Aeodan, Plague, and I have just finished
Ruinfall. Aside from literally everyone needing to read it, I've got some medal nominations for us.
Edalene should get 'Pioneer' for being the first to die and come back to life.
That being said, she should also get 'ow' - cause she did
actually die. Vri just sent her back... without a working heart.
Aeodan should get 'Pioneer' for being the first to bind to a non-Divine, non-Sev'ryn Familiar.
Aeodan should get 'First Love' for his confession to Edalene, which is reciprocated.
Aeodan, Edalene, and Plague should get 'Tear Jerker' because holy fuck that thread was a glass cage of emotions.
This isn't so much a nomination as it is a requirement. Plague NEEDS 'Scandalous' - "awarded for outstanding plots." If Ruinfall doesn't fall under this, I don't know what does.
Edalene and Aeodan should get 'Keep It In The Family.' We
said we weren't going to do twincest...
AND that's it. Thank you so much!