Hi there! I've decided to dust off Duncan, my old love, my favourite character, the one and only. The last time I was active with Duncan was late 2019, and I've been writing in various different genres and platforms since, but, unsurprisingly, my characters have always had a little of Duncan in them. No surprise, I truly love him.
And the poor lads' been through a lot. A love affair with an (almost) all powerful wizard, boots on the ground in war zones, brushing elbows with royalty, another, far more tragic love affair with magical twins, sea changes, tree changes, attempting travel through no-man's lands during an uprisings of the dead, another, brief romance with the baby daddy of his first true love-- it's been a lot. Oh, and let's not forget the mercenary contracts. A lot of contracts. He's been through a lot, and he's honestly ready to settle down and live a quiet(er) life.
But, poor Dunc has realised that he has pretty much nothing to show for his life; a few scant belongings, a small home, and no way for him to support himself in the future besides what he's always done; mercenary work. And he's getting tired of it.
So, Duncan's back and working towards retirement! Below are the particulars;
-I haven't decided a location, I'm honestly just looking to start him up wherever the most activity is, so if you think you'd like to have your character share some plots with him, let me know! He'll be in Scalvoris! But still let me know if you have plots elsewhere
-He'll still be working as a mercenary, after all it's all he knows. If you need one, he's your guy. He'll also do various odd jobs if the coin is right.
-Umm, I'm a softie from romance, especially if it's complicated. Let me know if this is something you're interested in.
-General adventure/shenanigans/drama?! Dunc's focus is making money. He will follow the money, even if it may lead to disaster. Doesn't that sound fun!?
So please DM me, chat with me, share your plots and ideas with me! I'm chomping at the bit to get baby boy back into some action!
Oh, and just as a note, his Character Sheet is due for a major revamp; all his details will be the same, but I'm reorganising everything and sprucing him up a bit!
Thank lovelies!