentle streaks of blood dripped into loose feathers, sticking to them as though it were glue. What had been done had been done, and what needed to be done needed to be done. He couldn’t remain within that house any longer, to do so would incriminate him for his crime, and only lead to his execution. His murdered father would not have wanted vengeance of that kind, especially upon the boy he had raised, even upon his murderer.

The night of the slaying, he had run away from home, had fled from his deeds with as many things as he could carry. He had located a cave someway outside of the city limits, and had spent the remainder of the day curled into a ball, weeping bitterly to himself and staring upon the night sky with grief. He remembered watching it with his father, seeing the winds blow through the heavens and wondering with awe whether he might one day slide through the air with the same grace as a bird. Now he recognized that his place was upon the ground, to fly through the sky would only pollute it with his hate, with his sadness.

The creature stood there for a long while, staring upon his home. He had already gathered everything he wanted from it bar one item. It was a precious book that had been read to him for many Arcs, something that Nicholas had shared with him throughout their time, something dear to his heart. He wanted nothing more from the wealth of the home except for that one thing, and he was determined to get it.

The door was still open from where he had fled a trial previous, and it took only a few bits to locate the book within the home. Whilst entering, he passed by the corpse of his father, set gently into his bed, giving him the appearance of resting. He would dream for eternities upon eternities, and Noth wanted his rest to be gentle, graceful. It was something that Nicholas had earned throughout his life, earned through his deeds, and though it made little sense, he felt somewhat more comforted by it.

With the book in hand, he exited the home, and began his long trek, going away from the life he knew, fleeing to the life he would know.

word count: 710

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)

As far as Petra was concerned it was far too early for anything. The small throbbing of her skull, a sharp piercing shake to the reality she was unleashed to. It would have been a small understatement to say she regretted her life choices, and right this instance she regretted spending the night drinking and hollering with her fellow soldiers. Pulling a face the woman blearily rehearsed and repeated the orders of her leader, a utterance of her native tongue beneath her breath. The rest of her head sloshed, every note and sound noticeable in her ear, cutting and jarring as she gave only the briefest glance back to her unit at the base of the slope.

Dressed in her leather armour, armed as any infantry of Etzos should. They had been sent on patrol, a small show of force to the seeming local banditry that had risen of late. A symbol of power for the Etzosian Army. Or something like that. Even Petra knew it was a simple exercise mechanised to break in the unit before heading out once more to the field. She did not complain, it kept them all occupied and served as a reassuring balm to the locals. Her eyes turned away then, a puff of cheeks as she climbed the slope paused and turned out. Survey the landscape, get an idea for what was on the horizon. Watch their boundaries, keep an eye out for trouble. Squinting she surveyed the land; a collection of trees, a few smatterings of villages in the far distance. Closer she could see the beginnings of farmland, split and divided to mark out the fields.

"Oi. Torborg!" she heard one of the other soldiers shout up at her in Ith'ession. She gave a small wince as it sliced through her thoughts, "You see anything?"
"Do I look like a fucking scout?"
"No. But you don't look like a princess either."

Petra gave him a long, hard scowl before turning her gaze off and into the distance again, "Dunno. Lot of fields. Some trees. Sheep."
"Seriously? That all you got?"
"Couple of the farm houses have smoke. Seem like all's good there. One or two seem empty, probably already out working. Can't really tell much from over here."

There was a distinct mumble, but she did not catch what was said. So, taking in a puff of the fresher air she continued to look from her vantage point, "Roads seem pretty quiet. Not much movement. Might pay to just go knocking on doors and alerting people. See if they've heard anything too."

She descended down the slope not long after, traversing down to the small rabble of her unit. Barely a dozen of them with a leader, the news passed on and the orders firmly given to them. A simple task, each was to go out and spread the news. Each was scripted and presented with a message, a warning from the city proper and that the people - as always - should be ever vigilant. Petra's own was issued to some shepherd, Nicholson or something along those lines. She did not pay too much attention to it other than his profession and the general direction he could be found in. Set off hiking, armed and ready for whatever would come her way. Once there it would be simple enough to scout out the area, a double check of anything remotely suspicious and report back.

