Impact Tracker
Thread Dates:
All threads can go here, regardless of their date. The moderation team will deal with them!
When Do I Post Here?
You post in the impact threads if:
1. The thread / story will impact Yaralon, potentially. There's a question in the code below that says "how will this impact Yaralon" - if your answer is "it won't" then don't post here. If there is any impact - put it in and if needs be I'll just say "there's none" on it. Whether it receives renown or not!
2. If you didn't think it did have any impact but, when it's been reviewed, it gets 10 or more renown.
Base question to consider - have you made an impact? If it's on one person or ten, then I'd rather hear about it. I'm quite happy to put "No Impact" if it doesn't have any. But I'd hate to miss something that your PC should be known for.
How Does It Impact The Calendar?
1. It impacts the "State of Play" I am working towards next season. This is the post which gives you the common knowledge/ overview / general attitude in Yaralon towards people, places, groups, magics, and Immortals.
2. As a PC your reputation can be impacted Positively or Negatively. The impact might be small, medium, or large. You'll be told in the modnote.
3. In the "State of Play" a PCs reputation is determined by 2 things.
-- The impact threads listed here.
-- The PC activity (if you do one good thing once, then aren't seen again for 3 cycles - no more impact / reputation)
If in doubt - please ask. We would ALWAYS rather that you submitted a thread and we said "No Impact" than you didn't submit one you could have! Thanks!
When you complete a thread you believe meets that requirement- fill out the code below and submit them here.
Code: Select all
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[b]Thread Name & Link[/b]:
[b]Date(s) Thread(s) Take Place[/b]
[b]PC(s) Involved[/b]:
[b]Overview / Details[/b]:
[b]What impact do you think this might have?[/b]:
[b]Anything else you want to tell us?[/b]: