Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

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Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

~~Whole Council / NPC Members
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  • You are writing to the entire Council.
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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

1st of Vhalar, 722.

Dear Militant Rand,

Councillor Nir'wei would like to invite the Office of Foreign Affairs to attend a meeting also scheduled to include the Alberach, Councillor for Foreign Affairs Zana and Chief Ranger Oram to continue discussions regarding Rharne and the emergence of the Jacadon that begun within the Council Meeting for the Hot Cycle 722. The aim will be to determine an appropriate course of action to handle the potential emerging threat and engage in foreign diplomatic negotiations to acquire these animals, or failing this, an operation to successfully recover these creatures for training and breeding purposes.

Your advice and input in this difficult time would be greatly appreciated.

Because of the time-sensitive nature of this information, a meeting of your earliest convenience is requested, no later than the 10th of Vhalar if possible, to be held at the Office of Natural Affairs, in Almund. If this is acceptable to you, please let us know and we will confirm the date.


Councillor Nir'wei, Office of Natural Affairs.
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Rand writes back that he would be happy to attend. Just let me know the link to the thread where the meeting takes place.
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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

Date: 2nd of Vhalar 722,
Delivered no later than the 4th of Vhalar 722,
to the offices of the Chief Ranger,
Militant Rand,
Foreign Affairs,
and the Albarech.

Militant Rand/Chief Ranger Mednix:

As you know, the issue of Slag's Deep has been one unexplored since the Forging and the war. It's long since past time that Scalvoris' forces were martialed to ascertain the status of that former prison, and explore whether it is worth reclaiming for Scalvoris. I would not be writing this letter, were it not for the direct impact any fallout from leaving this issue alone would have on Egilrun.

The obvious menace this place presented once upon a time to Egilrun was ignored for great lengths of time, until those perils bubbled over into the rest of Scalvoris, in several instances threatening the survival of the island itself. I suggest we explore what remains of Slag's Deep, or we may risk repeating recent history. In light of the persistent inaction of our Government to seal this issue, I wonder if we're as prepared now as we were then.

I'm sending individual letters to the Office of Foreign Affairs as well as that of Albarech, to inform them of this request, and invite them to participate or send proxies as they will in the exploration. I would offer my own service to this endeavor, if it is welcome.

Should I fail to hear from you, I will set off with whoever else answers this call, to explore Slag's Deep on the 13th of Vhalar.

Woe, Egg.

Mod Note
Rand replies that since the survey of Slag's Deep is a long-standing issue that hasn't been addressed to date, and with the impending cold cycle quickly closing in, he agrees that a group should go and offers Element support. (OOC - just dm/pm me with your proposal for what this support entails and I can tack on the approval to this letter for transparency purposes)
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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

Date: 10th Zi'da, 722.

To: The Scalvoris Council

I am writing with deep concern for the people of Scalvoris. As you know, our University provides the island with a world-class education institution which is something we should all be proud of. Since the arrival of Saoire on our island, there has been collaboration between the University and Saoire's School and I write this letter on behalf of us both.

As you are aware, we have recently run a challenge across the island. We had no takers. I am not approached or have any meeting with anyone on the council, nor do any of those in Saoire's School. I am concerned that there is not a more joined-up approach to the Education of Scalvorians and I would urge you to consider this. At the University, we have some of the best minds in Idalos. When you have an expedition to a mine, or to Slag's Deep - you did not think to involve us. Yet, we have geologists, archaeologists, anthropologists and many who would be able to help.

The exclusion of the University and Saoire's School from the working of the Council is an awful shame and I choose to believe that it is an oversight, rather than a deliberate tactic. Either way, on behalf of both institutions, I beg you to open the Council up to involving us and, most importantly, listening to us.


Kristoff Manyon.

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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

Date: 17th Zi'da, 722.

To: The My Fellow Councillors & Chancellor Kristoff Manyon

I am writing this in direct reference to the letter recently sent by the Chancellor of the University of Scalvoris. While I'm sure we're all busily pursuing our respective agendas and serving Scalvoris to the best effect we can, we are short-handed. An Academic has not been found to represent the University. I propose we endeavor to fill this empty spot on the Council forthwith, so that oversights such as the one Chancellor Manyon pointed out would not be repeated.