Occasionally she stopped, checking her surroundings as the trees began to spring forth from the earth. Her ears gave a strain for the sounds, sheep bleating being the first to be expected. Nothing was the response, the groan of trees and fluttering of birds. Her hand gave an instinctive rest upon the pommel of her sword, a hoisting up of her shield in a better grip. It was only as she drew closer to her end target that she managed to spy the beginnings of the trees parting once more. Approaching she moved around the edge and surveyed it.

It was quiet, no smoke nor sign of a fire. Perhaps, she briefly reasoned, the man was out with his flock - but that did not excuse her from duty. She did not enter the building, her gaze looking through the windows. Her voice called out as she circled, the notice in her hand as she spoke firstly in Ith'ession, "Hello? Anyone at home? Etzos Military? Answer up on behalf of the peace, I mean no harm. I am here to report trouble in the area," before attempting to speak once more this time in her broken Common, "Hal-lo? People house? No home?" She spied the open door, giving it a cautious look. Did the owner forget to close it before leaving? It would not surprise her, the folk of the countryside seemed to not have the same knack for security the city folk did.

She called out again in common, "Hal-lo?"
word count: 831
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)


It took very little effort at all to walk towards the nearest tree line, but from there the journey became so much more difficult. He had reached the border into what would become his new life, his new world, but did he genuinely want to cross it? It meant that he would live a harsh existence, struggling constantly just to provide for himself. He would live in a dirty and dank cave, surrounded only by wilderness and the infinite possibilities that accompanied it. He could be mauled the very first night, or perhaps a wildfire could erupt and he could find himself entrapped within his new home, asphyxiated by killing smoke.

Doubts and anxieties weighted heavily upon his mind, and he sat there for several moments, considering each one and finally determining his answer. Yes, he needed to travel away from here, because despite all those threats that existed throughout the forest, if he stayed he would surely be charged with murder, and that carried a hefty penalty, the type exacted by the sharp end of an axe and an eager executioner. He was snapped out of his mental attack by the sounds of far off voices, gradually growing nearer, and he peered into the horizon, attempting to locate their origins.

Nearly a dozen soldiers were scattered about, each going to varying buildings and houses, with one apparently heading towards the home of Nicholas. The body was out of the way, but it had not been buried yet, nor had it been cared for, and if the guard decided to investigate into the home, what evidence might she find that he had perpetrated the crime? He needed more time, he could not allow that to happen. It made little sense, but logic and rational thinking had left the Avian’s body at the same time that his overwhelming guilt had entered. He began his approach back to his old home.

He crept forward on quiet feet, his feathers obscuring much of the noise that accompanies standard walking, a biological trait that had proven quite useful when sneaking up on predators that were harassing the flocks. To an extent it was utterly useless to sneak, however, because he had no weapons, nor any training, nor any desire whatsoever to harm the guard, only to distract her from discovering his activities. He heard her voice, speaking towards the door, apparently attempting to contact the owner inside, though Noth sincerely doubted she would be able to arouse him from his eternal slumber.

The language was recognizable as Ith’ession, but he could not make out the words very well. Etzos was a trade city, which meant that many people simply used a lingua franca such as Common to communicate with one another, and thus Noth had never truly learned the local dialects. He could occasionally recognize certain words, but those were only very basic understandings, and they were usually only possible if the person was also making conversational gestures or clues. If someone were to stick him behind a closed door, and speak in the foreign tongue, he would be as oblivious to the meaning as a newborn babe.

