• Closed • Gift of the Magpie

Doran please.

5th of Ashan 722

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Gift of the Magpie

5th of Ashan 722

"I didn't realize he knew Llyr..." Woe murmured to himself on remembering the night when he and a few others had attended a function at the halls of Lady Raine. He hadn't realized that Doran knew Llyr, but since he'd looked back on that night, and reflected on the meaning of Doran's voice saying Llyr's name, it all came together for him at once upon Ashan. Perhaps it just took that much time for his brain to unfreeze from the cold darkness of Cylus' dreary season. But now that Woe thought of it, Llyr had always gotten around. He knew many notable figures, from Viden to Quacia. It was entirely probable that he also knew Doran in some way or fashion.

Yet the way that Doran had called to Llyr made Woe figure that it must have been a deeper relationship than some professional liaison or casual acquaintance. Llyr tended to have relationships of that sort, as well, being a very intense person. So as Woe turned his attention to his promise to Lady Raine that he assist in finding her daughters, he thought to throw his hat into Professor Thetys' part of the investigation. And anyway, Woe would be leaving in mid to late Ashan, he couldn't pursue the investigation until he got back, and so would have to make good sooner rather than later on his vow to Raine.

But as his son kindly reminded him of the various traditions and celebrations of Scalvoris, having learned from his tutor, today was Gifting Trial. And one was expected to share a gift with a stranger or someone they knew. Moreover, the gift had to be hand-made by the person giving it. This troubled Woe, as he had little in the way of crafts to give to Doran. Nothing that someone as resourceful and inventive as him might find appealing.

Iago suggested, "Why not make him some blended tea? And write a nice note? That counts."

Woe tapped his nose at him, and patted his son on the shoulder in thanks, then he went off to the pantry to gather his herbs.

He had an idea what kind of tea he wanted to make. Something that would call back to Magpie, or even remind them of him. The first thing that came to mind was Jesine's cap, which he had some of in reserve. He kept a small sliver on hand for when he or someone in his household had trouble sleeping. This he would include, given it's connections to sweet dreams, the kind that Woe associated Magpie with most often.

Then there was the choice of aromatics. Citrus zest was good for that, so he took some zest from blood orange, and began peeling them over the cheesecloth he'd use to bag the tea. From there, he went on to choose other aromatics and flavors that recalled to mind the wildness of the Southern Continent, from which Magpie hailed. In with this, he added a modest bunch of ginseng shavings. All of these ingredients he ground together into a fine powdery substance, then placed them into the cheesecloth, tying them off with a black ribbon. When at last he was done, he had a decent light tea, with just a hint of medication-grade ground up jesine cap. It would serve to give Doran good dreams, at least, but he would of course have to warn him against overindulging. The cap could be quite addictive if it was used in excess.

Next was the note. Woe thought he had a good head for poetry, or at least he tried. He wouldn't have to try hard when using Magpie as a source of inspiration, however. There were so many feelings and words that sprang to mind when Woe thought of him. He would channel those feelings as he wrote the poem that would attach to the ribbon.

In dreams, the thieving Magpie catches my ear,
Reciting his sweet song.

Through Emean mists, sailing on wings of gray,
Alighting my shoulder headlong.

Then just as swift, the Magpie steals away,
Bright wings falling in his wake.

It was rough, but the best Woe could do on such short notice, with little preparation or editing time.

He folded the note and wound the ribbon around it, as well as the cheesecloth that the tea was contained in. Then he placed it in the same decorative box that his recorder had arrived in, just earlier from Azira.

Woe wore a long-sleeved, blue-gray silk jacket that covered him to well above his knees and was loosely tied with onyx string at the bottom right side. The sleeves of his jacket are quite wide and reach down to his wrists, they're decorated with a single cloth of onyx thread lining at the sleeve ends. The jacket had a deep v-neck which revealed part of the simple, pale green silk shirt worn below it and was worn with a black cloth necktie, held in place by a flint broach. The necktie was made of satin. His black pants were simple and quite wide and reach down to his hard leather boots. The boots were made from a tough leather, but are otherwise a common design.

Thus, he made his way toward where he knew Doran lived, hoping to find him there in the early morning.

He held the box under his arm as he knocked on the door to the Professor's lighthouse. Whoever opened to greet Woe, would get a nod and a friendly greeting, as much as Woe was capable of. "Hello, is Professor Thetys in?"
word count: 951


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Re: Gift of the Magpie

Cylus had finally made way to Ashan, and the light had returned to the world once more. Doran had not been uncomfortable during the coldest and darkest season of the arc – there was something about the darkness and the cold that he found almost comforting and soothing – but he welcomed the signs of new life, nevertheless. It was still rigidly cold for the most part – Scalvoris was located relatively far north – but the sky was no longer shrouded in twilight. Hints of blue were visible among the dark clouds every now and then, and the sun was shining again.

Most of the time, the Mortalborn made his way into town sometime after breakfast, to make purchases, meet with a customer or teach, but the 5th of Ashan was one of his trials off. That didn’t mean that he was idle though. Soon after he had gotten up, he had made his way into his laboratory that was located on the second floor of the former lighthouse – he could see the beach and the ocean from there – in order to work one of his private projects. There was a tradition that took place on that particular trial, and he intended to take part in it and honor it.

His hand-made gift would be candles, enhanced with alchemy so that they would glow in the dark, more than a normal flame would, and so that they would exude a subtle, but pleasant smell, of Night-Scented Stock, a local flower (He had acquired an extract for that purpose). Candles were a relatively simple gift, but one that would hopefully make the members of his household think of the island that had become their new home.


Elias, one of Doran’s mortal servants that had been with him since after the Battle at Treid’s Tomb was just in the kitchen, preparing his employer’s brunch, when he heard a knock on the door. He paused briefly and furrowed his brow. As far as he knew, Doran didn’t expect anybody. Every once in a while, a customer or a student visited without announcing their visit beforehand though, and thus he didn’t hesitate too long before he walked up to the door, unlocked it and opened it. Soon, Woe found himself facing a human male in his early forties, dark-haired and dark-eyed, and dressed in a simple black suit.

“Good trial”, Elias greeted him respectfully and inclined his head slightly. “The professor is currently in his laboratory, but I will alert him of your visit immediately. Who shall I announce, if you don’t mind me asking?” he wanted to know.

No matter what Woe told Elias, and whether he told him his name or not, he would be alone with the mortal for a few moments – and he would have the opportunity to let his gaze sweep across his surroundings; the professor’s home was luxuriously furnished, but quite tasteful – before the sound of someone walking down the stairs could be heard.

Doran had noticed that someone was at the door and decided to take a look.

This particular trial, the Mortalborn was dressed in a suit made of fine wool, in such a dark kind of blue that it almost seemed to be black. He had foregone the jacket that was part of the suit – he tended to dress more casually in his home – and was only wearing pants and a vest, with a simple dark shirt underneath. The vest was embroidered with intricate ornaments, made of Lunar Silk that shimmered like some sort of metal in the light.

There was also a subtle smell that surrounded the Mortalborn, of honey and vanilla.

He looked at Woe for a moment, standing on the last step, before he walked up to him and extended a hand for the other man to shake. “Mister Morandi”, he greeted him in a calm and polite tone of voice, and with a light smile. “I didn’t know that you would be visiting to-trial. What can I do for you?” he asked before he gestured for Woe to follow him to the salon – having a conversation on the threshold was not acceptable in his opinion. Woe Morandi was an important part of Scalvoris’ society, and a fellow Forged – his actions on the trial when the fate of the entire world had been at stake had impressed him.
word count: 737





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Re: Gift of the Magpie

Woe had a penchant for arriving at places unannounced, he knew. But he hoped the nature of his visit wouldn’t give offense to the Devout, nevertheless. “I’m Woe.” He said simply to Elias, “I’m here to present a gift and ask if I may have an audience with the Devout?”

