Medal Nomination Thread
See someone on the site who's done something medal-worthy? Let us know here.
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- Celeste Andaris
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Medal Nomination Thread
Please could I have "One Arc Later" for Celeste, as of tomorrow. Thanks
word count: 13
- Nightshade Eld
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Medal Nomination Thread
Wait. Crud. Is today the eleventh? I was supposed to request this yesterday.
One arc later please.
One arc later please.
word count: 17
Common ~ Ith'Ession ~ Lorien
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
- Incubus
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Medal Nomination Thread
Oh hey, speaking of - One Arc Later for Inc? It's in like a week, but... I figure I might as well get the request out now, lol.
word count: 28
- Vega Dweeb
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Medal Nomination Thread
Could I please have the "Legend in the making" or whichever it's called for hoarding over 251 points, please?
this is my skill point ledger it's at the bottom of the scrolly-bit
this is my skill point ledger it's at the bottom of the scrolly-bit
word count: 36
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
- Noth
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Medal Nomination Thread
Gonna nominate Nightshade Eld for Right in the Feels for this story.
Those letters were quite sad, and admittedly reminded me vaguely of the letters that people send home from war when they know that they're not gonna make it.
I'm not crying and/or getting sentimental... you are... jeez...
I'd also like to nominate Finn OConnor for Painting with Words. He's honestly too spectacular to not have this already, and it needs to be rectified immediately.
Those letters were quite sad, and admittedly reminded me vaguely of the letters that people send home from war when they know that they're not gonna make it.
I'm not crying and/or getting sentimental... you are... jeez...
I'd also like to nominate Finn OConnor for Painting with Words. He's honestly too spectacular to not have this already, and it needs to be rectified immediately.
word count: 82
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Medal Nomination Thread
Yay! My second thread and an innocent npc is already dead! Yay! This certainly says good things about the character I'm playing...
Murderer medal please
Murderer medal please
word count: 26
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
- Yanahalqah
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Medal Nomination Thread
How does Hart not have the Painting With Words medal yet?
This thread is one of the many great examples of why he should get it.
This thread is one of the many great examples of why he should get it.
word count: 26
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
- Anomaly
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Medal Nomination Thread
All nominations up to this point have been handled.
Thank you for your patience.

word count: 14
- Faith Augustin Champion
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Medal Nomination Thread
Tactless as it is
, I am promoting myself for the "King Kong" medal for having modded 30 threads.
1.) To The Inn and Beyond
2.) As They Lay Dying - Unfinished
3.) Hanging Pawn
4.) Finding Death
5.) Job Application - Unfinished, but 8 total posts
6.) The Second Coming
7.) An Unexpected Meeting
8.) Run For Your Life
9.) A River of Stars
10.) I Spy With my Raven's Eye
11.) The Rumor Mill
12.) The Power Fights Back
13.) Sneaky Beaky In - Unfinished, but 10 posts
14.) Revolving Moors
15.) Appetite for Destruction
16.) Candy Puppets - Unfinished
17.) Sickly Sweet - Came in Halfway
18.) Debt Accrued, Debt Settled
19.) Sugar Rush - well...really just a mod bomb, didn't get to the modded point
20.) The End of Hope
21.) Battle to the Tomb of Treid - I took this over down the stretch
22.) The Terror Disease
23.) Negotiations 101
24.) Scorched Earth - Unfinished w/Mal
25.) Credentials
26.) Promotion or Scolding
27.) I'm Gonna Punch it
28.) New Directions
29.) Ascension
30.) Unexpected Encounters
31.) Beyond the Veil of Shadows - a mod bomb turned to modding
32.) Scales of Justice
33.) Gods Only Know
34.) We're Gonna Punch Each Other
35.) The Other Half
36.) City of Villains and Lies - Took this one over down the stretch
37.) One Oath Too Many
38.) Step Right Up
Even if we disqualify the unfinished ones, I have 32

1.) To The Inn and Beyond
2.) As They Lay Dying - Unfinished
3.) Hanging Pawn
4.) Finding Death
5.) Job Application - Unfinished, but 8 total posts
6.) The Second Coming
7.) An Unexpected Meeting
8.) Run For Your Life
9.) A River of Stars
10.) I Spy With my Raven's Eye
11.) The Rumor Mill
12.) The Power Fights Back
13.) Sneaky Beaky In - Unfinished, but 10 posts
14.) Revolving Moors
15.) Appetite for Destruction
16.) Candy Puppets - Unfinished
17.) Sickly Sweet - Came in Halfway
18.) Debt Accrued, Debt Settled
19.) Sugar Rush - well...really just a mod bomb, didn't get to the modded point
20.) The End of Hope
21.) Battle to the Tomb of Treid - I took this over down the stretch
22.) The Terror Disease
23.) Negotiations 101
24.) Scorched Earth - Unfinished w/Mal
25.) Credentials
26.) Promotion or Scolding
27.) I'm Gonna Punch it
28.) New Directions
29.) Ascension
30.) Unexpected Encounters
31.) Beyond the Veil of Shadows - a mod bomb turned to modding
32.) Scales of Justice
33.) Gods Only Know
34.) We're Gonna Punch Each Other
35.) The Other Half
36.) City of Villains and Lies - Took this one over down the stretch
37.) One Oath Too Many
38.) Step Right Up
Even if we disqualify the unfinished ones, I have 32
word count: 240
Timeline - Everything Etzos - Athart - Templates - The Cauldron - Misty Miasma - Q&A
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