42nd of Vhalar 722
On the way back to Scalvoristown, Woe and Gloom run afoul of a cavern full of Emeyans, emerging from a minor fracture.
Continued here.
Continued here.
Emeyan Baddies
The Skittering Chaos: Major Emeyan A Major Emeyan arachnid type creaure, these cunning hunters look to lure mortals from Idalos into the depths of Emea through various methods, not limited to trapping and hunting them, or luring them into a den where they send telepathic illusions to convince mortals that there are treasure to be found. What happens to mortals that are lured into these traps is something better left to ignorance.
Skills: Athletics: 60, Linguistics: 30, Strength: 30, Combat: Unarmed: 60, Stealth: 30, Detection: 30, Deception: 30, Hunting: 30.
Minor Traits:
The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it. The Skittering Chaos takes the form of an arachnid.
The Emeyan has armour, armoured scales or tough hide, or otherwise some form of protection over their body that serves to shelter them from physical assault. It doesn’t make them completely immune, but makes their exterior more difficult to penetrate with physical means.
The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe over the ground (or other surface or lack thereof), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.
Natural Weapons
The Emeyan possesses some form of natural weapon, be it horns, claws, teeth, a tail or similar. For each form of weapon they naturally possess as part of their body, this trait needs to be taken once for each. Without this trait, all such details are treated as cosmetic and have no tangible benefit to the beast in practice. The Skittering Chaos has sharpened tips at the ends of its eight legs/arms. It also has a web spinneret.
Multiple Arms
The Emeyan has more than the natural, expected amount of arm-like appendages, with full control of every single one. They can be used independently or at the same time, performing different tasks if need be. The Skittering Chaos has 8 limbs that end in sharp natural weapons
Major Traits:
Setting themselves truly apart from their lesser brethren, the Commander is a Emeyan with the ability to command and dominate other creatures and Emeyans of lesser rank than itself. It is able to impose its authority on creatures around it, commanding them according to its own will. This authority is executed in the form of direct verbal or telepathic commands (based on the Commander's communicative abilities), independent of if the creature in question possesses the ability to understand their language. The commanded creature will be compelled to execute the command, as long as it does not go against their Purpose, and unless they possess natural resistances to mental magics and control or high Meditation or Discipline, they must obey.
Perhaps more impressive still than the commanders of their kind, the Conjurers take their ability to dominate and command the step further, gaining the unique ability amongst Emeyans to create more of its own kind. Designing their own personal vanguard, they are able to create and subsequently control three Minor, or one Moderate Emeyan, following all the normal rules of creation but tailored to the needs and desires of the Conjurer. The Skittering Chaos can conjure and command Skitterlings and Skitternets.
Supernatural Senses
This Emeyan possesses a sense of a supernatural kind, the likes of which is difficult to otherwise replicate. Whether it’s the ability to see the movements of Ether, see through invisibility, see through solid walls or objects temporarily or feel the subtlest of movements and tremors in the ground or air around them… The sense manifests in a dramatic and powerful way. The Skittering Chaos can feel movement on any surface it touches. Along the ground, through walls. Any contiguous piece of matter it occupies can sense the complete forms of any who tread or touch upon it.
The Emeyan is capable of communicating with thought, and to a limited degree perceive the surface thoughts of those they focus on in their vicinity. Their communications are limited to images and emotions unless they possess proficiency with any language. The creature knows Scalveen fluently.
The Skitterlings: Moderate Emeyans The stronger conjured servants of Skittering Chaos. They are the combatants that enforce the will of the Skittering Chaos commander with deadly efficiency in Emea and beyond.
Skills: Athletics: 30, Combat: Unarmed: 30, Strength: 30, Endurance: 30, Stealth: 30
Minor Traits:
The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it. The Skitterlings take the form of arachnids.
Natural Weapons
The Emeyan possesses some form of natural weapon, be it horns, claws, teeth, a tail or similar. For each form of weapon they naturally possess as part of their body, this trait needs to be taken once for each. Without this trait, all such details are treated as cosmetic and have no tangible benefit to the beast in practice. The Skitterlings have sharpened tips at the ends of its eight legs/arms. It also has a web spinneret.
Multiple Arms
The Emeyan has more than the natural, expected amount of arm-like appendages, with full control of every single one. They can be used independently or at the same time, performing different tasks if need be. The Skitterlingshas 8 limbs that end in sharp natural weapons
Major Traits
Supernatural Senses
This Emeyan possesses a sense of a supernatural kind, the likes of which is difficult to otherwise replicate. Whether it’s the ability to see the movements of Ether, see through invisibility, see through solid walls or objects temporarily or feel the subtlest of movements and tremors in the ground or air around them… The sense manifests in a dramatic and powerful way. The Skitterlings can feel movement on any surface it touches. Along the ground, through walls. Any contiguous piece of matter it occupies can sense the complete forms of any who tread or touch upon it.
The Emeyan is able to regenerate their flesh, recovering quickly from the most grievous of wounds. If not immediately slain, they are able to stabilize and recover with time and may regrow lost appendages and limbs. In order to completely destroy a creature with Regeneration, the head must be severed or destroyed from the rest of the body or the vital organs rendered nonfunctional before the body has a chance to start regenerating again.
Skitternets: Minor Emeyans These are the scouts and harassers of the Skittering Chaos' army. While they aren't much capable of doing damage on their own, their grotesque appearance and speed on the ground can make them frightening to behold.