As Woe’s eyes swept over the surroundings, he noted that Doran’s taste in furnishings were a bit richer and less minimalistic than Woe’s own tastes. Woe’s home didn’t yet have that lived-in feel that Dorans appeared to, at least. But then, Woe’s business often had him traveling across Scalvoris and other domains. He didn’t spend as much time in his home as perhaps he should.

When Doran did arrive, Woe took note of his dress, which was tasteful but not over-the-top. The only concession to luxury perhaps was the lunar silk embroidery, which glowed with iridescence and shone like metal in the faint light of the windows.

Woe used his ability to change the smell of himself to any plant or flower, to emulate the bloodlight blossom of Quacia. Doran might not know of it, but it had a distinct scent of boiled cherries.

“I apologize for dropping in unannounced. It seems to be my modus operandi these days. But I came with a gift, if you’d like it.” Woe said, showing him the decorative box containing the poem and the tea.

“There was another matter I wanted to discuss. Something personal that I’m not sure I have any right to approach with you.” Woe thought on it a while, and in the end decided that he couldn’t let caution get the better of an opportunity to gain a clearer picture of what had happened in Etzos, with Magpie, with the spider medallion, the Raggedy Man, with Emilia, with all of it. He had to know if there was a connection between Doran having met him in Rynmere, and Llyr’s knowledge of the spider medallion, and all of the synchronism of those events. He thought there must have been something underlying those events, whether it had been the intention of an Immortal or merely the accident of happenstance that brought it all together.

Either was a remote possibility and sometimes the truth lie in the middle. But Woe would be averse to neglect the possibilities and exhaust their potential for informing him of some greater plot at play.

“May I come in?” Woe asked, and then Doran gestured for hi to enter and follow him into the salon. Woe followed, carrying the box if Doran hadn’t accepted it just yet.

When at last, they arrived at the salon, Woe took a seat if he was bid, otherwise would remain standing. Then he’d begin by asking him, “In Lady Raine’s reception hall… You called the name of someone familiar to me. I was wondering if we might share a mutual acquaintance, with Llyr Llywelyn.”
word count: 503


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Re: Gift of the Magpie

“I don’t mind“, Doran replied in a calm tone of voice when Woe apologized for dropping in unannounced. “Sometimes, people just knock on my door rather than informing me of their visit beforehand”, he added and shrugged his shoulders slightly. Llyr had had a tendency to just teleport into his apartment in Viden, for example. One trial, he had even found him on his kitchen counter, drawing, which had been unusual, to say the least. And then there had been that surprise visit by Xiur, of course, that he still thought of every now and then. His patron had told him about the Warden and left a gift. He did not think about people’s tendency to stop by unannounced for more than a few moments before, but focused on his guest, as was appropriate.

When Woe informed him that he had come with a gift, Doran raised an eyebrow slightly before he accepted the box with a light smile. “Thank you”, he said and inclined his head as he wondered what was inside. It was not particularly heavy which suggested that, whatever his gift was made of, it was unlikely to be made of stone or metal. He decided to curb his curiosity a little longer though and unpack his gift once they were both sitting. There was also another thing that he noticed. Woe smelled distinctly of boiled cherries which made him wonder. He didn’t think that he had ever smelled such a perfume before.

And then there was the statement that Woe wanted to discuss something personal with him, of course. He considered what the other man could possibly mean, briefly, as he led him into the salon. Woe would find that it was just as tastefully furnished as the rest of the house. There was a marble fireplace where a fire burnt and filled the room with pleasant warmth. A low table made of carved wood and two comfortable armchairs stood in front of it. That was where Doran led him to and gestured for him to take a seat before he did so as well.

