A new feature that we've just added to the forum is a topic attribute system. These attributes come in two flavors: text and image. Currently they're only enabled in the IC forums, Character Sheets, and Prophet Support, but if you think that there's another forum that could use topic attributes, drop your suggestion here and we'll see about adding them.
All in-character topics are required to have one of the following attached to them.

Character Sheets
All character sheets are required to have one of the following attached to them. Hovering over the first three tags will let you know who put the tag on the CS.

Prophet Support
The following are Prophet-only tags.

The following can be used by anyone. If you aren't sure which Prophet is best equipped to help you, no tag is necessary - or you can select "General Request".
[Developer Team]: This indicates an open request that would be best addressed by the Developers.
[Storyteller Team]: This indicates an open request that would be best addressed by the Storytellers.
[Advocate Team]: This indicates an open request that would be best addressed by the Advocates.
[General Request]: This indicates an open request.