Medal Nomination Thread

See someone on the site who's done something medal-worthy? Let us know here.

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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Avalan nominated me for Me Gooseta here. Thanks to Avalon, and thanks for helping me with the medal!
 ! Message from: Tempest
Hello Hart! That was an incredible passage. Of course haunting stuff has a special place in my heart. Enjoy your medal!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Up to Date!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

I'd like to nominate Woe for the "Mentor" award

" Awarded to players who have proven to be helpful and friendly when assisting players on Standing Trials."

I've lost count of how many times I've personally asked for help, or he's just offered because I was struggling with something. Or even just to say "Hey, I made this template for you!" I've witnessed the same with him and other players. He's always gracious about his advice and goes out of his way to help everyone however he can. Long past due for this medal in my opinion.
 ! Message from: Tempest
Awe! It is so good to see Woe being an amazing helper. Medal has been awarded!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Avalon nominated me for the "Reviewer's Choice" medal.

The nomination is here.
 ! Message from: Tempest
Wow Devin has been busy! Congratulations on reviewing so many threads!
word count: 27


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

I'm nominating Avalon for the following medals:

- A Hundred Reviews!
- Review Master

- Let Me Tell You A Story
All Eggs in One Basket (Avalon)
Reviews (106)
Review a Thread - Melinda (1,716 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Hey Remember the Fire Forged (7,269 words) = +25
Review a Thread - The Smallest Flame Burns Brightest (16,883 words) = +60
Review a Thread - I Feel Pretty (2,936 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Something of a Stitch up (1,523 words) = +10
Review a Thread - An Unusual Job (1,604 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Opening Gambit (1,548 words) = +10
Review a Thread - March to the River (1,527 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Freezing Rain (2,440 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Analysis (1,937 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Songs the Night Sings (1,775 words) = +10
Review a Thread - A Defiant Mummer (2,548 words) = +10
Review a Thread - The Price of a Puzzle (1,822 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Idle Hands (1,505 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Nock and Loose (1,470 words) = +10
Review a Thread - A Dream of Winter (1,835 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Nearly Time (1,564 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Dinner for Two - (4.563 words) = +20
Review a Thread - A Dream of Spring - (1,624 words) = +10
Review a Thread - Meow! - (1,627 words) = +10
Review a Thread - The Face Behind The Mask - (1,603 words) = +10
Review a Thread - The Spelling Bee of Doom - (1,507 words) + 10
Review a Thread - Storm - (1,747 words) + 10
Review a Thread - Dark Tides - (1,625 words) +10
Two Swords, Part 2 - 1,855 words = 10 points
Smoke and Darkness, Part 2 - 1,802 words = 10 points
A Spark of Understanding - 1,796 words = 10 points
A Dream of Dawn - 1,563 words = 10 points
Battle Buddies - 5,101 words = 20 points
Mince Stew - 2,.012 words = 10 points
Harmonic Convergence - 4,770 words = 20 points
[Storm's Edge] A Train Led by Joy - 1,939 words = 10 points
[Infirmary] A Game before Twilight - 5.026 words = 20 points
The Blizzard - 1,896 words = 10
Meet the Neighbours - 1,616 words = 10
On A Scale From One To Tentative - 1,628 words = 10
Homecoming – 1,561 words = 10
Requiem for the Never Dead – 7,026 words = 25
Planning the Swordsong Tournament - 1,870 words = 10
Footsores and Footnotes – 2,309 words = +10
The Man of War – 1,855 words = +10
A very average day – 1,533 words = +10
Phase Transition – 2,026 words = +10
Assessing the Damage – 2,943 words = +10
Locust classicust – 3,261 words = +15
Daddy Issues – 6,855 words = +25
The Seeds of War - 1,889 words = +10
Ash-Flaw - 1,504 words = +10
Borrowed Echoes - 3,317 words = +15
Yes It Time - 3,729 words = +15
Watch of the Hollow Hand - 1,632 words = +10
Out of the Kennel, Into the Doghouse - 4,307 words = +15
Exception to the Cruel - 1,647 words = +10
Nature's Masterpiece - 5,875 words = +20
Brand of the Crystal Blade - 1,601 words = +10
Trial and Error - 3,364 words = +15
Moss Bunny Stew - 1,955 words = +10
Returning from a Nightmare - 2,111 words = +10
Alchemy 101: Letter Ceritification Part 1 - 6,810 words = +25
Sickness? No thanks - 6,618 words = +25
Ignorance is Bliss - 5,883 words = +20
Practical Learning - 1,809 words = +10
Saoire: Zunylanih and Yeva - 3,365 words = +15
Magic Horseshoes - 1,458 words = +10
Sentiment - 1,895 = +10
Singing Tournament: Round 1 - 1,538 words = +10
Shared Inheritance - 1,509 words = +10
Summaries - 7,317 words = +25
The Ole Ball And Chain - 2,509 words = + 10
The Smell of Spring - 2,033 words = + 10
Allebles and Paragories - 1,977 words = + 10
The Ballad of Captain Fenix - 1,526 words = + 10
[Saoire Event 720] Ari'sora and Rakvald - 4,126 words = + 15
Need for Speed - 1,625 words = + 10
[Saoire Event] Kirei and Tristan - 5,007 words = + 20
The Heist - 3,004 words = + 15
[Hopetoun] Spring is in the Air! - 1,583 words = + 10
A Whole Lot of Snow! - 1,887 words = + 10
Strange creatures, a meal, and a rock - 1,515 words = + 10
3. The Dividing Line: The Mines of Morandi - 1,645 words = + 10
Journey to the ruins - 1,580 words = + 10
The Taste of Winter Air - 1,564 words = + 10
Pirate Trouble - 1,553 words = + 10
[Saoire's Dream] Who Wants to be a Milliner? - 1,491 words = + 10
[Hopetoun] Spring has... Sprung - 1,462 words = + 10
What's wrong, Seymour? - 6,851 words = + 25
All Eggs in One Basket (Avalon) - 3,743 words = + 15
Finding a Weapons Teacher - 9,400 words = + 35
Fit the First The crew was complete: it included a Boots - 11,546 words = 40 points
The Chemistry of Metals - 1,643 words = 10 points
The Golden Rule - 5,339 words = 20 points
Men who Stare at Goat Mutants, Part 1 - 1,831 words = 10 points
Men who Stare at Goat Mutants, Part 2 - 1,800 words = 10 points
Careless Whispers - 1,611 words = 10 points
Garden Survival - 2,302 words = 10 points
Tea Time- 1,930 words = 10 points
Dunes have two faces. Like some people - 1,530 words = 10 points
Surviving - 1,635 words = 10 points
The Storm - 1,688 words = 10 points
Kiss in the moment - 1,902 words = 10 points
Sword Fighting for Beginners, Part 1 - 1,838 words = 10 points
The Freeze - 1,539 words = 10 points
Devin Buys New Swords - 2,082 words = 10 points
Putting Down Roots - 4,646 words = 20 points
Looking below the Surface - 1,866 words = 10 points
The Sophist Guile - 1,597 words = 10 points
 ! Message from: Tempest
Congratulations on all the medals Avalon!
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread


