Medal Nomination Thread

See someone on the site who's done something medal-worthy? Let us know here.

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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Hello, I'd like to nominate Rorom, my first PC, for being created five years ago.

So that'll be a 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year medal! Thanks
 ! Message from: Avalon
You have allllll the medals now! Well, not all, but the ones you asked for! Congrats!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Doran was created on September 3rd, 2016.

I would thus like to nominate myself for "Four already!?" and "Another year! Another!?".

(I already have the year 1 to 3 medals).

Furthermore, I would like to nominate myself for "National Treasure" and "Regional Fame".

Doran has 900+ Renown.

Finally, I would like to nominate myself for "Hallowed".

Doran has five Blessings.
 ! Message from: Avalon
Doran's been a busy guy! Congrats on all the new bling!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Nominating Natalia for the following Medals -

High Society - For attending Saoire's Feast.

Nominating Oberan for the following Medals -

Painting with Words - For Fantastic Mortalborn and where to find them: The Crimes of Grindelbran - Beautifully written by Oberan, start to finish, and just a very fun thread that I'm happy I got to be a part of.
 ! Message from: Tempest
Well well you guys did great! Have fun and show off all the pretty new medals!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Nominating Balthazar Black & Elisabeth Angelus for the following Medal -

True Love - Yep, It's been a year now. Hard to believe.

Nominating Darius Baer for the following Medal -

Painting with Words - For Kindred Spirits - Emotional and poignant, Darius has a way of drawing the reader into his thoughts and feelings. I could list a dozen more threads if needed. He deserves this one. :D

Nominating Vega for the following Medal -

Scandalous - For What a Difference a Trial Makes... - I realize this will be the second awarding of this medal to Vega but it's richly deserved. What constantly strikes me with Vega/Elisabeth threads is the unexpected emotion that comes from them, and the unexpected turns their friendship takes, and that's on display in this thread. I wholly blame Vega's excellent writing for that! :D
 ! Message from: Tempest
AW! You are Balthazar are so sweet! It is so cute to see you two have been together a whole year already! Enjoy your new badges! Congrats on Vega's new badge as well!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

I'd like to nominate Pig Boy for the following Medal -

Known Critic - I realize this medal is probably for something else, but it's description perfectly describes PB's constructive advice and feedback on all manner of things character related. He is always willing to step in and offer a hand when someone is struggling, outlining helpful suggestions.

Ruin's Dawn - The description does not specify pc only, so I think all the moderators deserve a badge for this one for the smoothness of the event!

I'd like to nominate Pegasus for the following Medal -

Painting with Words - Why Peg doesn't have this medal is beyond me, and needs to be remedied immediately! I could point to a million threads but ...The Forging. *mic drop*
Ruin's Dawn - The description does not specify pc only, so I think all the moderators deserve a badge for this one for the smoothness of the event!

I'd like to nominate Basilisk for the following Medal -

Ruin's Dawn - The description does not specify pc only, so I think all the moderators deserve a badge for this one for the smoothness of the event!

Ruins Dawn: Ascension - See above.

I'd like to nominate Jackalope for the following Medal -

Ruin's Dawn - The description does not specify pc only, so I think all the moderators deserve a badge for this one for the smoothness of the event!
Review Master - I counted. He's past thirty reviews. :D

I'd like to nominate Tempest for the following Medal -

Ruin's Dawn - The description does not specify pc only, so I think all the moderators deserve a badge for this one for the smoothness of the event!

I'd like to nominate Fate for the following Medal -

Ruin's Dawn - The description does not specify pc only, so I think all the moderators deserve a badge for this one for the smoothness of the event!
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Kalortah met a dragon in Ruin's Dawn. Can I have 'Met A Dragon' Medal?
 ! Message from: Tempest
Got you covered! Enjoy your shiny new medal!
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~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

I would like to nominate myself for the following medals:

Another year! Another!? - Tristan was created on April 24th, 2016.

Regional Fame - Tristan has 750+ Renown.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

I would like to nominate myself for the following medal:

Ruin's Dawn - I GST'd this event here.

Thank you!
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Thank you! This medal has been added.
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