Lacrima got ready for the day ahead, donning a simple dress over her white linen underdress. The bodice was a rich yellow, and the skirt a dark charcoal. She wore simple sandals on her feet, and then began donning the decor that went along with the 'act'. Including various beaded pouches full of the bones that were the bread and butter of her trade as a soothsayer. Once Woe had thought to ask if she would consider other forms of prognostication. But she only smiled and said only three words when he brought up similar suggestions, "Just the Bones." Apparently she'd taken to heart, the lessons of Efah, though she hadn't met her. At least not to Woe's knowledge. Did Soothsayers have international conferences? He doubted it, and so presumed she was impressed with the old woman's scribblings on the matter of the Bones.
Regardless, from where they relaxed in the dormitory beneath the shop, they heard a bell ring, signalling someone had entered the Bones. The bell was rigged to the door, to ring in the dormitory, as there was not yet enough business to justify sitting and waiting in the front of the shop.
Woe looked to Lacrima, who smoothed her skirts as she rose, and made for the passage through the catacombs into the main parlor. Woe waited until she'd gone, then he assumed his power of anonymity, so he wouldn't be identifiable by whoever was visiting. Woe had taken it upon himself, when the shop was open, to assume a guardian role over Lacrima, even though the Neutral Ground would surely do its job well enough. There was a dual purpose, however, in that he also wished to absorb the information trickling in from the supplicants mouths.
In either case, he could shore up the feeling of mysticism that Lacrima tried very earnestly to portray.
A few bits after Lacrima had gone into the parlor, Woe arrived at the threshould, ensconced in the dark, only the barest glint of light shining from his eyes, reflecting the light of the candles Lacrima had set. There, he saw an aukari woman, interestingly enough. And an older one at that. Although she tried to hide her trepidation, Woe could see immediately on her face that she was going through some emotional turmoil. What else would lead her to this place, afterall? Other than idle curiosity over a mummer's farce, as so many considered the soothsayer's art to be.
Yet this one looked serious, not at all the sort of tourist that would let their curiosity capture them.
The aukari froze when Lacrima lifted her gray veil, and smiled at her. "Are.... what happened to Efah?"
"Oh." Lacrima replied, "She's been gone and dead a while. But her bones still watch on. We are carrying on her tradition."
The aukari woman nodded, and then shrugged. "Then I suppose I should introduce myself. I often brought food for Efah, when she was unable to leave the Bones. I had wondered why she closed up shop, I didn't hear that she'd died."
Lacrima tilted her head.
"I'm Navnea." She offered, "Are you friends of Efah?"
"We haven't met her, yet." Lacrima replied. "But we're well acquainted with her methods, and afterall, the Bones are the real source of knowledge that we purvey. Efah was only a mouthpiece for their secrets."
Navnea seemed to suppress a reaction, Woe could see, but wasn't sure if it was amusement. "Fine, I'm here for a reading..."
Lacrima was silent, fingering the colored pouch full of bones that hung from her neck. She didn't remove it yet, but waited a moment.
Navnea went on, "My sons... I need to know how much time I have to look after them, before the flames take me."
The soothsayer nodded, and drew from the pouch several carved bone pieces. She inhaled, and began rolling them around in her cupped hands. In a moment, they scattered across the table in their skipping patterns. They fell with the weight of lead upon its surface.
Lacrima searched the bones with her eyes, without touching or rearranging them. While his former lover was divining an answer to Navnea's question, Woe took a moment to see her more closely, from where he stood in the shadows. She was average height for her kind, as far as he could tell, at five feet and six inches. She had a thin frame, and not much weight on her. Her hair of course was the usual aukari flame-red. Her eyes were an interesting shade of brown, with a glint of fire in them. She was wearing a simple outfit of leather overalls and a shirt beneath that. A curious trinket hung from her neck, of a silver anchor.
He found himself instantly curious about her, just by looking at the woman. He could tell there was much in the way of stories to her past, every detail and scar and wrinkle told another tale. So it seemed to him. He was quite intrigued by her.
Lacrima breathed out, onto the bones as she seemingly received what she needed from their array. "The Bones tell of a fearful winter, in the coming days. But you will profit from the homes that get shut in." The soothsayer frowned, bending over the table, and then pointing out another set of bones. It will be a time of reflection, consideration, and meditation." She pointed out yet another set of bones, this one belonging to a rib. "But you will suffer lean times, it will prove difficult to feed yourself and your family. You may have to choose who will get fed in your household. Yourself or your boys."
Lacrima frowned, and then drew out another set of bones from yet another pouch. This one was dyed green, and the bones had intricate carvings and characters etched onto them. She tossed them into the middle of the array. Then she read them, "Prayer may help bring an old lover back from abroad. I believe... yes U'frek may help."
Woe frowned at the name of the Immortal. U'frek? Why was Lacrima being so specific about that Immortal. Then it dawned on him, Navnea was wearing a symbol of U'frek on her neck. He couldn't hide the smile that crept along his lips at his former lover's guile, if indeed that was the source of her 'intuition'.
Navnea for her part was giving rapt attention to the process. She seemed to have a reverence and belief in the Bones, possibly engendered from her interactions with Efah? Either way, she slid a couple of golden nels over, and thanked Lacrima. Then she departed, seeming lighter in her step.
"She's quite old for an aukari. Are you sure you aren't feeding her false assurances?"
Lacrima sighed, and laid her chin on her hand, propped up by an elbow. "Death is everywhere. Even the Bones can't see past it, nay especially the Bones. We must take a look at what emerges from that darkness, rather than the death itself. Death is always there."
Woe thought on her words, and nodded. "I'm going to take a walk. Would you come with me?" He emerged from the darkened hallway, into the candlelight.
"It's courteous of you to ask. But no. You need to be alone for
that walk." She smiled coyly at him, and he was given pause before leaving.
Perhaps she knew where he was going, but if so she didn't give him any clues.
He slipped out the door, and began shadowing Navnea, following her tracks in the thin cover of snow on the cobbled streets.
Continued here...