He set the box down on the table before he turned to look at Woe. The son of Sintra would notice that his posture was relaxed, and he seemed to be at ease, even though he raised an eyebrow very slightly upon the mention of Llyr Llywelyn. A moment later, he nodded curtly before he replied in a calm tone of voice, “Yes, we do. I’m well acquainted with Mister Llywelyn, although it has been a while since our last meeting. May I inquire as to how you know him?” he asked, briefly wondering if Woe had shared his bed as well or if their relationship had been more on the professional side. Llyr had had other lovers besides him, but he didn’t know if it was any of business, or if it mattered. Besides, it would be a rather inappropriate question to ask.

“And how is your work for Lady Raine going? Have you made any progress when it comes to finding her daughters, if you don’t mind me asking?” he continued before he turned to the box once more. “I hope you don’t mind”, he remarked before he carefully opened it in order to inspect its contents. As he looked at the tea, he thought that he could detect a hint of citrus fruits and ginseng, and something more, something that he couldn’t quite define. And then there was the poem that was quite evocative and that made him think of a meeting with a man with platinum blonde hair in the world of dreams.

Had Woe met him there as well?

“I didn’t know that you were a poet, Mister Morandi. It is beautifully written”, he remarked with a light smile as he placed the bag into the box again. “Did you know that Llyr Llywelyn also called himself Magpie?” he asked, even though it was obvious that Woe was aware of the etherist’s alias. There was no other explanation for a poem about a Magpie with a capital “M”. “Mister Llywelyn had etheric wings, one of his magic mutations, I was told”, he added in a slightly thoughtful tone of voice, as the poem reminded him of that as well.

“By the way, do you want to eat or drink anything while we talk?” he asked a moment later – he was still relaxed, and still appeared to be as comfortable as before, despite the somewhat unusual question. “My servant Elias – the man that greeted you – is quite an excellent cook. Unless you wish to share some of your own tea with me? We could both taste it”, he offered before he leaned back slightly in his chair and looked at Woe, awaiting his answer, his Xypha mark shimmering slightly in the firelight.
word count: 815





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Re: Gift of the Magpie

Woe didn’t know why Magpie came to mind more and more lately. Perhaps it was the brush with the ghosts, the strange seven-fold dream he’d suffered in the Dreamer’s Trial, or it was just the inescapable sensation that he was still very much as he had been, and as he was when he left Etzos. Just a murderous, brutish, webspinning torturer.

“Thank you for confirming it.” Woe said, genuinely. He had no right to ask Doran, anymore than Doran owed him the truth. But he was grateful that he was at least willing to be up front about it. “We fought in the war in Etzos together. I considered him my friend, which is a hard thing for someone like me to find.”

There was of course more to the story than Woe was letting on, but he wouldn’t bore Doran with the details unless he inquired further. “I regret to have made little headway in that respect, but I was hoping perhaps today we could see what might be done toward that end. If you’re willing to work with me on it. I thought we could start with the Memorial Gardens, and see what we could uncover.”

Woe bowed his head in thanks to Doran, when he complimented his writing, “I’m not much of one, but I try sometimes when I’m suitably inspired.”

“Yes, that is how I first knew him, before he entrusted me with his chosen name.” Woe said, “I never knew his birthname, although we did meet his mother once, in Raj’Ufnaj, when we traveled to U’frek’s Realm… It was quite accdiental, something of a story in itself. When we escaped Rhakros together, we found ourselves there.”

Woe nodded to the idea of refreshment. “Yes, although I would have coffee together with the tea, if you would. It’s meant as a nightcap, with a sliver of Jesine’s Cap in it, to help promote vivid dreams and sleep. Not that I suppose you lose much sleep, but I thought it apropos given the subject of my visit.”