Skills: Athletics: 30, Stealth: 30.
The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it. The Skitternets takes the form of an arachnid.
Multiple Arms
The Emeyan has more than the natural, expected amount of arm-like appendages, with full control of every single one. They can be used independently or at the same time, performing different tasks if need be. The Skitternets have 8 limbs
Skills: Athletics: 60, Linguistics: 30, Strength: 30, Combat: Unarmed: 60, Stealth: 30, Detection: 30, Deception: 30, Hunting: 30.
Minor Traits:
The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it. The Skittering Chaos takes the form of an arachnid.
The Emeyan has armour, armoured scales or tough hide, or otherwise some form of protection over their body that serves to shelter them from physical assault. It doesn’t make them completely immune, but makes their exterior more difficult to penetrate with physical means.
The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe over the ground (or other surface or lack thereof), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.
Natural Weapons
The Emeyan possesses some form of natural weapon, be it horns, claws, teeth, a tail or similar. For each form of weapon they naturally possess as part of their body, this trait needs to be taken once for each. Without this trait, all such details are treated as cosmetic and have no tangible benefit to the beast in practice. The Skittering Chaos has sharpened tips at the ends of its eight legs/arms. It also has a web spinneret.
Multiple Arms
The Emeyan has more than the natural, expected amount of arm-like appendages, with full control of every single one. They can be used independently or at the same time, performing different tasks if need be. The Skittering Chaos has 8 limbs that end in sharp natural weapons
Major Traits:
Setting themselves truly apart from their lesser brethren, the Commander is a Emeyan with the ability to command and dominate other creatures and Emeyans of lesser rank than itself. It is able to impose its authority on creatures around it, commanding them according to its own will. This authority is executed in the form of direct verbal or telepathic commands (based on the Commander's communicative abilities), independent of if the creature in question possesses the ability to understand their language. The commanded creature will be compelled to execute the command, as long as it does not go against their Purpose, and unless they possess natural resistances to mental magics and control or high Meditation or Discipline, they must obey.
Perhaps more impressive still than the commanders of their kind, the Conjurers take their ability to dominate and command the step further, gaining the unique ability amongst Emeyans to create more of its own kind. Designing their own personal vanguard, they are able to create and subsequently control three Minor, or one Moderate Emeyan, following all the normal rules of creation but tailored to the needs and desires of the Conjurer. The Skittering Chaos can conjure and command Skitterlings and Skitternets.
Supernatural Senses
This Emeyan possesses a sense of a supernatural kind, the likes of which is difficult to otherwise replicate. Whether it’s the ability to see the movements of Ether, see through invisibility, see through solid walls or objects temporarily or feel the subtlest of movements and tremors in the ground or air around them… The sense manifests in a dramatic and powerful way. The Skittering Chaos can feel movement on any surface it touches. Along the ground, through walls. Any contiguous piece of matter it occupies can sense the complete forms of any who tread or touch upon it.
The Emeyan is capable of communicating with thought, and to a limited degree perceive the surface thoughts of those they focus on in their vicinity. Their communications are limited to images and emotions unless they possess proficiency with any language. The creature knows Scalveen fluently.
The Skitterlings: Moderate Emeyans The stronger conjured servants of Skittering Chaos. They are the combatants that enforce the will of the Skittering Chaos commander with deadly efficiency in Emea and beyond.
Skills: Athletics: 30, Combat: Unarmed: 30, Strength: 30, Endurance: 30, Stealth: 30
Minor Traits:
The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it. The Skitterlings take the form of arachnids.
Natural Weapons
The Emeyan possesses some form of natural weapon, be it horns, claws, teeth, a tail or similar. For each form of weapon they naturally possess as part of their body, this trait needs to be taken once for each. Without this trait, all such details are treated as cosmetic and have no tangible benefit to the beast in practice. The Skitterlings have sharpened tips at the ends of its eight legs/arms. It also has a web spinneret.
Multiple Arms
The Emeyan has more than the natural, expected amount of arm-like appendages, with full control of every single one. They can be used independently or at the same time, performing different tasks if need be. The Skitterlingshas 8 limbs that end in sharp natural weapons
Major Traits
Supernatural Senses
This Emeyan possesses a sense of a supernatural kind, the likes of which is difficult to otherwise replicate. Whether it’s the ability to see the movements of Ether, see through invisibility, see through solid walls or objects temporarily or feel the subtlest of movements and tremors in the ground or air around them… The sense manifests in a dramatic and powerful way. The Skitterlings can feel movement on any surface it touches. Along the ground, through walls. Any contiguous piece of matter it occupies can sense the complete forms of any who tread or touch upon it.
The Emeyan is able to regenerate their flesh, recovering quickly from the most grievous of wounds. If not immediately slain, they are able to stabilize and recover with time and may regrow lost appendages and limbs. In order to completely destroy a creature with Regeneration, the head must be severed or destroyed from the rest of the body or the vital organs rendered nonfunctional before the body has a chance to start regenerating again.
Skitternets: Minor Emeyans These are the scouts and harassers of the Skittering Chaos' army. While they aren't much capable of doing damage on their own, their grotesque appearance and speed on the ground can make them frightening to behold.
Skills: Athletics: 30, Stealth: 30.
The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it. The Skitternets takes the form of an arachnid.
Multiple Arms
The Emeyan has more than the natural, expected amount of arm-like appendages, with full control of every single one. They can be used independently or at the same time, performing different tasks if need be. The Skitternets have 8 limbs