The young guardswomen tried again, speaking in common as she peered into the open door. He wasn’t terribly far from her now, perhaps only a dozen meters or more, but he doubted he had the time to sneak closer, nor the ability to successfully accomplish it.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but Nicholas has gone on a trip to visit his sons. He won’t be home for a few trials, but if there’s anything that you need, I’m sure that I could assist you.”He spoke in Common, hoping that she understood. The only other option was Lorien, and that wouldn't have worked at all. The lie came so quickly, so easily that he didn’t even consider what he had said until a moment had already past. He wasn’t terribly good at it, and he was certain that his bluish flesh had turned a bright red, but thankfully he wore a coat of feathers that kept such tells to himself.

It was a lie that he could work with, however, especially since Nicholas did have other sons, and he had occasionally gone to visit them in the past, albeit less since he started watching the imprisoned Noth. He hadn’t truly considered the possibility that his sons might one day return, eager to visit their father once more, only to discover that he had died under suspicious means. How many of them knew that he was caring for Noth? He wasn’t entirely sure, the dissemination of information was so difficult to track, especially when one hadn’t truly paid any attention to it. Could it be that one day they would return to the home, and instinctively blame him for the death? Would they hunt him down? Nicholas had been his father, and so did that mean he would be forced to brutally battle his step-brothers?

It was possible, but it was a problem for another time. The Avian’s eyes refocused upon the girl, attempting to regain concentration upon the topic at hand, and hoping that she had ignored his lack of focus as simple daydreaming, a quality well known amongst shepherds.

word count: 888

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)

For the longest while there was silence. No sound beyond her own that seemed to echo about. There was another, longer pause as she waited to see if any reaction was produced, her gaze cautiously peering around the gap in the doorway. Within there seemed to be nothing amiss. No signs of movement, there seemed to be a little mess she spied from her slither of a gap, before she shrugged and withdrew. Seemed no one was in let alone around, and so reaching for the handle of the door she went to close it.

At least, until the words in common sliced between.

The Soldier sharply turned upon her heel, head snapping to the source of the sound. Surprise flickered into her features next, a notable level of uneasiness creeping into her features. Not human was the first thought that came to mind, eyes looking around the features - feathers, the inhuman eyes that burned out as if they were hot coals. His stance suggested comfort in his surroundings, or at least some level of familiarity to it. Her pausing continued as she weighed him up, a briefly noticing that her grip had tightened around the hilt of her longsword. Rolling her shoulders back she gave him a careful, thoughtful stare, eyes squinting as she tried to weigh him up. Features obscured by feathers it would have proven hard for her to discern anything, and so she listened to the tone picking out the pieces that she could understand.

"Not here?" she questioned in common, a short, quick clip of words. She recognised the use of the negative word paired up with home and quickly made the connection. It made sense based on what she had thus far seen, and gradually eased off her grip. He did not appear to be of a more banditry driven nature, local perhaps? She was uncertain at present. There was a notable long pause as she flickered through her mind on the next set of words to use. Cautious, careful, she returned her attention to the door. Handle reached for once more for the door and promptly pulled it shut.

"Speak at Nicholas to... uh..." she continued in common, making a small twisting motion with her wrist in gesture to locking, "Not safe." Stepping away from the door she kept some level of distance for a moment, she was not entirely convinced in regards to this stranger. It did not mean she suspected him of anything, but it was always safer to be on the side of caution. She reasoned, based on the small pieces of information she reasoned he at least knew the man. With a small nod to herself she plucked up the sheet she previously had, the common script before her swirling as she recalled her actual task for being here.

It was more awkwardly now she spoke in common, sounding out the letters with the thick - and seemingly logical - slur of Ith'ession upon her lips. How else was she to know if something was mispronounced? If it was not apparent she was far from fluent in common before, it most certainly be the case now, "The Etzos gu-ard has now-tice-d an in-cre-ase of bandit act-eve-ity in the area and are con-duc-ting a re-port of the area. We are he-reby wah-rning local res-i-dence," her finger pointed to the house and then to him, waggling as she did, "and all-ow-ing them su.. sui-ta-ble?" she frowned then and questioned the word on the page, "ah-mount of time to pre-pare ag-ain-st any in-sur-gen... eyes? no, -cies. Res-id-ence are also re-quest-ed to re-port any sus-pic-ious act-eve-ity to the local unit and to en-sure vig-il-ance at all times in more rural comm-unit-ies."

