Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

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Skills Tab Beta Feedback!


Skills tab Beta is live !!

See this announcement! - would love more feedback / thoughts / bugs! What would you like to see - what do you like already - what don't you want / etc.

Let us know!!!
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

I just finished entering Seira's skills, and I like the new system a lot - at least now that I've figured out how to do it. The one question I have right now is how to deal with the knowledges that don't count towards ranking a skill up. Specifically this: in Combat: Blades when it comes to throwing weapons (or for gaining two handed focus when you have one handed focus and vice versa), you need 3 additional knowledges at novice, and a further 3 at competent in order to be able to throw weapons/use your second focus at the level of your weapon skill.

I have 13 Blades knowledges currently - 10 towards ranking the skill up, and 3 towards the knowldges I need at novice level for throwing weapons. I only recorded the 10 I have for ranking the skill up since I didn't know how to add the remaining three without having them count towards the total I need to rank the skill up to Competent.

The one drawback I see is that you can't simply type in the number of knowledges/XP you have rather than clicking the + button x number of times. That isn't a big thing, but it can be tedious when you have a lot of knowledges/XP to enter. On the other hand, that should only be an issue when entering the skills/knowledges the first time.

Edit: I forgot to add that I love the purple color for the skills! :)
 ! Message from: Peg
We're working on Knowledges so, at the moment (as it says there) - please just do with it what you can. The nuances aren't there - yet!
Also - the inability to type in there is fixed!
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

Browser: Firefox, but I was able to replicate all issues on chrome and safari
Mode: Dark Mode

When typing in the numbers to update skills, knowledges automatically update when you press enter or click off the text box, which is good, but skills do not update the bar until you use the buttons to increase or decrease the amount, which is awkward.

When you type in your number of skills first and then type in the number of knowledges, then press enter, the knowledge bar will act correctly, but the skill bar will update some things (the star, the next level text) but not other things (the bar color, the #/# text)

Mount and 1 handed/2 handed combat skills are odd, because they aren’t completely discrete skills. You choose one as a primary skill, and to level up the secondary skills you only need x amount of knowledge before your secondary skill just keeps up with the primary one

When adding Combat Skills, they didn’t organize alphabetically, but instead seemed to organize in the order that I added them. The same is true of Mounts and Musical Instruments.

Deleting a skill doesn’t automatically update your total xp count on the bar, but if you refresh the page it does update

There are times when the bar is the wrong shape. I’ve noticed it when the the total bar is less than 3.5% filled, when the knowledge bar is at the beginning of master (at 2/28), and when XP is at the beginning of Competent, Expert, and Master. It seems that if the bar is ever shorter than it is tall its shape gets squished.

I was able to input negative numbers into my skills, but they automatically reset to 0 once I added a new skill or refreshed, so it's not a huge problem.
 ! Message from: Peg
  • When you type in your number of skills first and then type in the number of knowledges, then press enter, the knowledge bar will act correctly, but the skill bar will update some things (the star, the next level text) but not other things (the bar color, the #/# text)
  • When adding Combat Skills, they didn’t organize alphabetically, but instead seemed to organize in the order that I added them. The same is true of Mounts and Musical Instruments.
  • Deleting a skill doesn’t automatically update your total xp count on the bar, but if you refresh the page it does update
  • There are times when the bar is the wrong shape. I’ve noticed it when the the total bar is less than 3.5% filled, when the knowledge bar is at the beginning of master (at 2/28), and when XP is at the beginning of Competent, Expert, and Master. It seems that if the bar is ever shorter than it is tall its shape gets squished.
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  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

FYI: The bug with boxes not filling the bar - has been fixed. Thank you so much, Tech Guy!
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

I just tried adding a handful of skills for Doran.

He has 257/250 XP in Blades due to the skill boni from Renown.

Those are separate from your normal XP, but the system uses my normal XP pool regardless.

I'm not sure why the UCP says that Doran has 3590 XP either. He earned 3.483 XP through his various threads. Are the rest the XP from the startup changes as well as the XP that Doran started with?
 ! Message from: Peg
We haven't dealt with the "above 250" skill points, so don't worry abuot that just yet. It's on our list after Knowledges. And yes, indeed they are!
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

I've been working on updating my UPC with my skills, and ran into a question about the musical instrument categories. Rei'sari is a grandmaster in Musical Instrument; Glass - specifically the glass flute. But that category isn't listed in the UCP, so I wasn't sure what category (if any) I should use.
 ! Message from: Avalon
So this is more of a question then feedback. I'd encourage you to read the Skill write up for Musical Instruments, found here.
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Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

up to date in so far as those feedbacks which we know the answer to - we've answered!! TG will go through and deal with the remaining.
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

I just tried to do this with Devin.

He has 250/250 XP in Cosmetology.

12 of those XP are Renown and mark boni.

Those XP are not included in the Skills Tab though, so I'm not sure which number I should enter.

Also, I'm not sure how you should handle Tier 2 skills.

Finally, there are skill bars for the various Mount skills. It is unclear to me whether we should use them if a PC has knowledges in both Mount (Air) and Mount (Land) though, for example.
 ! Message from: Peg
Hi Devin! This is still a beta test on the skills, so we do know about these things - and I promise you we're working to get them sorted! So - Cosmetology - it's up to you. Since the renown / bonus isn't taking you over 250, then you could either ask for it now (and remember / keep a note for when we get to that - it will be soon!). Tier 2 is not yet dealt with (it's on the list) and as soon as it is you'll know, I promise. In terms of Mount - we are aware of that (and 1h /2h in weapons - and dual wield) - right now, just put one (your main) Mount skill in, and record the knowledges for all.
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  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

I just discovered another problem with the Skills Tab when I tried this with Tristan.

Tristan is a very old PC. Back when I started playing him, we had Legendary skills.

He has 251 XP in Writing, for example. You can only spend a maximum of 250 XP on a skill in the UCP though.
 ! Message from: Peg
Hi Devin - that's actually not a problem with the skills tab. I used to have Legendary Skills, too - and there was an announcement some time (literally, years, so you may well have missed it) that, when we went to skills out of 250 not 250 you could have the 1xp back to spend on something else! So there we go - have an XP!
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Re: Skills Tab Beta Feedback!

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