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Approved Character
Posts: 79
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:06 pm
Race: Naerikk
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Name: Mero

Age: 14

Race: Avriel/Sevryn

Date of Birth: Cylus 3rd 703rd arc

Marks: None

Factions Joined: none

Languages Spoken: Common

Partners: Null
A portrait of Mero, if one was ever made, would at the time anyways, be a sad sight. Lack of sun and exercise make for a pale complexion and a lanky frame. dark eyes with even darker bags beneath them stare solemnly from under a rat's nest of long brown hair. His face dotted with freckles has a small nose and a pair of thin down turned lips that hardly ever show expression. thin cheeks and a small chin frame his head that balances precariously on a slim neck. like most of his body his shoulders are sloped down in an almost defeated way as if he hardly has any interest in ever lifting his wings or arms. From his back sprout two tawny wings, perhaps they'd be pretty if they ever got to be spread in daylight, as they are disuse and lack of care have allowed them to take on a mangy look with misaligned feathers and feathers long ago molted that haven't peen cleaned or pulled out. His torso is plain while he doesn't look starved a keen eye could easily count his ribs, and tell that there is hardly any muscle on his frame. His legs are where his Avreil lineage is perhaps the most evident. from his thighs down tawny feathers like those of his wings sprout, in similar disappear, giving his legs down to his feat a scraggly coat that a vulture would deem worthy of a wash. His feet are narrow ending in toes that are each topped with long sharp nails token to his mothers talons.

as far as clothing goes, whatever he can get his hands on is what he wears, shirt's are stripped open in the back to make way for wings and long pants are shredded in places where talons have tried to make entry. Molted feathers often hang loosely from his attire before falling to the ground unnoticed.
146 centimeters tall
40 kilograms
310 centimeters wingspan

To begin, an easy comparison is to the animal raised in a cage. A lab rat or a zoo lion, A child forged with no knowledge of the world outside of iron bars. Now while some might assume freedom would be a breath of fresh air to the creature that only knows the cage, the world is full of strange and often hostile things. To Mero every shadow is a threat, every person a potential captor. He didn't ask to be freed but didn't have the willpower to resist when he was swept along with other escapees. Released into a world where a lights brighter than he'd ever seen before shined down upon him to blind him during the day. Where meals, even meager ones weren’t brought like clockwork.
So In essence, paranoia and fear have taken root where once rested dull complacence. Mero is constantly amazed and horrified by his observations of the world around him. The fact that he looks like none of the people he's ever met in the world burdens him with the truth of his own freakish birthright and strange nature. He has wings but has never flown, and his spirit is conflicted as if a part of it was was missing, a desire for freedom tempered by fear of the world had created a timid spirit and a fearful heart, bellied by a will to survive if only to understand who and what he is. He fears captivity but has little understanding of the world or how to survive it.

One tidbit that was perhaps telling of Mero's psyche, His cage wasn't locked.

The purview of pirates is both vast and unyielding, in their travels perhaps it's not just the shiny things and the expensive things worth having. Sometimes it's just the novelty of having something nobody else has. Whether he came from the union of a wicked man's perversions and a slave or something worse, it wasn't something he was ever personally made aware of. His earliest memories are of iron bars and drunken faces. He was raised on the sea, but that didn't make much difference to him, he'd never seen it for more than a few moments. Living at the mercy of his captors a display peace among other treasures, golden coins and baubles littered the room around even a gaudy mirror. It was perhaps the worst part of the room, worse than the bars really, having to see himself as he slowly aged, his sad hollow eyes reflected. in the mirror each day. The only pleasant memories he could place were the occasional nighttime visits of the sad eyed tattooed man. He didn't have a tongue. but he was kind, he'd sneak in and let him out of his cage, let him walk around a bit and sometimes he'd give him an entire piece of fruit. Sadly those visits were far and in between, he saw the tattooed tongueless from time to time during the days cleaning things, the other pirates were just as mean to the tattooed man as they were to him, it made him glad for the iron bars since they couldn't kick or hit him. The pirates liked to berate him through peanuts and things at him and yell all manor of obscenities at him calling him a dumb beast or asking him how proud he was to be a bird now? He never really understood the nature of their torments it was all he knew. But he never answered them, he'd just stare silently at his captors waiting on them to bore of their games.

Some time's they'd invite strange men onto the boat, always different, sometimes large icy men, sometime swarthy looking traders, and all manner of people in between, and they'd show off the different shiny things and baubles in the the room Sometimes they'd even look at him and ask what he was worth. but they were always told that he was a... special prize, the captains bird in it's gilded cage. The captain, he was a strange man, tall and muscular and covered in scars. He never yelled at him or berated him like the others, but he never said much either. He'd yell at his men sometimes when they got to rowdy, but other than that he'd sometimes come in and look ever his things his amassed treasures, and then he'd stare at Mero, for hours sometimes, the man's eyes boring into him. It was always a strange experience it made his spine and feather prickle. but he always remembered the man's eyes, he saw them in two places. In the man, and in his mirror. they weren't like the eyes of most of the men on the ship. most of the men had eyes that changed colors, and shifted hues like a rainbow. The captain's eyes were always the same dark with flecks of amber. Sometimes the man even talked to himself when he was alone with the boy as if there was someone with him that the boy couldn't see right beside him. Though then again he was just happy he wasn't the object of attention. The captain caught him and the tattooed man once. on one dark night, but instead of yelling or raising his voice he just shook his head and walked away. The tattooed man looked scared that day and didn't visit him for a little while after that. The captain never said anything about it either when he came to stare at him again. Silence seemed to bond the three strange people.