At that point Petra finished, folding the sheet up and offered it out to him to take. No doubt he would have made more sense of it reading it than her speaking it. She gave him a professional smile, eyes flickering and scanning around him, before moving out to the immediate scene, "You pass on? Yes?" she clasped her hands behind her back then, the clear element of militarisation in her stance, "No bandit here?"
word count: 730
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)


It took less than a trill for Noth to regret his decision. The very moment that the soldier spun around to face him, and he saw the look of distrust weave itself into her features, he knew that he should have simply went into the woods. Reason and logic reasserted themselves somewhat through his mind, and immediately he began planning how he might remove the women from near his old home, from the corpse that still lay inside. Crimson eyes flickered towards her hand, noticing as it closed around her blade, gripping it tightly upon sight of him. Were it not for the feathers that covered his body, he might have betrayed the tingling sensation of fear that now crept up his spine, but his eyes still glared nervously upon her, unhidden by the coat.

She answered his statement in a questioning tone, summarizing what he had said in only two short words. He nodded his agreement to that statement, solidifying his own declaration through the nonverbal cue. He wondered for an instance whether she could even understand him, especially since she did not appear to speak very good Common, but a moment later she seemed to relax, and the hybrid breathed a gentle sigh of relief. Her hand stretched outwards, reaching for the door, and the Avian couldn’t quite restrain the sudden stab of terror that jammed its way into his heart, his eyes becoming frantic for a single trill before suddenly relaxing as she simply shut the portal.

He didn’t know if she had seen the reaction, but he knew that nonetheless he needed to pretend that it was to something else, some other revelation. His voice became somewhat higher pitched, a voice he would use when expressing some mock worry. He was speaking a foreign tongue to the girl, however, and he hoped that the emphasis placed upon the false worry would carry through as genuine to her.

“Oh my! I must have left the door open on my way out, how clumsy of me!” He crossed his hand over his heart in feigned surprise, quickly maneuvering his way between the woman and the door, as though he were checking to ensure that it was properly closed. He nodded his head in agreement as she explained something about it being unsafe. “Of course, you are correct lady guardsman.” He spoke, his voice soft and gentle, though still carrying a hint of falsified worry about it for good measure. He had taken no acting courses, but he hoped that his feathers, and his terrifying visage kept her focused upon something other than his words.

He scanned her face for a brief instance, attempting to ascertain whether she bought into his foolishly constructed acting, or whether she was suspicious of his character. He found that it was quite difficult to honestly tell, and he glanced away from her a moment later so as to ensure that she didn’t think he was staring at her. Of course, his attention shifted towards her once more when she began to read a document of some manner in very broken Common. At first he followed along, piecing together the shattered words, but they only became more and more convoluted as time passed, and soon enough he was completely unsure of what the message actually stated.

She offered the strip of paper, and he took it, scanning through it quickly for any vital information. It appeared to be simply another document stating that there had been a slight increase in local banditry in the last few Trials, and that the government was insisting that people took precautions to maintain their safety. It was a good and responsible thing for the government to do, and he found himself breaking a soft smile as he considered all the good that the establishment had done for him. She asked a question, shifting her stance into one that was commonly seen of guardsmen standing at attention.

“No, there are no bandits here.” He spoke confidently, smiling, and yet there was a distant pain, imperceptible from the outside world, something cutting him deep within.

There were no bandits, only murderers.

word count: 694

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)

Was there something wrong? A manner in which he held himself? The soldier chewed her lip as she looked him up and down once more. He kept his gaze on her, his attentiveness being quite apparent. Tight, wound up, uncertain - but about what? Perhaps it was in being of a more isolated part of society that such people in response became nervous around guards. It would make sense, even the most innocent displayed nerves at time. His quick words in common caused her to pause once more, mind working through and stealing only the snippets she could suss out.