Avalon has nominated me for the following two medals:

viewtopic.php?f=251&t=26696 <--- Right in the Feels Medal
viewtopic.php?f=510&t=24442 <---- Me Gooseta Medal

Also I'm not sure if this qualifies as the Creep may not count as its own nation, but...

viewtopic.php?f=503&t=23696&start=10 The Morning of (First stage in the Siege of Quacia)
viewtopic.php?f=503&t=23821&start=20 Down Beneath (Leading the civilians to safety)

For these I'd like to nominate myself for:

Enemy of My Enemy
War Hero

 ! Message from: Tempest
I am sorry Woe, it seems the Creep is not a medal option right now. All your other medals have been awarded. If the creep does get its own medal please reapply for the medals!
word count: 136
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Hi there

Pig Boy very kindly nominated me for "Me Gooseta" here: viewtopic.php?f=545&t=26582&p=174974#p174974

I'd like to nominate him for "Mentor" - he's always helpful and friendly, both in chat and on site.
 ! Message from: Tempest
Your new medal is all shiny! Don't stare at it too long it could blind you haha. Pig Boy has also been given his shiny new medal as well!
word count: 74

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Okay, I have no idea how this isn't already a thing, but I'd like to nominate Pegasus for the "Scandalous" medal.

Scandalous: Awarded for outstanding plots

The Forging adventure with Scalvoris and the chain stones is epic. Previous characters from what I thought were unrelated plots were in fact being foreshadowed, and have made their way into a saga that has multiple levels to it and is absolutely mind-bogglingly engrossing. For Peg, it must be like herding cats to orchestrate...and I've only read the plots of one of the four groups!
 ! Message from: Tempest
That is sweet of you. I agree Pegasus has been long over due for this medal. It has been awarded to her. Thank you for the nomination.
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Doran has nominated Darius Baer and Elisabeth Angelus for the LOL Worthy award here: viewtopic.php?p=178281#p178281

(Yay! Thanks, Doran!)
 ! Message from: Tempest
Lol, that was definitely worthy of the LOL medal. Congratulations to both you and Elisabeth. I hope you both enjoy your shiny new medals.
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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Nominating Dandelion for the Hoarder medal - he's accumulated 141 wealth points, is that enough?
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Hey, Dandelion. I think the Hoarder medal is for the richest of the rich, vast treasuries it says. Which would equate to at least 1 wp in excess of tier 10 wealth. Apologies for the lack of clarity on it's description.
We've since edited it.
word count: 65
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