Letters, invitations, fan mail, proclamations of true love, you know how it is.
Need to send a letter to a friend? Family member? Lover? Here you can post in character letters to other PCs that are not in your area. Take a look inside for more information and to see how long travel time is for letters.
You haven't gone and decided to go through other people's mail, have you? You know that's a crime, right? Tsk tsk. As a noble, faithful knight, I guess I'll just have to lock you up for a little punishment. How do you feel about handcuffs? xoxo
Andras recieves these letters in lieu of his sister. From the first of Zi'da, 716
I'm not dead yet. I will find you and I will have my revenge.
I will forever grieve that you will find this small parchment left behind in my stead to explain my leaving. Vivian Warrick, my loyal friend, and I will be gone before you awake. As rebels, we are obligated to go into hiding as we will be hunted for our crimes against the throne. I must seek refuge not only as a rebel, but as the mother to Veljorn's son. I would have told you last night, but there was already too much emotional turmoil in the room. You will be an amazing uncle one day.
Stay safe András. I cannot bury another person I love so soon.
With all my love,
Delivery Information
This letter was never received by Zvezdana Venora, and was thus later returned that day, leaving Andráska to destroy it to prevent others from uncovering such sensitive information.
You left? [a few words furiously scratched out with quill ink, unreadable] Please come home. Turn around your ship or your horse, and march back to Sabby Town. I'll figure something out. What use is the burden of nobility if you can never call in a few favors? Otherwise, I'll just have to abandon the knighthood and drag you back myself... [more scratched out words and an excited ink splotch]
If this is what you want, so be it. I've never met Vivian, but if one hair is misplaced on your head or that child, her trip better be permanent. Gods, you're going to have a son? How long have you known? This hangover is doing its best to posses me, but I screamed so loud, the servants must think I was dying. They all ran to my room, the poor old women that found me was so scared, it took me most of the morning just to calm myself down, let alone her. Don't worry, I didn't tell them why. Let the world think I'm mad for as long as it takes.
Love & spirits,
Dashing Uncle Andy
P.s: I miss you already. Stay safe until I can join your company or I'll never forgive you.
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:37 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 401
This letter will have arrived 64th of Zi'da, 33 days after it was written due to delivery by boat from Rharne and a day by horse from Andaris City.
31st of Zi'da, 716
There are so many things I need to say. That I want to say. I cannot imagine how angry you are with me. I hope this letter finds you in good health. I hope you are alive to read it.
I hope you can forgive me for my abrupt departure after that night. Dropping gloomy information on you in the manner that I did was inappropriate and wrong. I certainly hope that the alcohol was good to you the next day. I wish I had been able to partake.
We are safe for now. The Priestesses are very good to me. To think, that I have taken to the church for now. Maybe I can be reformed and forgiven. Then again, can a monster really shed its pelt? We shall see.
The girl I thought I'd marry left Andaris last season and I don't know when she's coming back.
The trouble is, we weren't engaged. Not exactly. I've known her for eight arcs and we've been seeing each other on and off. We get along really well, and I thought that someday she'd come around to the idea of marriage. But then she left Andaris with another man (a man who she claims is "just a friend"), despite me begging her to stay.
She promised to come back and part of me wants to wait for her, but another part of me wants to cut my losses and move on. I'm twenty-five and ready to find a good woman and settle down.
I need some advice. What do you think I should do?
I want to begin this letter off by apologizing – not something I often do, however it seems that the actions of my brother has shamed the family for once and not the other way around. I did enjoy our meeting in the garden, and had the wedding been finalized, it would have been nice to see more of you. I am not very well versed in etiquette so if my tone comes off as unruly, please forgive me.
I loathe to think that Alistair's inconsiderate behavior has resulted in your embarrassment or worse – causes you to believe you are anything lesser than the magnificent woman you are. You are beautiful and intelligent. You have a loyalty to House Andaris that is admirable, and whatever you face in the upcoming days, you will overcome with the same grace and perseverance that I saw in your eyes the day I met you.
Perhaps you wish to have nothing to do with House Venora, and for that, I cannot blame you. My family can be quite... overwhelming. If, however, you would like to meet and discuss reparations, I would be more than happy to accommodate you in place of my siblings – both of which have gone and disappeared to Seven knows where. I won't offer a wedding, but unlike Alis, I keep my promises and am not known to disappoint women.
I am not sure if my last letter found you, but I certainly hope it did. A great many things have happened since I wrote to you. I don't want you to be concerned, but there have been old faces I did not imagine seeing in this city. Maybe this letter finds you soon and I am still here. Would you come visit me and the baby? You can find me in Rharne, in the Sky Quarter. I have joined the Thunder Priestesses in hopes to turn over a new leaf. They have been quite kind and protective, but they will never be you.
Written from Sabaissant on the 61st of Zi'da. Sent by air (16 days) to Rharne, expected to be received by 61st of Zi'da.
61st of Zi'da, 716 Arc
I got your letters, and I'm still alive (I think so, anyway). I've been busy with training. My body is sore and I probably smell awful. I was on the way to a bath when the messenger came. No one ever writes (can you believe that?) so I knew it must have been from you. I think of you and the baby often, and I hope you are in good health. I am tired and quite irritated today, unfortunately.
Since Alistair canceled his wedding with Celeste Andaris, I've been told to find a way to repair the delicate affairs. Since when was I the one chosen for diplomatic relations? I wrote to her, but haven't heard a response. Either she's shy, or just doesn't want anything to do with House Venora. I can't blame her. Most days, I don't either.
