He wasn't looking Faith's way when she snipped at him. He'd been focused on the vials and beakers in front of him. But as soon as she spoke, he paused and looked back at her with a frown. What had he said or
done to set her off?
"It's not what I meant," he said bluntly.
"You don't have to...I'm sorry," Padraig said then, simply.
The remark had seemed flippant, but in a teasing affectionate way when he'd heard himself say it. But then he remembered. All this was new to her, the rules, or lack of them had changed. Things said then might not be interpreted the same way, as similar things said
now. She hadn't yet adjusted and it would take time. On the other hand, the fact that she
had gotten her back up was progress. The thought made him a smile a little in spite of it.
"I only meant that he doesn't mind. And if he did, I certainly don't."
As to what he was doing?
"What they wish to see? What they believe to be true, yes," he confirmed.
"But I'm aiming for an intoxicating sort of effect here. A little euphoria mixed with a dash of hallucination." He'd be using crushed, purified psinia seed combined with storm brain and an inert oil to stabilize it, he explained.
"But it would be an idealistic vision of themselves. Was I to aim for something more truthful, that might reveal to them things they might not want to see, I'd add mind's eye to the mix. But it's supposed to be a curiosity, not a truth teller. And I've not quite developed the knack to include a third, dissimilar ingredient."
The mention of her busted lip however gave him pause again and he frowned more deeply than before.
"It could, yes...in a sense. If you wished to see yourself without it, and without a scar, you would if this goes as planned. But I'd rather you'd not have gotten it at all. The physical wound will heal. It's what caused it, that's what concerns me." Had he expected that she'd choose not to help another in need? Of course not. It wouldn't be her. But it worried him, and he'd stopped short of wishing aloud that she'd not go round alone after dark. Wished it, he still did. But say it, well, there was that tricky place of wanting her decisions to be hers and not his. Still, he'd hinted enough the evening before, that she'd have known his preference.
But they'd moved on and she told him about the cake. He marveled at her talents as a chef.
"Did the layers taste different, one from the next?" Which he thought might be an odd combination was it the case.
"Or only the colors?"
While she ground the mirror pieces as finely as possible, Padraig worked on the mixture that he'd imbue the mirror with. A little of this, of that and the other thing, added with a dropper in the smallest of doses until he got it right. A bit too much of one? The color went off. Too much heat and the stuff curdled. Not enough and the reaction he was looking for, went completely missing. Trial and error was what it would take.
But when she mentioned the clutter, he smiled and shook his head.
"If you straighten things, we'll never hear the end of it. He likes the disorder and would complain afterwards that he couldn't find a thing, ever again until it was put back to rights?" It was a quirk the man had, along with his others. But not for Padraig to complain.
But back to the mirror dust.
"I'll need enough to coat, thinly, that wall mirror over there," he said, pointing to the one he'd leaned against the wall.
"Plus enough to coat one of the small hand mirrors that mister Spekkle wants imbued. That will be the test before imbuing the larger one."
It took some time more. More for him to be happy with his potion than for her to grind the glass. But eventually he was as content as could be without testing the stuff. So he'd grab the small mirror that Spekkle had supplied him, and went about coating the glass with mirror dust, applied with heat enough to soften it, make it absorbent up to the time that it cooled completely.
"Mirror dust acts as a very good reagent," he explained,
"and seemed perfect, considering what we're doing here. Once the mirror is imbued and the heated dust hardens, it shouldn't distort the image any."
What it might do instead was create a sort of matte finish to any reflected image, sort of a soft focus effect. In the end, if it did, he thought it would be a nice touch, unlike an ordinary mirror. So he took his time, applying a very thin layer of the dust to the smaller mirror, making sure not to leave any spots untreated, and ensuring that the consistency was right from top to bottom, edge to edge. And then as quickly, but as carefully as he could, he'd imbue the thing with the potion he'd created. And then, the thing would need a few minutes to harden.
Now for the test. Ordinarily he'd have let Faith go first. But because he wasn't completely sure what he'd see, if it was what he intended, he'd rather test thing on himself.
"I suspect it's a little like making a wish," he said.
"Asking, either aloud or no, to see what you wish to see. And focusing on that wish." And if one wasn't wishing for anything in particular, but looked in the mirror anyway? He supposed the thing might just pick up on a subconscious wish or thought, if it was strongly enough held in that moment.
Regardless, he took the mirror by the handle and smiled.
"I might like to know what I'll look like when I'm old and gray." That was his focus when he raised the mirror in front of his face. She couldn't see the reflected, turned as it was, but she could see his reaction. First his eyes widened in surprise. Which turned to fascination as he looked at a much older man staring back at him, mimicking his every facial expression. It was a thrill really, a fascinating one, to find what he'd done looking back at him.
And then he blinked, shook his head and grinned.
"Take care when you try it. Too long and there's a sense of feeling intoxicated. Mild, but it's there," he said, and handed Faith the mirror.
"Your turn."
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Mirror 30 gn, psinia seed 5 gn, storm brain 15 gn - deducted from ledger