• Completed • Dark and Deep

Herbalism - Andaris to Grimvale

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Ashira Ward
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Dark and Deep

Vhalar 20

The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep...

Ashira needed more tools if she was to properly do her job. The tools in question were plants. She had almost nothing to work with and the prices being charged in the city were exorbitant. And usually dried, which meant once that set amount was gone there was no more, versus a live plant that with careful harvesting could keep growing. On the plus side the prices boded well for her ability to turn a profit once she was set up.

In the meantime though, she needed plants, and she not only refused to pay the prices asked, the truth was she didn't currently have the means to do so even if she wanted to. That was fine, she could go and fetch what she needed herself. It was a longer walk than she wanted, but with the outrageous price of horses, it was walking or nothing. Her destination was very nearly predetermined as well. She needed somewhere that wasn't cleared, which meant a forest was her best bet. She'd chosen Grimvale not because of the rumors of magical plants that any herbalist would dream of discovering, for she put very little stock in such tales, but because Hang Wood was full of bandits and she'd just as rather not be shot or held for ransom. Everetts father Elliott would probably tell his son to leave her, that they'd not be extorted by ruffians and that would be it. An ignoble death and another skeleton left slowly moldering away.

Grimvale on the other hand was only supposed to be haunted and full of monsters and curses. Which sounded like so much bullshit to Ashira. Bullshit made excellent fertilizer though, so it would do.

She had no weapons, nor would she know how to use one even if she did, this wasn't to say she was utterly unprepared however. Collecting pouches, hand spade, filled waterskin, goggles just in case and the ever necessary gloves were gathered before she stepped out her front door. She set off quite early in the trial, unsure of how many breaks it would take her to reach the woods. Considering the usual dangers, compounded with the rebels still wandering free and the criminals emboldened or driven out of the city proper, it still probably wasn't wise, but just as she had no coin for a the plants to begin with, nor a mount to reach them, she certainly didn't have enough for a hired sword. So she'd trust to luck and the fact that she had nothing worth stealing.

The sun was already up, though it was doing nothing to burn off the humidity. Ashira frowned slightly, already anticipating the discomfort of being sweaty and dirty for an extended period of time. At least once she reached her destination she'd have plants to distract her. The walk was setting itself up to be thoroughly unenjoyable. At least, she reflected as she passed through the cities gates heading North, it wasn't muddy. That was something. Humid was uncomfortable, but there were worse weather effects. Small mercies, but she'd take them.
Last edited by Ashira Ward on Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 547
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
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Ashira Ward
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Dark and Deep

Several breaks later, the forest was drawing into view, for which Ashira was immensely gratefully. She felt like she might be developing a blister, and she still needed to explore the forest and make her way home. Plus it was already edging into late morning, early afternoon, she would need to watch her time, she didn't really want to walk home in the dark. Not alone anyway. As she pondered the pseudo blister, and the slight heat in her calves, she wondered if she was out of shape. Was she weak? She didn't think of herself as weak, didn't feel weak, not usually anyway, but perhaps she was. She'd always been more concerned with knowledge. Besides, she had Everett for when strength was needed. Though it wasn't as if he wasn't intelligent as well.

Stepping off the road she walked through a field towards the woods. Sprays of brittle white drew her eye immediately, and a slight smile spread over her lips. Mosekes Mist. She'd not bother gathering any for her garden. It wasn't done for a lady of her stature, particularly a childless one, though she might get away with it because of her heritage and profession. Still, it was Vhalar. To simply walk by would be to pass by easy coin for the sake of pride. Donning gloves, more for in case there were any briars mixed in than for fear of a plant as tame as Maidens Whisper, she began to gather the small brown seeds. The plant grew back from the root, for all that it could propagate itself with seeds, so the easiest method was to simply break the brittle stalk, shake out the seeds into the palm of her hand, and move them to one of her collection pouches. She continued to gather the small seeds for a good three quarters of a break, before deciding that one nearly full pouch was enough. She would wait until later in the year when stocks had gotten low and prices had risen to sell them. Finally, before she moved on, she used her handspade to dig up three decently sized roots, and making sure the tops were pointed up so not too much sap was lost where she'd broken off the stems. They'd started to shut down for the colder seasons though, so not much would be lost regardless, it was just habit.