“I recommend a small taste of the tea, if any, for the time being.”
word count: 367


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Re: Gift of the Magpie

“I’m glad that you found a friend in Mister Llywelyn then”, Doran replied in an honest tone of voice and smiled slightly before he admitted in a calm tone of voice, “I would very much like to hear more about your involvement in the war in Etzos sometime, provided that you don’t mind telling me and have time. I realize that there might be some things that you do not wish to share with anybody”, he added. Some things might simply be painful to talk about, and there might be some things that Woe didn’t wish to share with a relative stranger, and he would of course respect that.

He couldn’t help but be curious though. Woe Morandi was, from what he knew, Sintra’s son. Had he fought against his mother and her people? And how had Llyr been involved? He knew that his (former?) lover had been afraid of Sintra’s spies – he had told him that. He also knew that Llyr had been acquainted with an assassin in Etzos – he had offered him his services, in jest. There were a lot of things that he didn’t know about him though. It had never bothered him – he had always been content with whatever Llyr had shared with him willingly, and not demanded more – but that didn’t keep him from wondering.

“As for Lady Raine’s task – I have to admit, I haven’t made a lot of headway yet either, in no small part due to a research trip that I undertook with Professor Augustin just a few trials after the party”, he continued, moving on to the next topic – his tone of voice was not apologetic or regretful at all; he was simply stating a fact. “If we worked together, we’d likely uncover more and be faster, so I appreciate your offer in that regard. The Memorial Gardens seem like a good place to start to me. I have something that might aid our investigation”, he admitted and continued, “Excuse me for a moment, please.”

Having said that, he swiftly rose to his feet in order to remove a couple of books from a nearby shelf.

“Lady Raine gifted me with a set of books that detail the history of Scalvoris and the family LeFleur. According to the note that accompanied them, they are a copy of a set of books that is entirely unique. They may reveal valuable information”, he said and set the books down on the table so that Woe could inspect them if he wanted to. “Furthermore, the prizes that we were given that evening might be of use as well. What kind of prize were you given for solving the riddle or the mystery, if you don’t mind me asking, Mister Morandi?” he wanted to know and raised an eyebrow slightly.

“That sounds like quite an adventure”, he admitted when Woe mentioned Llyr’s and his journey to U’frek’s Realm, silently wondering if Sintra’s son knew that Llyr was a Mortalborn of Chamadarst. He had mentioned his mother, but not his father. “There is something about Mister Llywelyn, isn’t there?” he remarked and smiled very, very lightly. “He seems to attract the attention of people of note, Immortals and mortals, for better and for worse.” For a moment, he considered asking Woe if he thought that their kind, the children of the Immortals, were destined to play some sort of role and couldn’t exist in obscurity, but he wasn’t sure if Llyr would want him to talk about his being Chamadarst’s son. Not all Mortalborn were as open about their status as he was nowadays, after all.

For that reason, he decided to leave the matter be and turned his attention to the tea that Woe had gifted him with again instead. “A small taste then, just a sip or two, enough to find out what it tastes like, but not enough to make us sleepy”, he decided and called for his servant, Elias, who appeared after but a bit or two. He told him to bring coffee for his guest and him, and hot water, so that they could have tea together.

“Would you like anything else?” Doran asked Woe before he told his servant to bring him some of the biscuits that he had made that morning. Provided that Woe wanted something to eat as well, he would tell him that before Elias left the salon and headed to the kitchen in order to prepare everything.
word count: 761





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Re: Gift of the Magpie

The war in Etzos was a complex subject, multilayered and with several harrowing stages that didn't conclude with the breaking of Lisirra's seige of Etzos. It wasn't a war against Sintra, per say, although there was resistance to Sintra's attempt to install herself as Immortal Sovereign of Etzos. Woe wouldn't have called that a war, however.
He'd seen war, and a series of intrigues and backstabs didn't resemble it at all. In some ways, the method Sintra employed to subjugate the people of Etzos was far more humane than large scale war. But Woe digressed.

