• Memory • The theory of war: On Swords

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The theory of war: On Swords

Ashan, 30th, 711th Arc
Andaris Library

The sketch was crude but it had all the information in it that he wanted to have. There was no need for highly detailed sketches here. Just a few lines forming the image and some words to explain for those with a deeper interest in the subject. If ever this would be turned into a published work, Sin was sure that the people who'd read it wouldn't be interested in these parts anyway, as they would have learned all about it beforehand. But in the most likely scenario where it would remain nothing but his own personal notes, this information might be of use to himself. Perhaps one day he'd design a weapon of his own.
A The sword is a weapon used for war bladed weapon used for slashing or thrusting. A sword is made up of a long blade attached to a hilt. There are many varieties of swords in the world and each variation has a different name and belongs to some or other class of swords. There is no limit to it as long as mankind people keep creating them. The sword can be classified Depending on the shape of the blade, the cutting edges, the thrusting tip, the handle, the guard, the amount of hands required to wield it and the size of the weapon, the sword can be classified.

A sword is A person who studies the use of swords takes part in swordsmanship. Anyone using a sword, whether they are beginners or long arc many arc veterans, are considered to be swordsmen or swordfighters. Their level of skill does not add or take away from this designation or title given to them.

The most used way of classifying swords is by their size. Starting with tiny, which most people don't consider swords anymore, this class has all sorts of daggers in it. Often used as side arms for soldiers, tiny swords or daggers are easily hidden on a person and easy to use. This is not to say that an expert or ma anyone can just pick up a dagger and call themselves a master with the weapon. Going up from there the small swords hold weapons such as the gladius and the short sword. Most often used by soldiers used to fighting in tight quarters or formations, these weapons require very little space to be used in while providing more reach and versatility than daggers. Among the small swords is also the highly unique and difficult to master swordbreaker. The most commonly known swords are in the medium category where weapons such as the arming sword, rapier and cutlass are classified in. This group of swords is usually the one that people think of when they hear the word sword. Most soldiers will start of learning a sword from this category during their training. Finally, the biggest of all swords in the large category are all difficult to wield and heavy, but allow skilled users to take down opponents before they can reach them. Most of the we All of the weapons in this category require two hands to wield.

Of course, as mentioned before, within these categories of size, each of the weapons there vary according to other factors as well, splitting them up yet again in classes within their size class. Very few swords actually fit together in the same category In the end, after all the categories and factors have been checked, very few no swords will b have the exact same combination of factors as another sword.

It wasn't easy, standing up with one hand against the window, holding two pieces of parchment in place while the other one was trying to trace the image on the second piece of paper on the first. With little to no skills in drawing, Sin had no choice but to steal other people's work on the matter. The underlying parchment was an image of a sword, depicting both the fully length weapon and a more detailed look at the handle and guard of the blade. The end result looked nothing like the original but it showed everything it needed to show for his own work. Maybe some trial this work would be more than parchment stacked up on his desk used only to refresh his own memory.

When the picture was done, Sin held both images next to each other, appreciating his stealing of another man's work. Nicely done. Sin nodded at nobody in particular as he turned back to the desk he'd been claiming for several trials now. He sat back down and pulled up a tome to the left of his newly drawn picture as well as several separate pages with notes from scholar's much like himself, completely forgotten by time. Information such as this was most often a rewrite of what others had done before and Sin's was no different. There were plenty of books on the subject of war that he could leech information from. He just needed to add his own thing to it in the end.
Andarian Standards
  • Weight: between 0.9 and 1.2 kg depending on material and years of use.
  • Length: between 80 and 100 cm with a blade between 70 and 80 cm
  • Blade type: Double-edged, straight
  • Hilt type: One-handed, crossguard, pommel

The arming sword, also known as the knight's sword, is the main weapon peop that comes to mind when people think about war. Most basic infantry units are armed equipped with this weapon in combination with a shield. Because of this, the arming sword carried the name o title of "war sword". In bygone arcs, this title was held by many different swords and in the future i this title will pass on to better and more effective weaponry swords as well.
The arming sword is an overall light and versatile weapon that can both cut and thrust in combat. With many arcs of practice, the Andarian smiths have mastered the creation of these weapons.

With its versatility, the arming sword is a good choice of weapon for anyone wanting to learn to wield a weapon. It's ease of use and ability to both cut and stab pr allows it to easi one to easily change over to more slash heavy weapons like axes or to transfer over to stabbing weapons like daggers or spears. The arming sword is usually accompanied with a shield of some description, combining a versatile offense with a solid defense, and creating a form with high survivability. This is probably one of the reasons why many people prefer this combination of weaponry when going to war. But the arming sword can also be used on its own or in combination with a smaller off hand weapon. In case of no other weapon is used, the free hand can be used for grabbing or grappling opponents as well as punching them attacking them. While most nobles look down on tactics like this, their efficiency in battle is... something... proven none the less.(? maybe)

The arming sword is also known as the painter's blade because many paintings depicting men and women for w dressed for war or professional soldiers are accompanied with such a weapon in their depi imagery.

Taking in a deep breath, Sin released it in a heavy sigh as he leaned back from his work. Most of his writing was done quickly and sloppily but readable none the less. The paper seemed to go a little sideways, with more space before the text near the bottom of it. Putting the quill down, Sin entangled his fingers together and pushed his palms up to the sky. Some involuntary grunts slipped out as he stretched out. The amount of grumbling coming from his stomach told him that it was already past lunchtime and getting closer to dinner. Deciding to end it here for today, Sin pushed his chair back from the desk and stood up, gathering up the books and papers that belonged to the library. He left them at the front desk for whoever's job it was to put them back where he'd found them. Most likely he'd be back tomorrow borrowing the same tomes.

From the library, Sin swung right, following the shortest path he knew to the main market square. Long hours working usually ended with Sin having no desire to cook for himself, even with the protest his stomach made at being so empty. The later breaks of the trial in Ashan were still as cold as always and Sin pulled his cloak tighter around him. While the warm library was a good way to save money on firewood back home, spending so many trials there didn't help his body to get used to the cold of Andaris. Despite being an Eidisi to the world, Sin truly regretted not being born further south, where there were warmer temperatures all year round. When he reached the market, Sin went in search of a good stall selling street food. There weren't any that actually sold ready meals to go but a combination of some fresh cut meat, some loaves of bread and a jug of milk would do just fine for tonight.
word count: 1569
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The theory of war: On Swords



Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/ 5 (solo thread)
Structure: 5/ 5

Drawing: Copying diagrams
Research: Diagrams are helpful, but can be simply functional.
Research: Leeching information from a variety of sources
Writing: Describing clearly
Writing: Using others' work as a basis for your own.
Writing: Editing for clarity.

These points may NOT be used for arcana


General comments. It is worth to note that, whilst Sintih might well believe that these are the Andaris standards, unless it's in the Lore, it isn't something which is canon in the city. You might want to consider submitting some things to the city development thread, to that effect?
Story It was interesting to see Sintih's thought processes here and his thinking on how he might use this information to one day make his own book.
Structure No worries.

Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 157
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