So... Rharne, huh? City of Lightening in the Sky Quarter? Sounds fancy. I hope they have a lot of stairs so you have to waddle up them. I bet you look like like noble beauty... just with swollen feet and a stomach so big you can't see them. I'm truly upset I won't get to experience your glory in person. Ha... I'm joking. I love you, I promise.
As for visiting you and the child, I want nothing more but I'm not sure I'll be able to convince the guard to let me go so easily. Having been a lackluster knight who took too many smoke breaks, it seems my sudden change of heart has garnered the attention of my superiors. They're beginning to notice (as I'm sure you know) how amazing I am at everything. It's rather disappointing to be given so much work and my moods have suffered as a result of nicotine withdrawal. But maybe I'm just missing you. Keep those eyes open, Blue. It's getting Cyclus dark, and I'm known to stumble out of alleys when you least expect it.
Dear Blue,
My apologies if that's not what you'd prefer I call you, but it's the name Andráska said to use. I'm sorry I haven't tried to get in contact with you before now, or that I never responded to any letters you might have sent. Things have been hectic since you left. Hectic. That feels like an understatement. Someone injured Seira while we were away, and the Qe'Dreki left us behind in Jorick's Keep. Shortly after that, I was arrested by the Iron Hand and brought to trial, if such a farce can be called a trial. I'm fine, don't worry, vut I was stripped of both my military rank and my position of nobility. Considering how both the military and the nobility bows and scrapes to Cassander, I'm not fussed.
After that, I rejoined the girls, but it appears that their uncle took offense to their continued existence. He had some sort of ties to Pythera, but evidently she really hated him. Helped me track the attacks to him, and we had some words. It appears the girls father might be alive. I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know how to feel about that. After my trial, I adopted them, and I don't want to give them up.
My selfishness aside, we're finally safe, at least for the moment. However, I have no idea how long that will last. That uncle seemed like a sort who holds a grudge. I'm going to close up my house in Warrick, and check on Lei'lira, then we'll be leaving Rynmere. Andráska said you've joined something called the Thunder Priestesses in Rharne. I hope that's going well for you, he said you sound happier now. We'll be coming to Rharne as well, for all your worries that you would be a danger to us, danger seems to follow us regardless. Besides, you should have given birth by the time I arrive and I don't trust strangers to protect you and the little one both.
Anyway, Andráska said he'd make sure you got this, so I'll wrap this up by simply saying that I'll be back at your side as soon as I can. Shouldn't be more than forty trials or so, unless something else unexpected crops up. I mean, all I'm doing is visiting a cousin, how dangerous could that be? I do hope you're happy in Rharne, Seven knows Rynmere wasn't good for you. I'll see you as soon as I am able. Yours truly,
Vivian Warrick Shiryu
You'll notice I took on the girls surname. It seems more fitting to me than continuing to use Warrick would.
Please, forgive me for not replying to your letter. It was most kind of you to write to me and, I must confess, it made me smile to receive it. I could give you a falsehood in the reason for my lack of reply, but the simple fact is that I was so embarrassed by the events which occurred that I felt unable to respond in any way appropriate. Time, however, has done its duty and I am now in a position where I can respond with the civility and a very genuine gratitude to you.
The situation which occurred was, frankly, awful and I am so very grateful to you for reaching out to me in the immediate aftermath. I do not have the words to tell you what it meant to me. You taught me many valuable lessons, Lord Venora and I am pleased to have been able, just for a little while, to have entertained the prospect of being your family.
I hope, despite the situation which has occurred and against my father's advice, no doubt, that you and I can become, and remain, firm friends. To show kindness to someone when they are going to enter your family is one thing, but of all the Venoras, you are the only one to reach out to me afterwards.
I will not forget such.
I am spending Ashan in Krome, for the most part, staying with Lord Xander Krome. Any return correspondence can be sent there. It would be my pleasure to meet with you again, to exchange letters if that is not possible.
Once again, you have my thanks, my gratitude and my friendship.
You are correct. Anyone can offer words, Lord Venora. It maintains, however, that you were the only one who did. Therefore, I maintain that you have acted better than any other with the same surname. For that, I thank you and I defy anyone who tells me I might not. Had you come to see me, it would have been too much and I would have refused your visit. So, I am glad you did not.
However, that was then, this is now. You speak of life being a whirlwind and I find mine the same. Also, you consider that you would like a friend and I must admit to needing the same. Perhaps, as once we would have been siblings, we can settle instead for being friends for each other? I would like that, if it was within your heart for it to happen.
So, a meeting would be most welcome. I am at my leisure in Krome, I am sure I could make the time to pop and see you or we could meet half way. Yet, you say you are in the King's Guard? Lord Venora, you should be less humble, that is a great honour and I am very pleased for you. Rharne, I have been led to believe, is a beautiful city but you should be careful unless you find too much beauty there and it claim you.
In summary, my tentatively-named friend, I would be delighted to meet or to continue to write. I will not hold my breath, nor would I suggest that you do; however I can tell you that the sight of your letter made my heart lighter and my trial brighter. I hope that I might manage the same for you. Let me know when you will return from Rharne and I will look forward to greeting you with all due propriety and notions of proper nobility.
Until then, I will not thank you any more, but I will reserve the right to remain grateful for you, my favourite Venora.