So I posted this awhile back, though it didn't get much attention back then. I'm bringing it back, and placing it here, in the hopes of it getting a bit more attention.
Most of what I originally said still stands. Also, along with abilities, if you have ideas for any curses those are also welcome. Give us what you've got. In attention to this, any approved abilities, whether used in a Mark or not will be eligible for Point Bank points.Okay, so I've been given the illustrious, if slightly daunting task, of creating/finish the Mark/Blessing. During this venture I will, of course, be working in tandem with the other Prophets, most notably those who had the biggest influence in the shaping and design of the Immortals. Though, as I see this as a community based game, and because you present and active now can be considered the first settlers to the great world of Idalos. I want to offer you a chance to leave you own "Mark" on it per-say.
Now, I know we already have on completed Mark Suggestion for Tried. I've done a quick read over, and like it for the most part. I may, with some tweaking and adjusting use it. So, this is what I want from you. I want to know what kind of abilities you want to see in the Marks. You can suggest a full ability with progressions through the tiers, or just give me a write up of somethings you'd like to see and I'll do my best to make them fit. I make no promises that if you post a suggestion here that it'll be used, but I will try to find a way to incorporate as many as I can.
What I want to see:
Creativeness: try not to get stuck with the same abilities we already have. Go read the Marks that are current done.
Completeness: give me as much detail on the ability, effects, descriptions, the more info I have to go off of the easier it will be to find a Mark to fit it to.
Simplicity: Don't make it to complex. Other players are going to have to be able to use it.
Fun: Have fun with it.
What I don't want to see:
I don't what a full Mark write up: That's not what I'm looking for. I want everyone to have a shot at being a part of development. If I have one person go through and write Marks for everyone that takes away from the others. Be fair.
Also, I know a lot of the Immortals are still under development. Don't worry about that. Don't worry about trying to force you ability to fit a particular Immortal, or Mark. If you have an idea and don't know if it will fit anywhere, leave that decision to myself and the other Prophets. Again, have fun, this is your chance to be a part of the sites development.
Can't wait to see what you give me.