19 Vhalar 722
The flight was fairly easy due to the mild weather of Vhalar. He was not hindered by any of what the locals called 'play-storms' and the moderate heat hadn't effected him since the forging. Simula knew where she was going and he was more than content to leave her in control as they went. All and all they only took three stops along the way so that Simula could rest and be fed. Balthazar kept a small number of simple fruits and vegetables for her and by the end of the journey he had none left. He landed in Scalvoris Town at about mid-trial on the nineteenth of Vhalar and met with Robin in the town square. Balthazar was not oblivious to the looks that he got as he and his steed progressed through the streets, but he didn't really care. Simula had a unique skeletal pattern on his coat and Balthazar was one of the more mutated people living in Scalvoris- even if he still looked mostly human.
"How are the businesses?" Balthazar asked Robin after a short period of polite chat. They'd covered things like 'how was the journey?' 'Did you run into any trouble?' 'Nice weather, innit?' Balthazar tried not to ignore the simple but polite conversation unless the situation called for it and as far as he could tell, they had the time to chat before getting to business.
"They're doing well. No need for extra security yet." Robin said as he pulled a small notebook from his bag and began flipping to his most recent page. He was a clever lad, if not quite as clever as Balthazar. Robin took notes since he lacked the perfect recall that Balthazar had. "The Knights Rest is still looking for a cook, but that doesn't really concern us. The Menagerie is recruiting, but again, not our concern. Oh, and there is some tension at the University about their ties to Viden-"
"Viden still has slaves doesn't it?" Balthazar asked, "There had better be tension. Regardless they aren't part of the guild and they've haven't helped my reputation since I refused to do all the work for them in return for practically nothing at the mountain. Let them have their tension. They can come to us if they want security." Balthazar said in a somewhat sour voice as he and Robin walked out of the main square. Balthazar held Simula's reigns in his hand to guide the Scalvwing but she was well enough trained that she could have followed without the small effort to guide her.
"There were also a few members of the Briny Bunch spotted at Bramwell Foy's arena for his festival. Might be a good idea to knock them down in public. I thought about entering but you're probably the better choice." Robin said as he crossed off one of the things on his list- probably the note about the University tension. He gestured down one of the streets to indicate that they needed to travel that way, but said nothing of where they were going.
"We already beat Easton." Balthazar said in contemplation as he walked, "But where there is a festival, there will probably be prizes right?"
"There will certainly be prizes. Bramwell has announced that. The festival began yesterday when I arrived and I took the liberty of signing us up for totrial." Robin explained, "We're heading that way now."
"I recognize the path... I suppose it couldn't hurt to practice a little." Balthazar said, "Especially if we get something out of it."
"Maybe you could teach me that thing you do- the paralyzing?" Robin asked as the young squire slowly stroked Simula's mane.
"You've got a bit of a distance to go before I can teach you that. Stick to the sword, you're good with it."
"One trial, you'll tell me how you do it." Robin whispered, which Balthazar heard.
"It would be as useful as trying to teach you the unarmed forms I use to enhance my use of the elements." Balthazar said with a small laugh, "You need to work on basic punches first. Don't worry though, I doubt we will be teaching anyone at the Proving Grounds that sort of thing. Let's just find out what is going on there first."