This done, and the pouch secured and properly closed, she straightened and headed into the woods. The outskirts let a fair amount of light in, the tree canopy not being too interwoven. The deeper in she went however, the darker it got. And the darker it got, the quieter it got, until the silence that Grimvale was known for was settled over everything, like a smothering pillow. This did not unduly concern Ashira, who didn't even really notice. Oakleigh was largely country, this was true, but she was no farm child, she wasn't particularly familiar with what forests were supposed to sound like, and so didn't realize when one sounded wrong.

Grimvale, like most true old forests, wasn't exactly a herbalists wonderland regardless of the rumors. There wasn't a new plant every two steps, the trees blocked the light and took enough moisture from the ground that many smaller plants were crowded out. Still, some could be found, if you looked. A lone yellow flower, just starting to shrivel caught her attention, and drew her as surely as it might draw a bee. The flower had the four petals, and the leaves were pinnated and feathery, Ashira nodded to herself. Almost certainly swallowwort then.

This she wanted the entire living plant, it had multiple medical uses, and the majority of them were increased when the plant was fresh. Even its sap could be used to cauterize smaller wounds. She took her time loosening it from the soil, not wanting to damage the roots with her handspade. It would be easy to rush and chop through them. Then the plant would need to spend precious energy healing itself, energy she might want or need it to spend later after she'd harvested from it. Eventually she had it free, and carefully wrapping the roots in on themselves, she put it and a handful of dirt into another pouch. She took several bits to arrange the leaves and small branches. She didn't want to break them if she could help it.
word count: 752
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
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Ashira Ward
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Dark and Deep

Another bobbing patch of yellow drew her onwards. More swallowwort couldn't hurt in the least. Since it was a plant where almost every part could be used, it was one that she could easily over harvest and kill if she had only the one plant to depend upon. As she reached the next plant and knelt down to remove it however, she paused. Six petals. And the leaves were different. Far more angular and growing out in a circle around the stem. Not swallowwort then. Familiar though. She racked her brain trying to remember. Many plants had been mentioned or shown to her once, and then never again, the Thorns keeping a stock of processed medicines to rival even the Adunih. The actual family members were usually busy with actual treatment, and were rarely the ones out in the fields and ditches.

Yellow something. It was often thought a weed and pulled out by people who didn't know better.. Thimbleweed! Yellow thimbleweed, that was it. Said to be as soothing as a matron quietly attending her needlework, it was used to help with smaller injuries and toothaches, helping to not only soothe, but to keep infection away. It could even improve mood slightly. She couldn't remember how it was prepared though. A tea perhaps? An extract? She would need to check when she got home. Either way it was useful and she wanted it. It too was loosened from the ground and put into one of her pouches before she moved on.

She walked for a goodly while longer, deeper into the forest, seeing and hearing no other living creatures. She checked several more plants on her way, but they were either useless, or they were plants she did not know. Perhaps one of them was one of the mythical plants the forest was infamous for, but she did not have the time or knowledge to bring back likely junk to experiment on, she needed plants she knew were useful and could put to use immediately.

Finally, she reached a fallen tree, gnarled roots exposed to the sky, the gap in the canopy allowing other enterprising plants to make a go of it. One particular thicket of tall reedlike plants, some still green, others already starting to dry out and die back for the season drew her attention as quickly as an open chest of onyx nels would draw a miser. Jimsonweed. This might well be the best find of the day. A wicked grin briefly spread across her face. From the dried stalks, she carefully removed the spiked seed pods, and shook the small black seeds out, careful to get each one. Mosekes Mist was common enough that she'd not cared about waste. Jimsonweed wasn't rare precisely, but you couldn't exactly buy it most places, and certainly not without raising questions she was not inclined to answer. It took at least two breaks, careful as she was being, to harvest all the seeds that were ready. Then, because she could and wasn't given to waste, and the pouch she'd put the seeds in wasn't entirely full, she collected a few of the leaves. Dried and smoked, they helped with asthma. And should for some reason someone look within her collection pouches, they would shield the seeds from view.

