Damn. Shame this couldn't have gone on longer, it was just getting good! I liked the contrast of characters here, Goku much more guarded and quiet but Luvi kinda bringing out more words from him. She seemed to have that effect. I enjoyed how you portrayed her reacting to his pendant's compulsion, too. Rather understandingly, really, considering it's essentially low-yield mind control!
- XP: 15
- Knowledges:
- Athletics: distributing your weight whilst running in heavy clothes
- Athletics: Adjusting your stride to factor in enhanced strength
- Detection: keeping an eye out for ice on the ground
- Endurance: getting the wind knocked out of you
- Hone: the rune of endurance relieves fatigue, but it’s only temporary
- Hone: the rune of regeneration can heal, but it’s only usable by Lucis mages
- Meditation: recognizing when your mind is being influenced by magic
- Meditation: trying to create a mental barrier against foreign influence
- Meditation: x1
- Socialization: Changing the subject
Hope to see more from you if/when you get back, mate, and like I said last time: a better avatar picture and a real template would go a LONG way to making this look more polished. The writing itself was okay, but this wasn't a post where much was accomplished. Still, Goku's inner turmoil over using the pendant was interesting, even if he ended up jumping on the first chance to do so lol
- XP: 15
- Knowledges:
- Socialization: x3