It left her uncertain on whether he was talking about himself or Nicholas at this point, the person being used caused her only to crease her brow and stumble. Perhaps he was exaggerating? The words and actions suggested such, and if anything the movements allowed him to get the point across clearer than simply speaking in a monotone manner. Acceptance of the situation was true, as was the positive - she understood the use of correct and clumsiness however. Shrugging, she took it as it was on the surface. Her attention moved from the man as he read through the missive, her chin raising as she studied the immediate landscape. There was a few trees, a few rises and ditches - mainly it went into land suitable for grazing. At first glance there did not seem to be any signs of trouble, perhaps they simply had yet to hit here yet.

Though, if they caught wind that this location was presently empty it could encourage them to start squatting here.

Her gaze moved to him then, watching as he read and listened to him once more. She could not see any reason to immediate doubt him, the simple dress made him a certain local. And there seemed to be far from malicious intent. She doubted he himself would have any association with banditry too, least on first glance - it would be far too assuming to think otherwise. His tone was assertive and in response she gave a small nod, her hand moving in gesture to take the missive back from him. She spoke a single word in common, "Good."

No bandits yet at least.

Attention returning to the surroundings, she gave a final glance back to the building behind her. Her finger moved in gesture firstly to herself and then drawing a small circle as if directed to the area. She spoke, the words clipping together, "I look," she the pointed to the man then, "Check. Then go. You speak at Nicholas. You think roads?" She paused frowning as she searched for the correct word, "Routes?"

If she held further fluency in the common tongue, the woman would have said that she would be checking the area and that any known trails would have been useful to be aware of - but with the words of common lying thick on her tongue she was instead left to pull what she could together. Stepping away from the house she moved to the perimeter, eyes scanning the trees and the ground. The tread was obvious, clear that sheep frequently moved through - churning up the ground and no doubt devouring any greenery that appeared between it and the pasture. Her brow studied, the words turning over in her head as she continued her scanning, shifted and remembered the words she was looking for. She had heard hunters use the phrase before, "Game trail?"

Pick out the routes they may come. Locate and exploit. Make the unit aware.

She shifted, continuing along the edge, hand upon the hilt of the longsword still, her brow creased. She was not about to just throw her guard down because there was no danger yet - such training drilled that out. Ensure the area is secure, once happy leave and report back to the unit. It was straight forward enough. Still, she offered some words of reassurance to the local, "You re-port bandit, yes?" Her hand then moved and pointed in the direction she came. No doubt he would be able to find the unit that was stationed locally at the moment - they hovered closely enough to one of the nearby villages, "Guard come if do."
word count: 704
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)


He was being far too nervous. The hybrid’s body tensed for a single moment as he suckled in a breath of air, locking it within himself and giving him the span of time until his next exhalation to calm himself. The air was allowed to cross his lips, releasing itself from his frame, and immediately he focused upon keeping himself calm. Admittedly, he could feel gentle sweat begin to form upon his palms, and these he passed behind his back as if though he were some manner of officer in the ranks of the guard. Crimson eyes locked themselves upon the female, analyzing her for any sign that she had caught onto him, and whilst he felt fairly certain that she was catching onto his nervousness, it seemed that she just attributed it to the common one that many experienced when faced with authority figures.

Good. Of course, if it came to it, then he could attempt to convey some other manner of reason for his strange nervousness. Perhaps he could direct her attention to some manner of urgent business that needed to be conducted, and simply pass off his skittishness as anxiety for the event, perhaps a welcoming party for his late father. Guilt pricked itself upon his heart as he realized that he would never return from his journey. He could also try his hand at flirting with the lady guardsman in an attempt at conveying the weird emotional state that people seemed to take on whenever they were around individuals that attracted them. He didn’t really see it in the lady guardsman, but most people didn’t really seem to see themselves in a very egotistic fashion, and so even the slightest hint of a revelation of that sort might somehow throw the blood hound off of his murderous scent.