She glanced up, judging the time by where the suns were in the sky before deciding she had a little time yet and continued on. She'd been hoping to find some wild Valerian, but that was more likely in a field than a forest, her original plan of stealing a little from someones garden might still be best. She was surprised to stumble upon a small stream, as she'd not heard the running water until she was very nearly stepping in it. It was small enough she could have jumped across it easily, but the water looked cool and clear. Removing her gloves for a moment, she ladled some of the water out in her hands, and splashed it upon her face, dabbing it onto her neck and shoulders. It helped alleviate the humidity, which was lessened by the cover of Grimvale, but not completely removed. She did not drink it though, opting to sip from her waterskin instead for all that it was warm. Just because the water looked clear and safe did not mean that it was, she knew that better than most. Still, she judged it safe enough to soak her feet in, removing her footwear and sitting with a sigh. She lingered there for half a break, idly watching the rushing water.
word count: 776
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
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Ashira Ward
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Dark and Deep

Eventually, she rose, after putting her footwear back on. With no better plan or direction, she followed the small stream. On the other side, a small patch of white flowers drew her. They tumbled down the bank, and even floated upon the surface of the stream itself. Jumping over to the other side, pinwheeling her arms to keep from losing her balance and stepping back into the water, she stepped closer before crouching to examine them. The small flowers varied between four and five petals, and the leaves grew in pairs, opposite each other on the stem. Round and thick, she held one, examining it. Herb of Grace. Good for many things, asthma, tumors, anemia, leprosy.. And epilepsy. It could be used in place of Valerian, but it had another effect as well. It made mens seed less potent. Good for treating women then, or old men, but not many young healthy men would accept the trade off. Still, it might come in handy. She could grow it in no more than a cup of water, which was also helpful. She broke off several healthy looking runners, and carefully placed them within a pouch. One or two might die, but as long as one took, she could eventually have a decent supply. Time and patience. Uncommon in humans. Boundless in plants.

She continued walking, eyes glued to the ground. She disturbed a rabbit, which bounded away from her, bent on more private pastures, but did not even notice it. Lucky then that no rabbit had ever tried to feast upon a living human. Many of Rynmeres other creatures would not be so forgiving.

When the stream offered up no more treasures, she turned once more into the forest. Oblivious though she was, as she penetrated deeper, even Ashira began to feel a sense of unease. Almost no light penetrated here, leaving it in a state of dusky gloom despite the height of the suns. The darkness and the silence, as well as the scent of rot from all the discarded leaves and branches made for a foreboding atmosphere. Looking up at the canopy as she walked now, wondering if perhaps she should turn around, Ashira tripped over a rotting log, cursing as she stumbled, catching herself on hands and knees. Immediately she checked her pouches, still sealed.

Annoyed with herself and her own carelessness, she glared at the offending log, and then immediately broke out in laughter. Eyes looked back at her. Or so it seemed. White with a black iris, hanging from a lurid pinkish red stalk, the dolls eyes waited. These berries would last until a bird found them or frost came. Sheltered here as they were, it was as if they had been waiting for her. Eagerly, greedily she plucked them, dropping them one after another into her pouch to stare sightlessly at the world until all were harvested and the pouch was sealed. It wasn't many, but you did not need many, and if she could get one to grow.. Although that would be dangerous. If anyone who knew what they were saw.. She could worry about such things later.

She examined the area around the rotting log closely, to see if any more such useful tools would be offered up. There were several mushrooms, but she did not know nearly enough about them to identify them one way or the other, and so she left them alone. Even for those familiar with them, they were easy to get confused, and she could not afford such mistakes. \it wouldn't do to be called a murderer, a poisoner when she was actually trying to help after all.

Almost blending in, three cone shaped growths called her next. These she did know. Did they count as fungi? Or traditional plants? She didn't know, and didn't suppose it mattered, What did matter was that she recognized the groundcones. Digging them up, tuberous root and all, she tied them together and hung them from collecting pouch. The groundcones were another cure all sort of plant, good for kidneys, rashes, strengthening the heart (how ironic to find them near the Dolls Eyes then!), treating impotence, lessening signs of aging and helping to increase and maintain memory.

