Upon the Waves II.

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Upon the Waves II.

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Wood creaked as Praetorum landed heavily on the enemy ship, to calls of alarm from the pirates before him. Releasing Clarissa so she could get her feet, Prae grinned broadly at the stunned pirates. He'd deliberately landed on the bow of the pirate ship, not just because that was the closest point, but because that was he and Clarissa only had to deal with enemies coming from one direction.

All at once, he activated four powers of Taithir—Serpent's Hood, to make himself the biggest target in the area; Serpent's interception, to block any arrows that might come his way; Serpentine Awareness, showing him the heat signatures of every living being around him; and Serpent Manifestation, conjuring up a massive anaconda with mottled green scales and vicious looking fangs. 

"That's new." Clarissa commented, hefting her swords. "I like it."

"Thank you," Prae said. As he spoke, a golden shield appeared on his left arm, while a spear of brilliant light appeared in his right. "Now," he said as the nearest pirates began to charge towards them. "Just like we practiced."

The first pirate to arrive at them did so with a cutlass, sweeping through the air at Prae's ribs. Shifting the shield in his hand, Prae parried the blow, sending the pirate reeling backwards. Without missing a beat, Clarissa stepped forwards, and skewered the man on her sword, leaving herself wide open for the next pirate to try and attack her. Praetorum covered her, his shield flashing out to block yet another blow for her, before spinning the spear in his hand and stabbing behind him at where another pirate was trying to sneak up on them. It wasn't a lethal blow, just a distracting one—Clarissa finished that pirate off with a cut across the neck, and Praetorum's Taithir snake reared up with a hiss, scaring away a couple more enemies.

Barely a bit, and already the bodies were starting to pile up around them. Without needing to discuss, Prae and Clarissa moved forwards together, their Celarion bond keeping them in sync. Clarissa would attack with abandon, while Praetorum would protect her with his shield and make openings for her with his spear and snake. A few pirates managed to get behind them, only to find that Prae's lashing tail could do every bit as much damage as a fist—that was, just enough to distract them so that either Clarissa or the serpent could take them out. 

Leaving a trail of dead and injured pirates behind them, Prae and Clarissa fought their way across the ship, sticking to the starboard side to keep from being surrounded. "Gotta say, this is a hell of an exhilarating way to fight," Clarissa laughed, trading blows with an increasingly distressed looking biqaj. "Really gets the blood pumping. Completely deranged, of course,"

"Well it works, doesn't it?" Prae countered, jabbing with his spear to keep a few other pirates at bay until Clarissa finished with the biqaj. 

"So far, yeah." Beheading the biqaj, Clarissa spun around and lunged at the nearest pirate, relying on Prae to keep her safe. "You're the only one who'd ever think of fighting like this. Or who I'd ever trust my back to so completely like this." Over her shoulder, Prae sank his spear into a pirate's throat, and shrugged. 

"I appreciate the vote of confidence. On your right." Clarissa turned, and Prae stepped forwards to keep at her back to block a flurry of blows from a pirate with a pair of daggers in hand. Spinning his spear, Prae clipped the side of the pirate's head with the butt of his weapon, before slicing into his side. 

Across the deck, Prae could see the pirates trying to board the transport ship, with little success. The pirate's numerical advantage was being cancelled out by having to split their attention between the sailors defending the ship one one side and Praetorum and Clarissa carving through their ranks on the other. And the ten sailors Prae had empowered were doing well, spread out across the side of the ship to keep the pirates from pushing through to the deck. 

If things kept going at this rate, their side would win handily, or else the pirates would flee. But Prae wanted a decisive victory, and quick—the sooner they took out the captain, the less injuries there would be on either side. And wouldn't you know it, speak of the spider...

"What in U'frek's name is going on here?"
word count: 768
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal

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Re: Upon the Waves II.

A scattered cheer went up as the pirate captain arrived on deck, cutlasses in hand. He was a tall, grizzled human, who might have been called handsome were it not for the sour scowl on his face. Clarissa's eyes narrowed as she sized him up. "Trouble incoming," she called. "You taking this one?"