He respoded to Doran's request to tell him more about the war sometime, and Woe nodded, "If you wish. I thought to make myself useful to my mother in the war, against Lisirra's forces. Together with the people of Etzos, we disposed of Lisirra. I warned my mother aftewrard that the people of Etzos by and large would show her nothing short of ingratitude, however, she wouldn't listen and tried to make them her own."

Doran confessed that he had been delayed in his progress for Lady Raine's task, by a mutual research trip with Professor Augustin. "Faith Augustin?" Woe asked. But then he went silent as Doran continued to refer to Woe's offer of assistance in the investigation.

"Oh?" Doran revealed a couple of books from a nearby shelf, which he showed to Woe. They had details of the history of Scalvoris, and the family LeFleur. "LeFleur... I think I've heard that name before. It seems quite a common surname in Scalvoris. You're of course aware that the librarian of the Scalvoris Library is named Rose LeFleur. Do you know if they're of any relation? Perhaps we can speak to her at some point."

Doran mentioned the prizes they each were given by Lady Raine, at the conclusion of her party. Woe thought about the scales she'd given him, which had a very special enchantment upon them.
The Scales of Just This
were quite precious and useful, yet he wondered how they might be used to find out the sisters that were lost.

Woe explained to Doran swiftly what they did. "They turn the pure weight of an object, which is rendered into dust, into a measure of one of the constituent materials that were making it up. I suppose one could take a book decorated with gold leaf, and come up with a equal measure of gold. I haven't tried it just yet, though."

Doran drifted eventually back to the subject of Llyr, and Woe allowed him his nostalgia. He didn't know the nature of their association or friendship, but it was none of his business, frankly. However curious he was.

He certainly spoke favorably of him, and made a true enough statement that Llyr was a magnet for fate. "I wonder where he might be now? Perhaps lost in Emea. He did so love to dreamwalk."

Woe nodded to Doran, and allowed that he'd have a drink of the tea with him, just a small bit. Not nearly enough to dull his nerves, which he'd need if they were to invesztigate the LeFleur sisters.

"Biscuits sound good to me. Thanks. Nothing else."

Woe watched Elias leave to fetch the food and make the tea.
word count: 562


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Re: Gift of the Magpie

“Disposed?“ Doran asked in a calm tone of voice and raised an eyebrow almost imperceptibly when Woe told him what had happened in Etzos and that they had disposed of Lisirra, but he didn’t say more. He would leave it up to Woe if he wanted to explain in which way exactly they had disposed of the Immortal of Pestilence. He couldn’t help but be curious about her fate in recent seasons and arcs though.

The daughters of Cierel had played an important part during the Battle of Treid’s Tomb, which he considered to be his most shameful moment nowadays. There had been some sort of conflict between Moseke and Lisirra on Immortal’s Tongue, and they had played a part during the War against Slag’s Deep as well, with the exception of Lisirra.

He had not heard anything new about her in a while. If she had died, or been killed, the aftereffects would likely have been felt on a larger scale though, so, he doubted that it was that. Already, rumours about the Immortals that had died during Valtharn’s ascension were spreading through the population whereas Lisirra seemed to have faded away.

“Faith Augustin”, he confirmed when Woe asked him about his research trip before he decided to focus on the present again.

The son of Sintra told him that he had heard the name LeFleur before and mentioned the librarian in that regard. He thought about it for a few moments – he had wondered if Rose who had helped him so much during the Forging was related to Raine as well at one point – before he shook his had very lightly. “I don’t think so. At least, there is no physical resemblance that I could notice. Talking to her would be a good idea regardless in my opinion. Raine and her relatives were all part of a troupe that travelled Idalos.”

“We could likely find some information about them in the library, or get it from Rose personally”,
he decided.

When Woe told him what the scales, his prize, did, he furrowed his brow very lightly. Considering the nature of his own prize, he had thought that the prizes might help them find the lost daughter, but he wasn’t sure whether something that turned dust to gold, for example, would be of any use in that regard, even though it sounded like an impressive piece of magic.

