Skill points over 250/250?

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Skill points over 250/250?

I noticed that there are some mechanics where you're allowed to add extra skill points over 250/250, such as renown rewards and immortal blessings. My question is why would you want to do that? It doesn't make much sense to me so I thought I thought I'd ask!
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Re: Skill points over 250/250?

Hey Eternity.

The only reason you'd want to go over 250 or 100 (for fast track skill), is because every +5 xp over the limit, you can learn a new capstone.

For every 25 knowledge beyond 60 knowledges for grandmaster, you can also gain extra capstones. So there's a couple of ways to get more capstones.


wiki/index.php/Skill_Knowledge#Grandmas ... Skills..29
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Re: Skill points over 250/250?

Oh wow, I had no idea those were a thing. Thanks, I'll look into them!
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