[Southern Plain] Those Cows Won't Tip Themselves (Memory)

62nd of Ymiden 710

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[Southern Plain] Those Cows Won't Tip Themselves (Memory)

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Ymiden 62 710

The boys had decided that it would be fun to go cow tipping. Thaldan still remembered his friend, Handle had insisting that Thaldan join the other children. Even going so far as to get playing on his father’s desire for the boy to participate more in the other boys activities. Now Thaladan found himself trying to sneak around in the middle of the night as they were trying to cow tip.

“Okay, explain what are we doing?” Thaldan said in a quiet strained voice.

“Well cows sleep standing up.” Handle said. Thaldan felt his face scrunch up in confusion at that statement.

“Really.” Thaldan asked.

“My brother Baccon said so.” Handle said as if that answered it all. Thaldan didn’t feel that was really a good sources of information. Baccon wasn’t a liar but the boy could think of a few times when he hadn’t told the truth either and gotten them into some trouble. He actually found that the difficult part with the older boy. He told just enough truth. He also would only do it with things that his brother wanted to believe. “He says that its really fun to sneak up on them and tip them over while they sleep.”

“Isn’t that kind of mean.” Thaldan said.

“Na. They are fine with it.”

“What’s the point of tipping the cow over?” Thaldan directly asked.

“Its fun and apparently they make a funny sound.” Thaldan was still confused why this would be fun. Unless it was the sneaking around in the dark bit. The boy would have to actually admit to enjoying that. They were all trying to be very quiet as they moved around the field where the cows were staying. They were currently now hiding behind a bush that was large enough for four of them to hide behind. One of the other boys, Thaldan wasn’t sure in the dark who it was exactly, but he pulled his head back around the bush and shh’ed Thaldan and Handle.

Thaldan felt himself swept away by the crowd as they all crouched quietly behind the various bushes. After another moment or two a signal came, Thaldan though it was supposed to be a bird cry, but it sounded like someone trying to whistle, badly. Thaldan was the last to responded as the other boy’s with him flooded around the edges of the bush, and then lifting kneels really high they all tried to move across the distance. Thaldan tried to move quietly as well, but he could clearly hear the boys moving across the field. Even if some of them were moving silent a whole group moving like this just wasn’t quiet. As the came the final distance to the cows some shouted. “Now.”

The all bolted towards the cows, and at the same time the cows bolted away from the charge. Thaldan watched as instead of giving up on the clearly not sleeping cows the other boys keep running. The young boy stopped and watched as about half of the boys suddenly stopped and all lifted up their boots as they found cow patties left for them by the bovines. Thaldan stopped not really wanting to have to clean his boots, and based on the reactions of the other boys, these ones were fresh.

Half the boys continued to chase the cows, but only for a few more moments as the cows kept ahead of the boys more importantly as the size difference began to occur to the eager youths. Thaldan himself looked at the cows and realized there was no way on this world that he even with his friends could have actually tipped that creature over. He then could hear laughing and looked over to see Baccon and a couple of the older boys standing there sitting on the fence laughing at the boys. Thaldan felt himself growing indignant as clearly they were being used for a joke. Thaldan felt a pout coming on even as his friends began to gather around the older boys and a yelling match started. The young man walked away from the crowd feeling his anger at himself and his friends being mocked. He wouldn’t be around if it came out.

He had found his way home, but could see that his father was still awake. He sat down not wanting to yell at his father. He picked up a clod of dirt and chucked it at the ground, and watch it explode. It was then that he heard the tap of a pipe against a surface. He looked up at saw his father sitting in a chair in the dark clearing out his pipe. The two were quiet for a moment and finally the boy came over and sat down on the ground next to his father. The continued to be silent for a moment longer before Thaldan was asked.

“Do you need a bath?”

“No Papa, I didn’t fall or step in any of the pies.” Thaldan said. “Did you know what was going to happen tonight?”

“That they were going cow tipping, No, though I had a strong suspicion it was either that or snip hunting.” The older man said calmly.

“Snip hunting.” Thaldan asked.

“Another joke older boys play on younger ones.” He said dismissively.

“Why did you send me.” Thaldan asked. “It was so embarrassing being laughed at like that.”

“A few reasons. The main reason was that the other boys were doing it, and it was a good way for you to bond with them, it is something you have all done together and together you can all share that experience. Where if I had kept you out I would have alienated you from the other boys.” He lite his pipe then. “I also want to see if you caught the holes in the story.”

“Cows don’t really sleep standing up.” Thaldan said positively.

“Actually they do, but it more like they nap standing up.” His father said, “But yes if you find a cow really sleeping yes they do lay down.”

“So another of Baccon’s half truths.” Thaldan said.

“What do you mean?”

“I have noticed that Baccon never actually lies when he does one of these stunts he just either leaves certain things out or changes little things.” Thaldan said. His father nodded his head.

“So you knew that. Did you tell Handle?”

Thaldan shrugged. “I have mentioned it before but he wants to believe his brother schemes, and actually do them.” Thaldan said. “I think he knows it but he just doesn’t want to not do what ever scheme his brother comes up with.” They were silent for a long moment and Thaldan felt like his father wanted him to speak more. “It might also be possible that I want to believe it to.”

“So why do you get so angry when you know from the beginning and just do it anyway.”

“Because I just do.” Thaldan said. He felt his father rest his hand upon his son’s head. “I am angry with myself for having been a fool.”

“You were no more foolish than the other boys, including Bacoon who landed face first in a cow pie when he tried to cow tip.” He said. “You have learned from this mistake. Don’t make it again.”

“You make it sound so easy.” Thaldan said.

“It isn’t easy.” He then stood up. “Go find your friends.”

“What will I tell them.” Thaldan said. Apparently he had permission to be out longer.

“Make up some story about chasing a cow.” His father said.

“You want me to lie to them?” Thaldan said shocked.

“No, I want you to tell them a story. A story you all know isn’t true, but something you can bound over.” He said. “I want you to laugh with your friends, and show that you want to be there friend.”

Thaldan nodded his head and turned to walk back towards the fields. He decided to come at it by a round about way. When he came upon his friends coming back there was an awkward silence for a moment, but Thaldan jumped in with an apology and some lame story about chasing a stubborn cow and getting lost, and then having to climb out of a pit he fell in. The other boys began laughing and clapping him on the back. Thaldan felt himself joining in with the group as they surrounded him. The story was a small apology, but his coming back Thaldan realized was an even bigger one. What ever was about to happen they were doing it together as a group, as friends.

It wasn’t until the morning that the antics of that night were acknowledged. As punishment they were all taught how milk the cows and had to apologies to the creatures. The older boys though had to clean up the cows pen. Thaldan was pleasantly surprised when more the Handle talked with him the next trial.
word count: 1515
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Re: [Southern Plain] Those Cows Won't Tip Themselves (Memory)

Your Review


I really enjoyed this thread, you explored lots within it - from relationships to coming-of-age stuff, it was a lovely snippet from Thaldan's childhood. I loved the way you portrayed your NPC father, he was wise without being pushy and he was written very well. You also portrayed the behaviours of children / young adults very well - it all felt very authentic and that's hard to achieve when writing.

Thaldan being spoken to / included more was a lovely way to end this thread, too, and it gave a really nice conclusion to the story. I hope that you very much enjoy your rewards!


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If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
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