Saedra Voss

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Saedra Voss
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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:28 pm
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Journalist
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Saedra Voss

Saedra Voss
Race: Naer
Date of Birth: Ashan 17, 693
Languages: Common (F), Euthic Sign (B)

Saedra is short, lean, and has the appearance of someone that could easily be described as delicate, but this would be an ill-fitted label. Her tongue is sharp and her nails are sharper, but perhaps the most unsettling thing about her is her smile. Rarely does Saedra's genuine smile give the impression of someone sweet, tainted by a nefarious glint in her bright yellow eyes or a laugh that almost verges on mocking.

Given her tendency towards disguise, she might sometimes be seen with a different hair cut or color, but most often it is kept a dark black shade and cut just above her shoulders. She stands at 5 feet and 2 inches tall.

The ether tattoos that seal her illusion are sharp, serpent-like lines that curl around and spiral downwards from just below her shoulders and kneecaps down to her wrists and ankles, respectively. Her true form of shadow appears vaguely human-shaped, but towers high above natural height.
Last edited by Saedra Voss on Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:16 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 179
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Saedra Voss
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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:28 pm
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Journalist
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Characterized by her ambitions and her obsession with seeing all things through to the end, Saedra makes for a hard-working ally and an impossibly frustrating rival. Once she gets her claws in something, be it literally or figuratively, it is hard to make her let go. This determination gets her through when times are rough, but it often leads her into dangerous or otherwise uncomfortable situations.

While she, like most all Naerrik, has no issue at all with stretching the truth to fit her chosen narratives, she does prefer to know the heart of things when possible. This does not always mean that she won't then twist and make that heart into something more interesting or profitable, but it is not out of maliciousness that she does so - simply greed.

Saedra is not cruel or mean-spirited at the core, even if her words or actions might sometimes suggest otherwise. From an early age, she was not as outwardly aggressive or as hostile as many Naer, as she realized that she could learn more from people if she went about it in a (slightly) more subtle manner. Subtle, of course, being subjective, as she can be a loud and colorful personality regardless.

Despite this, she is a true neutral party in most circumstances, hard-pressed to find anything or anyone that she desires to pledge any kind of loyalty to, and is more likely to go with whatever story or side sounds the best to her at any given moment. From the outside her views and opinions can seem flighty, liable to change at the drop of a hat, and they are.

Her work pulls her into many different things, but above all else, she loves to learn and to write. It just so happens that investigating and reporting on current news and scandals allows her the time and opportunity to do that all the time.
word count: 318
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Saedra Voss
Approved Character
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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:28 pm
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Journalist
Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Saedra Voss

As so many daughters of the Naerrik are, Saedra was born and raised in Augiery, a shadow among endless shadows. The human father that sired her came from Etzos, and the only thing she knew about him was that he was out of the picture for good, because her mother did not need a man to help raise a daughter. A sly, troublesome daughter at that, who was quieter about her aggressions than the other girls her age, but just as fiery when things didn't go her way.

She grew into that quietness and, after a while, learned to overcome it, for it was not truly shyness that kept her from interacting with her peers, but the need to learn and understand them before she did. Talking only made any kind of sense to her after she had gotten the chance to watch someone for a while first and learn their habits, their likes, their dislikes - anything that might have made a difference when trying to earn their trust or break them down.

Curious and analytical by nature, Saedra was always the first to ask why - and when her mother realized how much joy the young girl found in cracking codes and learning secrets, she put her curiosity to use. From the time she was a child, her mother sent her out to learn everything about everyone she could. Neighbors, friends, enemies - and while much of it was useless information, every now and then her mother was rewarded, and Saedra came home to spill scandalous secrets that she then used in her favor.

As she grew older, however, Saedra was no longer satisfied by the same old political schemes and affairs that she had grown so accustomed to in Augiery. There was so much more of the world to see, and so many more people to figure out, and so she left her homeland and never looked back.

Merely a young adult then, her travels took her all over Idalos, but she never stayed in one place for too long. Some were too dangerous, others too boring, and others still drove her out, unwelcoming of her kind and, perhaps more importantly, her snooping around. More than once was she faced with fines and even short stints of imprisonment for various levels of burglary and breaking and entering, all in the name of finding out the truth.

When her stays lasted longer than a few ten-trials, sometimes she would set up shop and publish news and other articles, typically just until the official papers caught word of her and put an end to it. One of the only things that she was never able to find was a home, but ambition kept her from the call of Augiery.

By the beginning of arc 723, her travels took her to Scalvoris, where she started working under a local paper called The Cabin Boy. This, too, did not last, and after a season Saedra quit to work independently, unsatisfied by the laziness of the head editor.

Now she is on her own again, doing her best to avoid jail time and catch the latest news, and that's just the way she likes it.
word count: 533
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