She looked away from him, apparently scanning the horizon for signs of danger. It seemed as though the banditry in the area had amplified their areas by quite an amount, especially with such evident watchfulness on the part of the local guard. He followed her gaze, watching the slight movements of trees as they were pushed by the wind, and at the occasional hillock and ditch that seemed to hint at hidden areas where their gazes could not pierce. He had yet to see any evidence that the bandits would be nearing his home; his old home that was, anytime soon, but he didn’t want to simply dismiss the idea out of hand. If the guard were so anxious about the chance of criminals assailing outlying villages, then they must have had some manner of evidence to support the claim.

The lady guardsman spoke, stating that she would be checking the perimeter to ensure that there were no signs of bandits or their ilk hiding within the brush, and then she would depart from his presence. She mentioned that he might speak to Nicholas, and then questioned him about the roads. He interpreted this as whether or not he would be coming by the roads anytime soon, to which he quickly shook his head. She asked something about routes, but that simply left him confused as to what she was asking of him. Did she need to know the local trade routes so as to collaborate some manner of defense against the forces of crime? Would not the Etzori government already possess such records? It seemed unlikely that she would go through the trouble of questioning some random pedestrian for the sake of determining where official trade routes were, especially when she could simply question her commanding officer and send the question up the chain of command.

After she had gone through the perimeter briefly, she returned mentioning that he should report any bandits should they show themselves.

“Of course, if I see anything-“ He stopped himself short, recognizing finally that he needed far less rhetoric and style to his words for the sake of communicating with the woman. “Yes.” He spoke, settling upon the far shorter phrase to convey his understanding of her question.

Mentally, he battled himself between two potential courses: He could flee as soon as she had left, and travel towards the cavern that he had set aside for himself, the place that would soon act as his home. Alternatively, he could gather his longbow, an instrument that he had little experience in using, but that might somehow provide support, and could keep watch over the town for any encroaching bandits, at least for the next few trials. The selfish choice, and the far easier one would be to simply retreat to his home, to abandon everything he had known, and yet these people had known Nicholas, had worked with Nicholas. He had stolen away their friend, and he wondered whether or not his guilt might be repaid if he simply offered his services for the next couple of trials.

The price of blood was repaid in blood. That did not mean it needed to be his own.

word count: 838

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)

There was only the occasional glance back, the local seemingly transfixed in place as she surveyed her surroundings. Perhaps he felt it was best, ready and waiting while the hand of the law stretched out and studied. It allowed her to think, calculate and formulate. A stimulation much needed, with it she could decide and work upon what was best. Judging by the surroundings there was nothing to immediately panic about, but she quietly resolved it may pay to have a few other soldiers come by later - those who were skilled at scouting would be advantageous here. She gave a small stoop, fingers brushing the earth briefly as she inspected, before at last withdrawing. Judging by the looks of the mixed it seemed that her intention was not brought across with her words. Another mental note was pocketed away that it may be also best to have someone with better fluency in common to attend to him.

To ask him about the smaller, the not official paths between holdings. Through the woodland, the fields. We have no records of such. That is where the more intimate local knowledge would be priceless to us at present. Allow us to stamp out the weeds before they truly take hold.

But that was not for the concern of Petra. So she simply shrugged, giving him then the home one last hard look. It would be a shame for such to fall into the hands of banditry, it meant another nest for them to spring up and take root in. Still, that was where she would come into play once more should such come to that.

When she spoke once more he responded, attentive and short with his words. No doubt opting to keep it simple due to the language barrier that rested between them. She doubted it was simply in an attempt to hurry her away sooner, and while she gave him a small sideways glance in an attempt to read the features on his face she struggled. The mass of feathers did little to help her, leaving her instead awkward and stumbling over what was actually going on beneath. Choosing not to stare directly at him with a frown of contemplation, she gave another approving nod. She had done her bit as far as she was concerned, and so without further need to wait around she began the final stages of her task.

