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Name: Yina Elanessë Talliel Race: Tunawa Date of Birth: 93, Ymiden 696 Marks: None Factions Joined: None Languages Spoken: Fluent = Xanthea Fluent = Treetalk Broken = Common Appearance: This creature has a wide, doe-eyed look with eyes of deep green and rich brown. Her hair falls in long, thick vines with blooms that are ever changing with her many moods. In most day-to-day adventures, she is found with a simple tied blouse with a embroidered neckline and dye-stained sleaves. Her pants are loose and open on the sides to let the sunlight in, with matching stains and embellishments. She stands on the small side of her race, only 13 inches, but small as she may be, she makes up for in speed and accuracy.
When beings speak of someone being bird-brained, typically Yina is the example, her attention span has her seeming to be rude or distant. In all reality, she probably saw something shiny. That, coupled with an insatiably curious nature, gets the small Tunawa in a whole new world of trouble on a near daily basis. Do not underestimate her though, distracted does not mean unintelligent. Her wits are sharp and unrelenting. If it is interesting, she must know everything about it. She keeps honesty and kindness fiercely close to heart.
Last edited by Yina Talliel on Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:16 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 91
As a new sprout, Yina was always in trouble for running off. Everything she saw, she needed to get close, she needed to study. She so often found herself lost because of her absent-minded wanderings. Her parents threatened to tie a leash around her but, she didn't mind so much. She always found the most wonderful things on her adventures; shiny rocks, colorful feathers, gorgeous herbs and flowers, wonderfully poised spiderwebs to practice her artwork with. The possibilities were endless.
She found a young creature on her adventures, a mäsällã'kọ'pọnọ, whom she bonded with almost immediately. His sad and soulful eyes plucked at her heartstrings as he had been cowering under a tree stump. She only had to offer him a small cake from her travel pack, sweet with berry jams, for the creature to warm up to her. Every chance she got Yina would travel back to his stump and place him sweets or pastries at the entrance. His little nose was always the first she saw of him, twitching as he sniffed out his treat. The dance between the two continued until one trial, after he was sufficiently stuffed from his meal, he started to follow her back to town. The Tunawa had then turned and held her hand out for him, waiting patiently for him to decide. Only moments had passed before he placed nis face gently in the palm of her hand.
"Alder." she so named him, scritching at his chin. The pair then on grew thick as thieves, never far from the other, and always ready for trouble.
At first, she took to her family tailoring tradition well. She was quick to pick up new stiches, new ways to weave, they came to her for the best color patterns and her nimble hands produced vibrant embroidery that earned many praises. However, her mind wandered off as it always did, and she found herself drawn to the cabin a little ways off from the rest in Desnind. There was an older hermit-type living there, fiddling day and night with alchemy. She was fascinated, and terrified all the same. Spying from up in a bush, secure and hidden (so she thought), she watched as he mixed and mingled herbs and gems. Most ended in disaster and small foul smelling explosions, but the few successes he made she cheered quietly with him. She started to bring a small empty bound book, to scribe notes and warnings to herself if ever she was brave enough to brew. The old one caught her one boring afternoon, snatching her up by the scruff and demanded she stay away.
"This is far too dangerous for sprouts." he barked, "Keep your leaves down and learn something else, something worthwhile!"
Insulted and admittedly frightened, she fled. Only for the trial. Curiosity her weakness, she kept going back, and every trial he would run her off. Determination fueled her, and surprised him. He finally told her, "If you are going to loiter, you might as well be useful. Grab me some daisy petals, sproutling, and keep quiet."
She was able to learn some basics from the hermit, including how to make night light powder, before her parents found out. They were tailors, peaceful and quiet. They didn't meddle in the dangers of arcana. One stray spark, an out of control fire, or explosion, and that would be her end.
Her parents her too cautious, too quiet, and The Fates have it - she was bored! They bickered for nearly a full cycle, eventually turning to silent resentment from Yina and saddened disappointment from her parents. The young Tunawa tried to sneak back to the old hermit's cabin after the cold cycle had gone, but it lay empty. The dust and cobwebs that had formed told her all she needed to know. He was gone. She shuffled back home and threw herself into her work as a seamstress.
She thought she would stay there, utterly bored and safe her whole life, the arcs dragging slower at each pass, until market day. She has been wandering through the streets, looking for a specific shade of dye for an on-the-side project, when she heard an unremarkable peddler talking to a customer about an island on the outskirts of Skalvoris. It had been ravaged by the volcano it housed, an eruption that decimated everything, violent and devastating. It was building anew! Settlements and villages here popping up one by one, reclaiming the land once more! 'A new start.' she mused, something she so desperately wanted too. Her mind had raced the whole trial, about how easy it would be to pack her stuff, what little she owned, into a wagon and just...go. The more she thought about it, the more planned out it became, the more real it became until she was standing in her small room with her things packed and Alder waiting outside her window, knowing a trip was coming. She had to but peer out the window to know, she had to go. She threw the last kit of needles and thread into the single chest and carried it out the door, tied it to her friend and set off, giddy with anticipation. A new start...that's all she needs.
Last edited by Yina Talliel on Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:29 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 888