I'm here...

Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!

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I'm here...

So, I see Jade managed to find some help for the site. That's fantastic, unfortunately beforehand all she had was me, and my free time is little at the moment. Though, I'm starting to get settled into my routine again at work, and I'm still up to help out where I can. I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, though a good portion of the lore is as much my thought child as it is Jade's, and yours(Dementia and Basilisk). I'm not going to demand anything, because I do understand that I have been absent for a good portion of the sites development, all I ask for is an ear and consideration for the idea's I bring to the table. Which funny enough is all I asked of Jade when she asked for my help at the start.

I've spoken with Jade a couple times in the last week or so, and she's asked me to work on the metals and material section. I told her I would, but if either of you have an issue, or would like something specific to be added, please let me know. Otherwise, I've been working on it offline, as I do not have access to a internet capable computer at work. I will try to start adding stuff to the section in the next couple days. Jade as also agreed to let me take the reigns on the Iulure Isles, with her backing me up as support. I look forward to working with you guys, and hope we can make Jades, and ours, vision a reality.
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Re: I'm here...

I won't speak for Basilisk here, but I hope you know that I'm very excited to have you around and active! My ears and eyes are open and if there's anything I can do for you please let me know! I don't want to step on your toes or make you feel unwelcome at all, so all I ask in return is that you feel free to speak your mind with me-if I screw up, call me out. I won't get offended.

Can't wait to see what you have to offer!

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Re: I'm here...

I'm not easily offended. I live with Jade, so I have to have thick skin. As far as idea I have... I'll get to those, as soon I a find the right place to post them up.
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Basilisk Snek
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Re: I'm here...

Hey there! I meant to pop into chat the other night when I heard you were gonna be in there to meet you, but I wound up abnormally busy this weekend, though to be fair my weekend is kinda weird anyway. That aside, glad to hear you'll be helping out! If you need or want anything from me, feel free to let me know.
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