Batly listened to them all discuss the matter, then let out a little laugh as three of her helpers tried to plug the sources by dancing away the bad dreams. It wasn't something she'd ever tried much, but it had a possibility of working, and three of the Batly's went along with it. They were able to change the clothes of the zombies and the soldiers with relative ease by flapping their wings at them, clothes changing in a gust of wind. Of course, that didn't accomplish much by itself, so it was up to the dancers to make it feel like a dance party. None of them were particularly great at dancing, but none of them were terrible either. Unfortunately, due to the changes, they mostly just looked like stuffed animals playing about. Granted, they looked like they were having a lot of fun, but they weren't getting people to dance themselves. They were, however proving to be quite the distraction from the original dream of the battlefield and soldiers started laughing as they watched the three.
Breen's ability to consume negative feelings was also helping, though there were a lot of negative feelings and he was just one sad stuffed puppy dog. Breen's ability was certainly helping to lighten the mood, however, though it alone wouldn't be enough to break out of anyone's dreams. While all this was happening, the Batly's that were accompanying the group watched the gestalt as a whole to see how it was being affected. It was slowly lightening, as the brightening dreams affected the Gestalt, which in turn fed back into individual dreams. "It's working, but slowly still. I don't think anyone's really recognizing what you're doing as dancing, though. I think it's because we all look like animals." she said, her tone apologetic for that last bit, since it was her fault. "They seem to think you're playing, and they're enjoying that though, so perhaps we can work that angle." she said, flapping their wings at the dreamers again, changing them into more casual clothes that were fit for watching animals play.
While the trio were doing their thing, a fourth Batly accompanied Faith deeper into the battlefield. "I'm sorry, I know this is difficult. You were the one connected to this particularly gestalt. I can't really ever identify the connection if they aren't part of it, but each of you is tied to at least one of the gestalt dreams in some way. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pull you into them." she said, her tone sincere. For now, she watched Faith work, trying to transform the miasma into butterflies that rained positivity.
This attempt sort of worked, as while she didn't change the miasma itself, she did create positivity butterflies that flew out of it. Batly tapped one wing claw against where her chin would be if she weren't a stuffed bat. "I think that could work, but we're looking at it the wrong way, maybe? Perhaps we could try changing what the miasma manifests as and let the dreamers do the work of assigning purpose to it. This is Rharne, after all, we could try changing it so it looks like beer or ale? If we let the dreamers see it, they'll likely fill in the gap and assign a purpose to it." she said, her tone calm. If Faith were willing, Batly would work together with her to try it.
Then, from the center of the battle, there was a roar and some of the butterflies in the area just vanished. "That's a whole different issue." all the Batly's said, looking towards the center of the battle. "I'll investigate it, remember I sent one of me off alone earlier. I don't know what that is and none of you are as trained to deal with Emean threats as I am." she said, her tone calm and focused. Apparently, roaring things in gestalt dreams was not as much a surprise to Batly as it might have been to the others.