“My own prize was a pocketwatch that enables me to see ghosts and communicate with them for one break per trial”, he revealed, as Woe had just told him what his scales did. “That will be useful when it comes to finding Raine’s lost daughters and talking to them, at least. Their names are Terra, Aer, Ignis and Hydra. Ignis apparently worked as a fortune teller. Do you remember any fortune tellers of note, Mister Morandi, and do you have any theories as to why they were named after the elements?” he asked, curious as to what the other man thought.

“I can only think of one noteworthy that had set up shop in Scalvoris Town in recent arcs. Her name was Joelle though, and not Ignis”, he said and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

“Perhaps”, he murmured in a thoughtful tone of voice that stood somewhat in contrast to his usual calm when Woe mused that Llyr might have gotten lost in Emea. “He seemed different during our last meeting, as if he had begun to distance himself from the waking world. He barely touched food I offered to him, but only drank some alcohol. He has always had a special connection to Emea. We met there for the first time, in the world of dreams”, he admitted – he saw no reason to keep that a secret. In hindsight, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had already fallen for the etherist back then. There had been something different about their interaction from the start.

He decided not to speak about their love to Woe though. Llyr had always been different when they had been together in public. Although there had been moments of flirtatiousness every now and then, he wasn’t sure if the etherist would want others to know that they were or had been lovers, and for that reason, he would keep that particular aspect of their relationship to himself, unless Woe asked him about it directly.

Before long, Elias returned with a silver tray on which two cups of coffee could be found. There were cream and sugar, and everything that was necessary to make tea on top of it, and there was also a porcelain bowl with sweet biscuits. They were of very fine quality. Doran had not exaggerated in the least. The Etzori really was an excellent cook.

While they ate and drank, Doran encouraged Woe to take a look at Raine’s books himself – he might be able to notice something that he, Doran, had not considered yet. No matter what the son of Sintra did, the son of Ziell ultimately took one of the books and leafed through it for a while before he showed it to his guest and remarked, “Look at this chapter. It mentions different places in Scalvoris where the troupe performed, Scalvoris Town – they were in the town square once – Almund and Egilrun. They were also on Faldrass once, back when the old Baron, Rodrigues, was still alive. I wonder if he ever mentioned the LeFleurs in his writing”, he murmured and stroke his bearded chin thoughtfully. It didn’t surprise him in the least that there might be a connection of sorts. Raine’s family had perished during the collapse of the docks which had been one of the events that had preceded the War against Slag’s Deep and the Forging. Rodrigues had been involved in those events as well.

Everything was connected in some way, sometimes on a small, and sometimes on a large scale.

“You said that you wanted to head to the Memorial Gardens though?” he remembered.
word count: 1013





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Re: Gift of the Magpie

"Disposed is probably a poor choice of word." Woe admitted, "I only heard that another vanguard had defeated her. Word from my mother would have it that she was killed, but a word from my mother ought not to be taken at face value. Whatever happened, after the battle, Lisirra was not heard from. So one might infer that she had died or at the very least exiled from this... Idalos."

Woe didn't have much of an opinion as to whether Lisirra had survived or not. Personally, he found her revolting and reprehensible, albeit representing necessary aspects of nature. While one could do without Lisirra, one certainly couldn't deny that her Domains, while unpleasant, were necessary to the way the world functioned.

Doran confirmed Faith Augustin was the subject of the research trip he'd embarked upon. Woe didn't venture to ask anything about it, because frankly it was none of his business what these highly important scholars were researching beyond the barriers. Perhaps Doran would open up about it, anyway though? That was up to him, however.

"I've found her a good source of information, in the past." Woe admitted of Rose. "She's helped me find a book or two, not that I'm much of an avid reader myself. I prefer seeing the world to hearing or reading about it. Although history of course is another matter. One cannot very well witness history in front of their eyes, afterall. Unless perhaps blessed by Ralaith."