As such, I suggest we search for a candidate to fill that role. I humbly suggest we approach the Leader of Haven, Elisabeth Black, and ask that she take up a position on the Council as Academic. She's proven a great asset to the people of Scalvoris during the Forging, and in other instances has represented our people well by all accounts. Her thoughtful and considered leadership would be an asset to the office of the Academic. At the very least, she would not be idle. She is Ice-Forged also, and would be useful to the Council as one of those blessed by a Scalvoris Induk.

There are other vacancies on the Council as well, such as the Havardeen, the Village of Beacon, Ishallr, Faldrass, and Gunvorton, that also desperately need to be filled. I also submit that we should seek a representative for that seat as well, although I'm less informed of Havardr citizens and known personages in that area, to be suggesting any one to the position.

In conclusion, there are many gaps in governance, and we're not doing our constituents any favors by ignoring them in narrow pursuit of our own aims and goals. I am willing to confer with as many councilors wish to discuss these possible fulfillments of seats, as well as any concerned citizens who also feel they may be qualified to fill that role.


Woe, Egg of Egilrun.

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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

Sent: 21st of Zi'da, 722
Councilors of Scalvoris,

I will be holding an open interview in the Almund Council room on the 7th of Ashan. The purpose of the open interview will be three-fold. The first will be to fill the empty seats of Havardeen, Darbytonian, and Gunvortian. The second will be to discuss the establishment of the Beaconite Council Seat. Candidates have been found for all four of these seats, but still need to be vetted. The third and final purpose will be to discuss the necessity of the Academic Council Seat. There is significant overlap between the roles of the Trainer and Academic seats. I have invited the Dean of the University to attend, and would specifically like to see Trainer Marcelle at this interview. While I know that Egg Morandi has nominated Elisabeth Black for the Seat, I believe it important that the necessity of the Seat before we discuss if it gets filled. Any other Council members who wish to personally evaluate any of the candidates are welcome to attend.

Kura Wolfsdotter, Albarech of Scalvoris
P.S. Attendance is not mandatory, though any complaints about the outcome of the meeting by those who didn't attend will be difficult to take seriously.
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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

Arrives: Ashen 123rd.

A letter arrives
by currier
and is quite insistent that it is read urgently with regard to matters of a relief effort for Scavlaris.

To the Council of Scalvaris,

My name is Winston Miller and in the aftermath of the attacks across the face of Scalvaris, I am writing to request any aid that can be offered in the attempt to give food and shelter to anyone that has been left in need.

I am giving food, from Sairoe's Dream, to anyone able to get there and will be delivering food to the towns and villages around Scalvaris if they are unable to make it here. It is my hope that from here, we can muster a centralised hub from which to get people what support they need.

I write to offer my talents as a skilled cheff and someone with the capability to move large quantities of supplies and aid with relative ease.

I have enough food for a few hundred people at the moment, with more coming, but need additional aid. I cannot provide healing or accommodation myself and my skills in logistics and the affairs of such things are non-existant.

It would be with the greatest gratitude that I would receive anything you can offer to aid in these or any other areas.

I hope to hear from you soon and if you have people that need food, tell me and it will be delivered.

Winston Miller
word count: 245


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

Letter arrives late on the 5th of Ymiden, from a Black Cat courier.

5th of Ymiden, 723
For Jacien,

I hope this letter finds you well and quickly. I have written a few letters to the Albarech sharing my reports from the attack in Ashan and requesting access to the wreckage of the pirate ships but I believe we need that which she can not provide alone. My sources have indicated heavy damage to the Element's defenses and personnel. I would like to help mend the holes left behind until new deputies can be appointed.

I know we do not share a perfect history with one another but we have worked together before and we did so for the greater good. I believe we need to do so again now.