Then one day came a storm, storms happened from time to time, such was life in the great waters, he'd been pitched too and fro in his cage before it wasn't pleasant but he'd experienced it often enough that it no longer terrified him or even made the gorge rise from his stomach. But this one was different more violent than usual the cries above were more panicked than angry and the ship lurched mightily as if something mighty had taken hold of it. cowering in his cage the boy waited for it to end, it always did eventually, but instead the tattooed man came, and his eyes were fiery instead of sad. He opened the cage, but it was neither night nor quiet, what was it that this man was thinking? He didn't want to leave his cage when the world outside was roaring so loudly. but the man grabbed his arm and pulled him out. His muscles weak from years of atrophy with only the occasional ventures from his cage could not resist the man's sea-hewn muscles. So he followed as quickly as his weak legs would carry him stumbling as the ship pitched and rocked. The man pulled him past the crew in the panic, waves and water crashed agaisnt the side of the boat, and there were strange men aboard fighting the crew, they had scales and looked like... the fish that he sometimes ate, but then they were out of his vision and the man pulled him into and even smaller boat. the Man's hands blurred as he hacked at a rope, the boy wondered just what he was doing, he was scared, there was blood on the boat and so much confusion, he saw the captain with a large curved blade completely remove the head of one of the fishy men, and the he locked eyes with him, the man with the familiar dark eyes. The captain only locked eyes with him for a moment before going back to his bloody work.

Then the world fell away, the tattooed man cut the rope and they both plummeted into the sea. The tattooed man chopped at the water with strange wooden sticks violently, making distance from the boat. The boy watched his prison fade away with dark solemn eyes. He didn't know how to feel, he'd never left the boat before, and here he was floating away from it with the tattooed man who hacked furiously at the water. the choppy waves tossed them about many a time but it seemed like they were going to make it, until the largest of waves hit them. throwing them about like dust in the wind. at some point the tattooed man disappeared lost to the waves, the boy clung to the small boat his new prison on the sea. and for the first time he missed his cage. He clung to life and eventually his consciousness left him. when he awoke he was still, the sounds of the sea were still with him, but he was no longer rocking in the waves. Looking around, he saw... white... ground... the water stopped and... the floor was coming out of it. But he'd never seen floor like this before... was he on some giant boat? Or something else? tentatively touching the new floor he recoiled when it molded to his touch, like a tiny grains of rice, it didn't feel solid. Just where was he? and were was his cage? his feathers felt heavy and wet his limbs hurt and his wings ached.. folded at his side like they always were. looking up at the sky he squinted, it was so so sooo bright. there where things he'd never seen before all around him. green things that came out of the floor in places. The birds, he'd seen birds before seemed to be able to stand on the strange floor, maybe it was safe. But to leave his boat, and venture out... it was a scary thought... he wanted his cage back.

A small room at Cally's where he's being tutored to work
Knowledge & Skills

The table below is an example - replace the skills with the ones you choose. A full list of skills can be found here. Note that in this example, this pc has Endurance as a Fast Track skill so identifies this in the column where they would normally record points out of 251
SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Endurance10/100 (10/251)Novice
Running 10/100 (10/251)Novice
Detection10/100 (10/251)Novice
Feild Craft10/100 NA: FTNovice
Stealth10/100 (10/251)Novice
Meditation 25/100 (25Rb + 0/251)


(sp)Endurance: handling hunger
(sp)Detection: watching for people who stare
(sp) Meditation: the Value of loneliness
(sp) Endurance: Mental abuse loses to willpower
(Sp) Medicine : Atrophy of muscles is difficult to overcome.
Skill Point Ledger

Record all of your Skill Point Expenditure here.
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Meditation[RB} 25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Detection ..1040
Running ..1030
Field Craft ..10 20
Steath..10 00
Marks Section


  • List your possessions here!
    • Six torches
    • Two lanterns
    • Two tinderboxes
    • 200 feet of rope
    • Two barrels (for food storage)
    • A pull wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep)
    • Two knives
    • One bedroll
    • One compass
    • Fisherman's net, fishing pole, and thirty hooks
    • Trapper's Kit
    • One blanket
    • One longbow (default, may be exchanged for a crossbow)
    • Thirty arrows
    • One set of toiletries
    • One set of unkempt fur clothing (or ragged standard clothing) - Poor quality
    • Three waterskins
    • Three rucksacks
Starting Package +10gn 10gn
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 10 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Fame Ledger
Item/ ThreadFameTotal
Starting Fame +20 +20
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Thread List

Put links here for your current and past threads!
Last edited by Mero on Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:53 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 2309
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 79
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:06 pm
Race: Naerikk
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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