"Good," she spoke firmly. Her hands clasped at the base of her spine, a quick count down of the rest of the tasks needed to be done, "Etzos Mil-it-ary is done. Sorry for..." her lips pursed, her head nodding to the home and then to him, "In-trud-er? No. -ing. Good day." There was a sharp stand to attention, heels coming together sharply. A puff of the chest, she brought her hand across firstly to her shoulder then moved the fingers up to her brow. A short bow, before she pivoted on her heel and moved away. There was no point in dallying any longer. So, hand returning to the hilt of her longsword, the soldier began the trek back to her unit ready and keen to report.
word count: 532
Note: I am a slow poster while I get into the swing of things. Please be patient.
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The Wages of Guilt (Memory)

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +5
  • Structure: +5


  • Common: Gleaning New Words From Listener's Responses
  • Common: Confirming Current Words From Listener's Reactions
  • Detection: Casual Stance Suggests Familiarity With the Area
  • Detection: 'Game Trail' Could be More Than it Looks to Be
  • Detection: Prolonged Presence Makes Some People Nervous
  • Discipline: Civilian Duties Before Army Maneuvers
  • Discipline: Keep Face Expressionless
  • Discipline: Scouting is Part of Every Duty
  • Etiquette: Offer Alert Sheet to Locals to Read Themselves
  • Investigation: Checking Out Local Houses
  • Linguistics: Discerning Accent Effects From Actual Pronunciation
  • Linguistics: Hand Gestures Will Help Clarify Spoken Words
  • Linguistics: Keep to Short Words at First
  • Linguistics: Sounding Words Out, Syllable by Syllable
  • Nicholas: Name of Man That Allegedly Lives in Noth's House
  • Noth: Has Glowing Red Eyes
  • Noth: Nervous For One Who Belongs at Nicholas' House
  • PC: Noth: Half-Avriel
  • Politics: Civilian Duties ease Locals' Worries


Only if you had Pillaged the House :lol:


The effort cost you nothing.


Not this time

Fame: +3

Routine Duties are not generally fame-worthy.
But I'll spring for a "General Good deed" and "Enforcement of City Laws"


Nothing to speak of


This was not an action-heavy thread.
I enjoyed the nervousness between you two, but there was not much to award.
So I decided to focus on your language efforts.
If you ever put some points into improving your common, this will give you a head start. :D
PM me with any comments or concerns :)



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +5
  • Structure: +5


  • Deception: Covering a Reaction With a Claim of Clumsiness
  • Deception: Have Lies Prepared Ahead of Time
  • Detection: Soldier's Disciplined Expression is Hard to Read
  • Detection: The Unnatural Lie of the Neck Means Death
  • Etzos: Trade City of Many Languages
  • Ith'ession: A Thick-Lipped, Brogue-ish Tongue
  • Language: Ith'ession (language of Etzos' human locals, besides common)
  • Linguistics: Discerning Accent Effects From Actual Pronunciation
  • Logistics: Foster Brothers May be a Future Problem
  • Logistics: Many Potential Hazards of Cave Life
  • PC: Petra: Human Soldier of Etzos
  • Petra: Suspicious, But Lacks 'Probable Cause'
  • Psychology: Making Oneself Suffer to Assuage Guilt
  • Psychology: Protection of Locals Might Assuage Guilt
  • Psychology: Self-Loathing
  • Stealth: Feathers Muffle Sounds


You got your book!


Family, Home, Father-figure


Nothing to speak of

Fame: -2

"General bad deed" and "Suspected"
(This actually called "Suspected of Cheating at Anything", but I think it's a good call for being suspected of anything.


YOU?? Devotion?? HA!!


Like I said above, a good tense, situation.
But suspicions alone are not a rich source of knowledges.
I love your self-recriminating emotions.
Your longing of flight, but the sense that you don't 'deserve' the sky.
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 475
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