At this point she decided she had enough for one day, and had best start to head home. She was getting tired and hungry, and the walk home would likely take longer than the walk here.
word count: 745
Will be finishing existing threads with Nir'wei and Ivy so my partners can get their points. Then I'm out. As such I will not be starting anymore threads.
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Ashira Ward
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Dark and Deep

She turned around and began heading for home. Or at least where she thought home was. When several breaks passed and she did not even encounter the small stream again she began to worry. She had not followed a straight path, being drawn aside to check plants as they came to her attention, and taking the path of least resistance when natural obstacles arose before her. She thought about turning around, backtracking, but she was afraid if she did she would truly wind up going in circles. She was still fairly confident she was going in the right direction, she'd not gotten too deep into the forest, surely if she kept going she would find the forest edge, even if it were not right at the road where she had entered? She pressed on, though a thin thread of fear began to rise within her. Vexing. She felt as if she was afraid far too often these days. Someday, soon if she had any say in it, she would fear nothing. This was truth, she would make it so.

For breaks she walked, wondering at the time. It was surely late afternoon at least, perhaps even evening now. An impenetrable mess of thorned vines blocked her way, and while part of her was frustrated, her stomachs rumble overthrew this reaction, for on the vines hung plump backberries, ripe and ready to be devoured. A quick once over to be sure they were what she thought they were, though she knew of no false blackberries, and she pulled off her gloves and began plucking them, popping them into her mouth. They were sweet ans tangy and filled with juice, almost exploding in her mouth. Hungry as she was, they were one of the best things she'd ever tasted. Soon her lips and fingers were stained, and though she could have eaten more, she did not feel the need to gorge herself, the edge oh her hunger having been satiated. She picked several more, filling her last two pouches. Perhaps they would make a good gift, an apology for Everett. And, a small voice she did not want to hear whispered, if she stayed lost she might need them.

She realized that something had changed. Something natural enough that she'd not really consciously realized it immediately, but different enough from what had been that part of her had. Birdsong. Faint, but heard all the same. Steeling herself, she pulled her gloves on, and her goggles, and pushed through the blackberry thicket. Small thorns caught her even through her clothes, but though it was far from enjoyable, no real damage was done. After what felt like a herculean effort, she burst through the other side. A few more trees and then an open field. She'd not realized, not seen it from the other side because the suns were beginning to set. A few more tall plants, taller even than she was blocked her way, and she very nearly pushed through them too before realizing what they were. Hogweed. She eyed them much more respectfully. She wanted some of the sap, but she'd not brought any glass vials or the like. She also wanted to get through. Carefully prodding found one that was still green and supple. Carefully, oh so carefully, she dug it up. Once it was free, she slowly began to wind it into a loop. She did not want to break it. Did not want the sap on her. This done, successfully, she managed to slip through.

Hogweed grew best where the ground had been disturbed, dug up. In this case, for the road. The forest had not been so close where she'd entered, she thought she must be further north. With a sigh, removing her goggles, loop of hogweed still held in one gloved hand, she began trudging down the road.

By the time she reached home, night had truly fallen. She had been beyond relieved to enter the cities walls, becoming convinced that every sound, real or imagined was a robber or wild beast about to fall upon her. Never had she been so glad to see the door to the home she and Everett shared.

Still! She had done it. She had gone out alone, into the cursed forest, and come back with what to others might have been useful, but to her were priceless treasure. Now of course the real work would began. Planting, growing, storing, treating, preparing.. But that was a task for another day. Tonight she would do only enough to sustain them and no more. She needed to bathe, and to rest her weary feet. She winced slightly at that. The almost blister had become a true blister. Ah well. Physician, heal thyself.
word count: 795
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Dark and Deep

Name: Ashira Ward

Gardening: Careful harvesting keeps plant producing
Location: Grimvale
Grimvale: Full of magical plants
Location: Hang Wood
Hang Wood: Full of criminals
Moseke’s Mist: Not grown by a lady of stature
Gardening: Swallowwort: Soothes and keeps infection away
Gardening: Jimsonweed: Dried and burned leaves help asthma
Gardening: Herb of Grace: Many medicinal properties
Gardening: Groundcones: Many medicinal properties
Gardening: Spotting Hogweed
Detection: Finding correct herb types
Gardening: Extracting seeds
Gardening: Using a spade
Gardening: Pulling up plants by the root

Loot: Plants harvested
Injuries: Skinned palms and knees that will heal in 3 trials
Fame: N/A

Story: 5
Collaboration: N/A
Structure: 5

The knowledge about the plants was very interesting and super realistic, good job on that. I didn’t see many technical errors, other than a typo here and there. The flow was good and your descriptions were great without being overly flowery. Good job!

If you feel that I've missed anything or have any questions or comments, please PM me!
word count: 170
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