So I'll start this off by saying that I am a very superstitious, supernatural loving, spiritually interested individual. I've been curious about the paranormal since my early days and even more so with my spirituality now that I'm an adult. You're probably wondering why I'm bringing this up. Well it's a bit of background info for you to understand what I'm writing about right now and hopefully, by the end, you don't think I'm a lunatic! Trust me, sometimes I think my sanity is nonexistent. Moving on!
When I was growing up, my mother took the family to church often. We were regulars ever Sunday, everyone knew us, said hi, the kind of church outing most folks would expect. Typical. We were raised as Lutherans and went to Sunday school almost every day, however, the church never really felt particularly right with me. I guess even from a young age, I already had a perspective of God, my thoughts on the afterlife, and things of that nature so to be given information that contradicts my beliefs was hard for me to digest. It was obvious that I didn't fit well in Sunday school— maybe because I asked too many questions that got the same answers or maybe the teachers didn't like getting into a debate with a 10 year old in front of other students. Who knows, but eventually we stopped going to church due to family issues.
Even though I didn't fit well in church, I took from it some teaching like praying before bed, having faith, learning to forgive others and myself, etc. However, I didn't feel right about having faith as a Lutheran. Somehow it felt wrong to me. Like someone was trying to make me believe and worship a fairy-tale. It wasn't tangible to me, it wasn't something that I could trust and so I didn't.
For a while I labeled myself as an Atheist. Soldiering through adolescence, I completely believe that almost all teenagers feel, at one point, that their lives are crap and they are alone in the world. Embarrassingly enough, I was one of those teenagers. I had no faith to lift me up, nothing to give me hope, it just seemed like everything was dark. Yet, constantly I had this feeling, like something wasn't right. Like I wasn't paying attention. I lied to myself about forgoing my faith because I did believe. I believed that there was a higher power, or powers, that looked after us. I believed that there was evil, true evil. But with that, I realized that there had to be good.
On my 18th birthday, as a fun thing to do, I sought out a well known psychic and asked him to do a group reading on my mother, my best friend, and me. It's odd what you notice when you really try to pay attention and not just with your eyes or ears, but your instincts. When we started the reading, it felt like a buzz was in the air. Something was different, amplified. The psychic had his eyes closed and wasn't really paying attention to me but to everything, it felt like.
Now, as I mentioned before, I never fit well in the church but I did take teachings from it. I believe there are angels that help guide us on our paths. While growing up, I had a particular fascination for the Arch Angel, Gabriel. I swore that I loved the name and the meaning and stories behind it that I wanted to name my son Gabriel.
While the psychic is conducting his reading, he immediately states that there's been an arch angel looking after me and names Gabriel. Now, I know a lot of you are going to argue the logic behind this. Trust me, I did myself. But it was weird some of the things he said that no one really knew— some of the things I had said while praying or just seeking some kind of help from the powers that be.
He told me that I had gifts like him that ran through my mother's bloodline and that I would meet a man in November of that year. He told me that my gifts would start in my dreams before eventually opening up to the world around.
Now, I know how this sounds. Crazy, right? Yeah, I found it hard to believe too.
When I came out of the reading, my mother asked me what he had told me. After informing her, she chuckled and shook her head saying,"You know, he's right. I didn't think to tell you but I remember Meema (my grandmother) telling me something like that." My mother has had a plethora of paranormal and weird crap happen to her so when she said this, I found it hard NOT to believe her.
And the weird thing was... It all happened. That's mainly the reason for my post today.
Many of the staff members know that I'm in a happy relationship with my boyfriend, Anthony. We've been together nearly 3 years now and haven't had the typical roller coaster relationship that most young couples at this mark would. Our relationship has been the best. Mature, open, honest, loving. And to think that we started dating after 2 days of knowing each other. Yep, that's how it happened.
On top of that, I sleep like a rock. However, it's strange how vivid my dreams are sometimes. I've had a dream journal where I actually draw out what I see. You would think that some of these dreams wouldn't make any sense but most of them make so much sense that it's scary sometimes. When I sleep, it's not restful either. Each night I go to sleep, it's like my brain is taking me on an adventure. I've had dreams about fighting in the civil war, shooting myself in the head with a pistol, then waking up with my head tingling. That tingling like your foots been asleep.
So, after such a long post, I've come to the main point of everything that I've talked about!
I had a dream last night where I was a young girl with curly, brown long hair. I was about 5 or 6 and a friend of mine was sleeping over. We were wearing our night gowns but it was early in the morning and the wooden floor was still cold. The fire hadn't been lit and the curtains were still closed. We were the only ones awake but it didn't feel like it. Inside the room was a queen size bed with a mahogany back board with trimming and a foot board that was curled. The bed was tall, I remember, and was white and pink. I think the sheets were striped. In front of the bed was a vanity dresser, old fashioned but big and next to it was a tiny door leading into a small storage space. This door was latched by a simple hook that seemed to always fall off the loop and creek open even though the look was firmly planted into the wall.
I remember we were playing hide and seek while waiting for the rest of the house hold to wake up. While I counted in the bedroom, she had ran off into the greeting area just outside of my door. I thought I heard her come back because I heard a lot of things rustling around in the room. So I stopped counting and turned around. Everything had been thrown around the room. Clothes everywhere, the sheets and blankets were off the bed, books had been tossed on the vanity, the pillows missing, candle holders rolling on the floor. The bedroom was turned upside down.
That wasn't what caught my eye, however, it was the tiny door leading into the little storage closet we had. It was wide open and dark. Very, very dark. I stayed glued to my spot and called out to my friend who I believe was called Melissa. I saw a hand reach out of the darkness before her face and the rest of her body appeared. She giggled as if nothing was wrong but something was very wrong. I remember knowing in my dream that it was a trick and it was a dream. I remember thinking that this could turn into a nightmare, but something just felt off.
In the dream, I reached out to Melissa, but instead of grabbing her hand, I put my thumb on her forehead and said,"You are banished by the power of three." And I remember saying it over and over and over. The dream started to go white and then I woke up. I've felt exhausted all day but the strange thing was, that wasn't the first dream I had where I put my thumb on someone's forehead and said something about the "power of three".
Then again, I do have an overactive imagination. I mean, hello, website?
Whether or not any of this has any supernatural merit, I don't know. Strange things happen to me during the day. Sometimes thoughts pop into my head out of no where then suddenly, something happens that reminds me of the thought. I guess what I mean to say is that a lot of coincidence happens to me and you've got to think, after the first few, are these really coincidences?
Anywho, I'm done freaking people out! Lol. Back to developing!!!