101st of Vhalar, 722
Thanks for saving the world and things
Saoire's Dream was becoming a familiar place for him now, visiting several times a season was suiting him. Having received Faith's letter, he had set out to arrive to visit on the 101st, eager to give her plenty of time to get settled in on her arrival on the 100th.
He trotted, or more accurately Chest trotted and Winston rode, down the hallway towards the office wearing his best siute. As he approached the door, he dropped down to the floor and turned to address Chest. "Please cun yuh wait 'ere far me Chest?" He asked, patting it affectionately. Chest lined itself up against the wall outside the door and set down. "Tanks Chest."
He turned and knocked on the door and waited until a voice from within
granted him to enter
. He pushed the door open and walked timidly into the room."'ello, Dr Augustin?" He said, as he saw the woman inside. "'Et's Mr Milla. Winstaan Milla. Me 'ave come to say 'ello, thanks far, well, bein' you and to make gud an de affa of .... OH! De Cake!" Even if Faith attempted to interject at this point, the little ferret had lost his composure, what little composure he'd managed to muster in order to meet someone with 'Dr' at the beginning of her name and whom apparently saves the world and fights injustice before breakfast each day.
"Oh, one second ... Chest ..." Chest, sensing the need had already stood up and started bumbling into the room behind him, Cake outstretched on its tongue. Winston's words came out rushed and in ineffectively hushed tones. "Nuh. Chest, Don't come in ..." He pressed himself up against the chest, grunting with the effort, as it ambled forward. "'... Chest noh, just de cake mun. Me just need de cake." The Chest stopped, sagged and plopped the cacke on the floor at Winston's feet. It started to reverse out of the room, dragging its feet slightly as it went.
Winston turned to Faith and smiled apologetically with a little nervous laugh, before turning back to Chest. "Com now Chest, don't be like dat. I explained dis. Dis es like official right now."
The chest continued to sulk its way back to the hallway as Winston turned and smiled. "'Me sarry. But da cake is me new an' improved honey cake. Millicent added some notmeg. She's such a talented cook." He offered hopefully. "'Me gat some notmeg brownies to, far wid de icecream, but dat es still en de oven ..." Chest produced some nearly cooked brownies. "'Chest, mun. Now yuh put dem right back in da oven dis instant ar dere's no night-cap far yuh dis evenin'." Chest had obviously crossed a line now, messing with the ferret's bake, as his tone was no longer hushed and the baking tray was quickly taken back to whence it came.
The honeycake was intended to be cut and was way to large as a result for Winston to pick up easily. He stood beside it, holding out both hands towards it in something resembling a 'ta-da' esk posture.