I would like your help in scouring the memories of the four fallen deputies as well as any pirates who were left in-tact enough for us to use our shared abilities. It is my hope that together we can uncover more than we did when we investigated the death of Philip Carey. Together we could strengthen the internal security of the Elements by discovering how the pirates got access to all four deputies without anyone noticing. As you know, together, we can see more than just their deaths. Alternatively I think that the two of us could uncover how this attack was planned. The Candlestick Maker's body would be ideal but I saw the Albarech's explosive so I don't know the condition the body is in. It may not work with our specific abilities. I think that any other Pirate Lord bodies would suffice, but we can make do with members of the crew.

If possible, I would also like access to any prisoners that were taken from the crowd of masked attackers or from the pirate ships. I have no doubt that you have your own interrogators, but I am not them. You know me to be unorthodox but I can choose to follow instruction. Perhaps in a time like this, it would be a good idea to lean into the unorthodox mindset.

I'll include a copy of the report I've sent to Kura regarding the masked individuals so you may see it. The report raised various concerns about possible connections to the dock collapse a few arcs ago, the fire entities which the Candlestick Maker controlled until his death, and the fact that their ships seemed to block all magic. I will leave it to you to make what you will of the information inclosed.

Part of me continues to wonders if Trooper Carey's death is connected to everything that happened. If might be worth it to look into the Watch a little more closely since, when I last worked with the Elements, we still had rotating patrols there.

I offer my assistance in that as well. Until the relief efforts are done, the Black Cats are at your disposal and can be reached at our headquarters in Almund. We will work to fix what we can and I will work to find out how this all came to pass. If you are unable to help, understandably given the pressure the Elements must be under, there is another way- but I do not want to explore that option until we are sure we can not fix this.

P.S. I know the Order must be working night and trial to help Rand but if you'd like, I could attempt to wake him using the same abilities I am using to repair the buildings in Almund.

- Balthazar Black
word count: 608

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Correspondence: Whole Council or NPC Roles

General Orders Dated 40th of Vhalar

The Following Orders will take effect on the 1st of Cylus, 724:
  • The structure of The Elements will be updated to increase flexibility and minimize the weakness exploited during the pirate attack.
  • The Rangers will be merged into the Elements.
  • A new type of Element soldier will officially begin training, known as the Peltbacks. These will be Elements that work in tandem with Scalvonite wildlife.
  • Construction of temporary housing for citizens of Havardr and of the destroyed parts of Almund will be hastened as will construction of permanent structures.
  • Watchtowers will be built at regular intervals along the shoreline of both Scalvoris proper and Faldrass. Exceptions: Scaltoth, pending potential discussion with either the Scaltoth Tribes or the Scaltoth Induk.
  • Walls will be built around every town and village that doesn't currently have them. Exceptions: Sweetsong, as it is a nomadic village, Scaltoth Tribes, pending request from the tribes, Saoire's Dream, pending request from Saoire.
  • Walls will be built at every dock in Scalvoris. Exceptions: Saoire's Dream, pending request from Saoire.
  • Additional Menageries built so that Element mounts and animals are more readily accessible.

More details will be revealed to the public on the 1st of Cylus, 724.

Further Announcement:

Woe Morandi has resigned his position as Egg of Egilrun and requested that the position not be filled. I thank him for his service to Egilrun and to this island as a whole and wish him luck going forward. For the time being, this request will be honored.

Final Note:

I wish to personally extend my gratitude to all those that have helped in the rebuilding of Havardr and Almund. It is an unfortunate fact that the government and military can be unwieldy, something I have enacted these changes to remedy going forward. Hopefully, proper government aid will speed the rebuilding efforts up tremendously. A particular point of gratitude must be made to Rorom Nji'Ihai for his work and gratitude in the rebuilding of Havadr.

Finally, I know that these changes may come as surprise to many, but in light of the weaknesses exposed by the recent pirate attacks, I feel they have become necessary. I will do whatever it takes to make sure the people of Scalvoris are not placed in such danger again.

Kura Mareth-Wolfsdotter, Albarech of Scalvoris
word count: 390
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