To the forge!
The idea of a home that gave life was a pleasant and warming one, even more so that it might go on forever. He smiled. "Et sounds nice tuh tink dat yuh home 'as had yuh family in et for eva. Truth be told, dere are plenty af tings me miss about home, but dem are all still 'ere when me need dem." He tapped his chest, over his heart.
"3 FEET?!" He exclaimed under his breath. "'e wud make shart work af a ferret like me far lunch." As Kisaik's arms stretched out in either direction, he giggled. The Tunawa had plenty of tricks up his leave still to impress. He noted down something on his bit of paper, mumbling as he did so ... "... Growing magic to make the shield shrink to pocket size?"
Winston shook his head. "Afraid? Nat as soch. Me just 'ave a healthy distrust af anytin' designed to eat meh." Winston spoke as if he believed this was both wise and fair. Not that he knew it, but Winston had poached manny a poached egg, which was a far worse fate for an egg than being raised with pride.
In reply to the invitation Winston nodded. "Me know a little about tracking and animals in general an ef me cun 'elp, den yuh cun consider me hands at your disposal."
When Kisaik reassured him that his kindness would be returned, he smiled and shock his head kindly. "Et wud nat be a gift ef it came at a cost. Ef yuh feel inspired to pass on a kindness sometrial as a result af dis gift, den dat es payment enough. Dough, ef even half of dat tails yuh 'ave shared totrail are true, den I would suggest acts af random kindness are sometin' af a common occurrence for yuh. An' so, yuh can always consida yuh-self in credit wid me." If Kisaik had any way to tell, Winston had no ulterior motive in mind, no desire to win favour, he was simply delighted to be able to help someone that had so very clearly helped others.
Winston gave a humble shrug at the suggestion that he was any good at solving problems.
The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: Tell him about the time your curiosity got you locked in a suitcase for two days!
Winston: Nat yet.
Curiosity: Or when you got arrested for breaking into that shop.
Winston: Dere wus no breaking! Just entering.
Curiosity: The policeman disagreed.
Winston: Yeah... well... dis es why me no langa in deh city. Fewer tings locked en rooms dat me want tuh see.
Curiosity: Tell him about the time your curiosity got you locked in a suitcase for two days!
Winston: Nat yet.
Curiosity: Or when you got arrested for breaking into that shop.
Winston: Dere wus no breaking! Just entering.
Curiosity: The policeman disagreed.
Winston: Yeah... well... dis es why me no langa in deh city. Fewer tings locked en rooms dat me want tuh see.
It might be obvious to Kisaik he might have more to say on the subject of the benefits of curiosity, but for now, this appeared to be a tale for another day.
As Kisaik mused on the properties of Minithelite, Winston adjusted his notes, nodding as Kisaik spoke. Heseemed to agree on this improvement to the plan.
When Kisaik admitted that he could not read, he seamlessly moved into explaining his notes. If anything, his body language was a little apologetic for the assumption on his part, but he assured his friend that the notes were for his reference due to his cluttered mind not being able to store such things for long.
When Kisaik mentioned Sorellian Steal the ferry pursed his lips. "Me 'ave nat worked wid dat befar, but et wud make a very sturdy shield indeed." He agreed, with a little reluctance. "Me cun do et. Wid some practice." His tone suggested quite clearly that he believed it was possible, but not that it would be something he'd be hammering out tomorrow.
Kisaik might spot the glint in Winston's eyes as he very sensibly observed the limits of their combined skill... It said 'Hmmmmm... A challenge...', but for now at the very least, where these things were concerned, Kisaik was in charge and the ferret had no desire to accidentally turn himself inside out. "Dere es always time far a version two." He concluded with a smile. "Me best cakes are neva me first cakes."
He laughed at the suggestion that he would have anything to teach from his megar ability with a smithing hammer, but nodded nonetheless. "Anytin' me 'ave es yars, an dat includes whateva skill me 'ave wid an 'amma." It was interesting to learn about the Alchemical process and he was certain that Kisaik would teach Winston more than he would teach back.
It seemed like the two of them had come to an agreement of sorts. They had a list of things to try and quite a few of them needed some prep work, not least of all Winston's inability to work at a proficiency he would be satisfied to offer his friend (free or otherwise). "Let me take some time wid dese tings an' see wat materials me cun get an' me will come to yuh en a little bit far us tuh work out what tuh do next." He smiled. Kisaik was not being ushered out, far from it, but right now, they didn't have half the things on the list in order to get started and so he was eager to get out and see what he could find.
Winston bid his new friend a fond farewell and mused about speaking with dragons and flying on eagles as he set about picking out some scrap metal to begin fashioning a small practice piece for the shield to come.
Kisaik's shield (no charge cos of Saiore's mate's rates):
- Materials:
- Faldrunium - perhaps give off warmth ... might get too hot?
- Minithelite - could make the shield invisible ... might be too brittle?
- Sorelian Steel - might be better to be strong ... it is rare, harder to work and costly to make mistakes with.
- Could make the shield stronger?
- Better to transfer the properties of Minithelite into the Sorelian?
- Rupturing:
- could make the shield return when thrown? ... This is probably not something we can do yet.
- make the shield see-through?
- Kisaik can lengthen his arms ... maby this can make the shield shrink?
- smaller and more agile
- circular