Pyrre’s curiosity grew as she confirmed that she had never left Scalvoris the city rather than the Island. It was a very foreign concept to the mariner, whose entire existence prior to his arrival in this far eastern land was based on travelling far distances between ports. It was strange enough for him to have remained in Almund for as long as he had - a full cycle and half a season now - and even he was beginning to feel the restlessness that came with being stuck in one place for an extended period of time. He wondered at her reasoning; she had mentioned - what? - fear was it? Fear of the dangers and of how foreigner’s would receive her. Again, this was all very strange and novel ways of thinking for the Biqaj. Fear and danger went hand and hand with life at sea; you could not have one without the other. Fear was so often the foundation of respect for sailors, after all.
However, her being so city-bound did give her an advantage: it meant she would be very familiar with the place she called home. Or, should, as far as he was concerned. Unfortunately, as she spoke of Scalvoris Town, commented on its size and how she still hadn’t even seen all of it, the advantage became less so. His look grew increasingly perplexed.
What had she been doing all this time?
It was in Pyrre’s nature to roam. Zarena had even commented earlier that he was like the sea - ever changing, coming and going. It was not in him to remain stagnant.
His ale arrived, a low-quality draught that Pyrre had noted the server had openly judged him for ordering, and he drew it to himself, musing over all that had been said. He cantered his head as he eyed her with wonder. “Scalvoris big - and you no go?” he said, finally voicing his thoughts - albeit the translation was not the best. He lifted the tankard, glanced momentarily at the contents, and then tested it with a long pull. He made a face at the taste - bland and thin but undoubtedly still packing the same punch as the nicer, fuller-flavoured types that cost far more - but this could have easily been misinterpreted as him making a face at what he said.
“Orm’del Sea big. See much. Sail, see many port and city.” He shrugged, then, slowly realising that, perhaps, land-life was slower. Earth was, afterall, meant to be solid, resolute and unchanging.
She mentioned Zarena and he once again tilted his head as he studied her. There was another shrug, equally done with his face as it was his body, and he realised that Eternity might be ready to move on. It had been a while since she had last taken a bite - with Pyrre continuing until the plate was empty - and she had passed on the drink. Being the sort to pay attention to body language, her yawn and expression made him think she wanted to get out of here.
It made him wonder, again, why she had chosen this place to go to.
No matter, he was just as happy to push off now that he had a meal in him and knew a bit more about her - even if her motives were still very much a mystery to him.
He brought the ale back to his lips and tipped it back and necked it down, feeling more bloat than burn once it was in his belly. He set the tankard down and dragged the back of his hand across his mouth unselfconsciously before his hands found the table top.
He had no idea where Zarena would be now - if she’d have disappeared to some inn with the roguish gentleman, or even someone else, or if she was even still where he had last seen her. Either way, he figured he could rely on Eternity to steer him towards a tavern or inn if he couldn’t find the Mixed-Blood.
He motioned with his head towards the door and asked as his brows raised, “You come? Her name Zarena.” He rose, then, manually pushing the chair back with a free hand before he found his crutch and settled it ungainly into place under his right arm. He shot her another quick look, “You know inn to go to? For me - if no find Zarena.”
However, her being so city-bound did give her an advantage: it meant she would be very familiar with the place she called home. Or, should, as far as he was concerned. Unfortunately, as she spoke of Scalvoris Town, commented on its size and how she still hadn’t even seen all of it, the advantage became less so. His look grew increasingly perplexed.
What had she been doing all this time?
It was in Pyrre’s nature to roam. Zarena had even commented earlier that he was like the sea - ever changing, coming and going. It was not in him to remain stagnant.
His ale arrived, a low-quality draught that Pyrre had noted the server had openly judged him for ordering, and he drew it to himself, musing over all that had been said. He cantered his head as he eyed her with wonder. “Scalvoris big - and you no go?” he said, finally voicing his thoughts - albeit the translation was not the best. He lifted the tankard, glanced momentarily at the contents, and then tested it with a long pull. He made a face at the taste - bland and thin but undoubtedly still packing the same punch as the nicer, fuller-flavoured types that cost far more - but this could have easily been misinterpreted as him making a face at what he said.
“Orm’del Sea big. See much. Sail, see many port and city.” He shrugged, then, slowly realising that, perhaps, land-life was slower. Earth was, afterall, meant to be solid, resolute and unchanging.
She mentioned Zarena and he once again tilted his head as he studied her. There was another shrug, equally done with his face as it was his body, and he realised that Eternity might be ready to move on. It had been a while since she had last taken a bite - with Pyrre continuing until the plate was empty - and she had passed on the drink. Being the sort to pay attention to body language, her yawn and expression made him think she wanted to get out of here.
It made him wonder, again, why she had chosen this place to go to.
No matter, he was just as happy to push off now that he had a meal in him and knew a bit more about her - even if her motives were still very much a mystery to him.
He brought the ale back to his lips and tipped it back and necked it down, feeling more bloat than burn once it was in his belly. He set the tankard down and dragged the back of his hand across his mouth unselfconsciously before his hands found the table top.
He had no idea where Zarena would be now - if she’d have disappeared to some inn with the roguish gentleman, or even someone else, or if she was even still where he had last seen her. Either way, he figured he could rely on Eternity to steer him towards a tavern or inn if he couldn’t find the Mixed-Blood.
He motioned with his head towards the door and asked as his brows raised, “You come? Her name Zarena.” He rose, then, manually pushing the chair back with a free hand before he found his crutch and settled it ungainly into place under his right arm. He shot her another quick look, “You know inn to go to? For me - if no find Zarena.”
Commonxxx Rakahi