[Southern Plain] Storytelling and Entertaining

16th of Vhalar 722

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[Southern Plain] Storytelling and Entertaining

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Vhalar 16 722

Thaldon stood off to the side of the performance out of view of the audience. He was up next to share a story with the audience. He watched as the young woman who was climbing a rope and doing mid air acrobatics twisted her self around and around. The young man always found it amazing that she didn’t tangle her self up during her performance. He could see the other side of the makeshift stage where the twins were waiting to take down the equipment once this part of the show was done. His hair was wildly combed, and he was dressed it vibrant blue and red costume. His boss felt that the image gave people the impression of a storyteller. Thaldan was so sure, but he was just the employee. He did feel better that everyone else was equally dress in strange cloths.

His blue eyes watched and his expression was neutral. He was preparing a story that he was about to share with the villagers. It was a subtle competition to see who could earn the extra coin from their coin. The tickets had been bought for everyone to enjoy the show up the tips were always appreciated. His thoughts returned to the show as there was applause. Thaldon shook himself as he prepared to walk on the stage. To those who hadn’t ever watched his routine before it would be a bit silly, but it was how he prepared for his performance. Having shaken the jitters out of himself Thaldon looked and watched as another, unnecessary round of bows was taken before the young woman came pranced off the stage.

Thaldan waited a moment as the twins moved in and scouted the trip construction back, but once it was out of the prime spot on the stage Thaldon jogged out towards that spot. He threw his head back and a smile spread across his face as he looked at the audience. This was a decent size crowd, with a lot of children in the audience, Thaldon took note of that as it would affect his selection and even how he told his stories. With a crowd like this it was a safe beat that most of the adults were aware of the presences of the children, and would be listening with that in mind. They would enjoy the occasional innocent sounding reference to things adult understood, but not be happy with vulgar references. Also if the children enjoyed themselves these adults would to.

“Hello boys and girls.” He said his voice carrying across the benches. It was filled with excitement and sparkle. After all if he didn’t like telling stories why should the listen to one. “How many of you are now thinking of borrowing your parents bedding to practice tying yourself in notes.” He said jokingly. There were of course a number of hands that actually went up, and a rumble of laughter from the adults. Thaldan moved across the stage to the most eager of the children and knelt besides them. He asked a bit about them, name, age and such. “So what is you most thing to do outside.” The little girl said she liked to climb trees.

Thaldan nodded and grinned at such a perfect opening to one his better stories. “I love climbing trees.” He said and stood up and as it to emphasis it he ran to the tripod and comically climbed a it for a foot and then slid down. “Though it never turns out well. That reminds me of a story by cousin told me.” He said leading into the story. It was all a performance, Thaldan didn’t have a cousin, but saying to came from a cousin made the possible and impossible line blur more. “He once went to Cahryst as a child.” He said and looked at everyone giving them a knowing look. He was pleased to see shivers race down across several people. He spoke of his cousin being disobedient, something children and adults could relate to, and wandering into those forbidden woods after a bird had stollen a ring from the boy that he had borrowed from the community parent he was with. The story wove its way through one trial after another until finally he retrieved the ring and was himself retrieved by parent. The outline was same, but he edited it to use names that similar to ones in the village, with similar descripts to people there. Again close enough to draw attachment.

He finished the story and bowed as he was applauded by the children and parents, and then with a salute he strutted off the stage. He stood at the edge of the stage catching his breath. Talking and moving around the stage wasn’t exhausting but it did leave one winded. With his hands one his hips he watched as the acrobats cartwheeled on to the stage. One of the twins came up next to him and slapped him on the shoulder. “That was really good. You have those children going.”

“It was good, but you and I both know being right before that group sucks. Most of them will forget my story in the excitement of lifts and handstands.” He whispered back.

“Its true, but someone has to go then.” There was another slap on his back and Thaldan watched the others as they finished there part. They were good and the highlight of the show. They had taken him in when he was younger and taught him the art of the showman. Thaldan wasn’t sure what would have happen to him if they hadn’t come along. Part of him thought, that he would be one of the men at the back of audience watching the world, but not seeing it.

Though Thaldan wasn’t sure how much of the world he was really seeing. One of these farm villages was like any other farm village. People enjoyed the show and were as generous as they could be, but they were all very similar from one place to another. What would it be like to actually perform in the large cities, see them and see the sights. Thaldan sighed and watched as the show finished.

The young story teller joined the others after the show as they bid the audience a farwell and thanks for coming to the show. Each of them stood there with a hat in hand so that anyone who wanted to could come forward and despite a coin in the cap. Thaldan smiled as the few who came and deposited the coins in the cap. One of them was the little boy he had first talked to. “I am still going to climb trees.” She said as she put a coin in his cap. Thaldan grinned and bent so they were face to face.

“You should do that.” He said encouraging. “Conquer those trees.”

“I loved your story.” She said and twisted her foot like she was digging a whole in the ground.

“I am glad you did. It was great sharing it with such a wonderful listener.” He said with another grin. The girl giggled and then left. Thaldan watched her go with a smile. His cap didn’t have much coins, but hey there was a certain amount of reward for conversation like that. Once all of the audience had left Thaldan dumped his coins into the bine. Luckily the coins were shared among the troupe, but there was bragging rights on the line here.

“You did well.” The head of the troupe said.

“Yeah but not the best.” Thaldan said.

“True but story telling tends not to draw as much. Will get you trained with acrobatics and you will get some more coin.” Thaldan looked up surprised, that was a good offer.


“Yep, but first help get this cleaned up.”

Thaldan shook his head and smiled. He joined the others as the began to take down the stage. Later that evening they would join the community in the tavern, but they would leave in the morning and none of them wanted to have to take it all down in the morning. He ran up and helped the twins as they began to take down the scenery. Well maybe there was still much to learn about in this life style. The young man smiled at the twins as they joked about having to carry his part of the scene. Thaldan shook his head and carried his part and took the teasing good naturally. They joked back and for as they began to load the stage stuff into the wagons that moved it from location to location. Thaldan did his share of the work, but he looked around wondering how much a part of this group he was, what with his secrets and background. He decided not to dwell on that to much this trial. After everything was put away they would go to the local tavern which was always distracting.
word count: 1507
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Re: [Southern Plain] Storytelling and Entertaining


All Players

  • Language: Atvian


This was a good scene. It was fairly straightforward, opening with the acrobatic circus act of that acrobat gal with the ropes, and then following with a story told by Thaldan off the cuff.

Something that occurred to me as I told stories that my characters just made up, it's not easy making one up that's entertaining or infromational! When it comes to telling stories that happened to my characters, it's much easier.

I think Thaldan's story was good for what it was, but he should perhaps have a few stories of experience in his own right, that he can tell to the audience. This one was pretty good, though.

Good job!
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Storytelling: x3
    • Acting: x3

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 148
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