Woe listened to Doran explain what his gift was. A pocketwatch that allowed him to communicate and see ghosts. That would certainly be directly useful in this endeavor, and almost render one of the people Woe had wrangled into the investigation rather moot. He'd arranged for Eve to meet him at the Memorial Gardens, whether they convinced Doran to work with them or not.

Woe drank from the tea that was brought in, as Doran leafed through his book. He listened as Doran described a troupe of sorts, presumably of mummers or actors. "An acting troupe? You don't suppose they paid homage to Syroa? Or perhaps ran afoul of her? I don't know much of the Immortal, but she seems the sort to spurn those who fall under her domains, that don't submit to her." Woe ventured that idle bit of a suggestion. He didn't know if it'd hold water, but it was worth it to see what Doran thought. "Anyway, yes, I think Memorial Gardens is a good place to start..."

Woe rubbed his chin for a moment, ultimately deciding that it was best not to surprise Doran with the presence of his ghost companion, "My companion, Eve, is a ghost of some power and considerable age. I've arranged her to meet us at the Memorial Gardens. I think that might be a good place to start, should you wish to undergo the search now?"

Woe hoped he would, as Woe's schedule was fast filling up with appointments and preparations the likes of which demanded more of his time than he had sometimes. In only a few days he was set not only to meet his business partner, but also Elisabeth to tutor her on business administration and negotiation. But this was equally important, and Woe wanted to help Oblivio if he could, to reunite them with their sisters.

"Shall we leave soon?"
word count: 573


Often Woe will travel in disguise.
Erebus Identity


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Re: Gift of the Magpie

“Exiled from Idalos“, Doran murmured in a thoughtful tone of voice before he abruptly met Woe’s gaze. He wondered where Lisirra was now, if she was not dead, but had just left this world. Was she lost somewhere behind the barriers? Had she become trapped in Emea? Was she in another Immortal’s realm, or had she moved even further? He strongly suspected that there were other worlds, beyond Idalos – what Professor Fridson had told him of the Originals suggested that. They had not come from here. Lisirra’s fate interested him, he had to admit, even though he cared little about the Immortal herself – he was not sure if there was anything positive about her and her motives.

When Woe stated that one couldn’t very well witness history in front of their eyes, unless perhaps blessed by Ralaith, he smirked and stated in a dry tone of voice, “I have several ways to look into the past, although Ralaith has unfortunately not blessed me yet. As for reading, you do have a point, although it is impossible to see and experience everything yourself”, he continued before he took a slow, careful sip of the tea, thinking of the poem that had come with it and the man named Magpie as he drank. He also drank a bit of coffee as he was not interested in growing sleepy during their investigation of the Memorial Gardens. That would be counterproductive.

“Neither Raine nor her daughters struck me as followers of Syroa”, he admitted when Woe suggested a connection to Syroa. “Still, not everyone worships Syroa in the stereotypical way or maintains a certain mindset. She does have a certain way of treating those that don’t do her bidding”, he stated, remembering what had happened during the Mummer’s Ball, although the expression on his face revealed nothing – it remained calm and polite. “It is a connection that is worth looking into in my opinion, although the collapse of the docks was one of the events preceding the War against Slag’s Deep”, he pointed out.

He didn’t know how much Woe knew of what had happened before that fateful trial in the Glass Temple, so he considered it prudent to mention it, just in case.

As for Woe’s ghostly companion …

“I look forward to meeting Eve. Let us go”, he decided and finished his coffee before he swiftly rose to his feet.

“There is just one thing that I’d like to know before we leave”, he admitted a moment later and turned to face Woe once more. "Why did you decide on a Magpie disguise out of all the disguises that you could have chosen when we attended Raine’s party?” he asked and raised an eyebrow slightly.

No matter how Woe answered his question, and whether he answered it or not, he would eventually inform his servants that Mister Morandi and he would head to the Memorial Gardens and that they would likely be gone for a while as they had important work to do.
word count: 511





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