Praetorum stepped to the side to avoid a spear, then swept his shield to knock the pirate off her feet as she tried for a second attack. "No, I don't think I will. You can take him."

Clarissa let out a squawk of indignation, following up his attack with her own. "Excuse me?" she demanded. The pirate captain was halfway to them by now, eyes narrowed in clear anger. And just a hint of fear. 

"Call it a good learning opportunity," Prae suggested. "I think he should be about evenly matched with you—I'll keep the other pirates off you, and step in if things get hairy. You've gotten rusty, these seasons in Scalvoris with no one to really fight." He grinned. "Don't worry, Clarissa. You'll be perfectly fine."

She shot him a look, somewhere between incredulous and skeptical. It was a testament to how much she trusted him, then, that she nodded all the same. The captain was almost on them now, and Prae stepped away from Clarissa, turning to go on the offensive now. With spear and shield, he drove away all the nearby pirates, and directed his taithir serpent to do the same on Clarissa's other side, leaving a space for her to fight with the pirate captain.

The pirate captain looked bewildered by this turn of events, at least when Prae glanced over. But he didn't have long to dwell on it, as Clarissa closed in on him, and began to attack. As their four swords began to clash, Praetorum refocused on the pirates all around them, now looking torn between running from Prae and aiding their captain. 

He didn't give them much of a choice in the matter, surging forwards to attack, forcing them even further backwards. One or two retreated in alarm, while a few tried to stand their ground, and got speared for their trouble. One enterprising pirate tried to dart past Prae, using his comrades' as cover, only to learn that Praetorum's tail could unwind to a full eight feet, easily long enough to sweep him off his feet, and in fact, directly overboard. 

Behind him, Prae heard a shout of pain, thought he couldn't tell from whom it had come. He didn't worry about it, instead moving to intercept a group of four that stepped up to fight him. The quartet worked well enough together, copying Praetorum's tactic with Clarissa—two pirates attacked, while the other two defended them. 

But there was a reason this wasn't a standard combat tactic—it relied on the defender being able to protect himself as well as his ally, and, well...

The spear of light in Praetorum's right hand dissolved, as did the golden shield in his left. For a moment, Prae was unarmed—but only for a moment. Half a heartbeat later, Praetorum's hands were full of a massive glaive, and he swung, cleaving into one pirates side and sending his body hurling into all three of his comrades, knocking them off balance. Another strike, this one downwards, sent the remaining trio scrambling frantically backwards, and had other pirates hesitating in their approach.

The glaive vanished from his hands, and Prae was once more wielding shield and spear, standing threateningly before the terrified pirates. "Anyone else?" He asked, his voice dangerously soft.

Behind him, there was the distinctive gurgle of a slit throat. With Taithir's heat vision, Prae didn't need to turn to see Clarissa step back as the pirate captain collapsed to the deck, clutching his bleeding neck as his temperature began to dim. 

Prae smiled, and raised his spear towards the pirates. "Your captain is dead!" He shouted. "Throw down your weapons!"
word count: 681
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Upon the Waves II.


Shield: Upon the Waves II. [1/5]
Shield: Upon the Waves II. [2/5]
Shield: Upon the Waves II. [3/5]
Shield: Upon the Waves II. [4/5]
Shield: Upon the Waves II. [5/5]
Intimidation: Upon the Waves II. [1/1]

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 10, for fighting the pirates.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Praetorum is fighting pirates!

His being an incredibly skilled fighter and tactician immediately comes across in this thread. And what more, you’ve done a great job at making the fight very exciting to read in my opinion!

I also liked how Praetorum and Clarissa worked together. When Praetorum activated Serpent Manifestation and Clarissa remarked that that was new and that she liked it, I couldn’t help but smirk a little.

I thought that Praetorum would take the lead throughout the fight, so I was quite surprised when he let Clarissa deal with the pirate captain. And so was the captain himself, it seems!

There is just one thing that struck me as odd about this thread. The pirate captain seems to have been a Flavor NPC who was in charge of other Flavor NPCs. That explains why Clarissa who is noticeably less skilled than Praetorum was able to defeat him, at least.

In the future, write such NPCs up and post them in the “Antagonists” thread though, please!

With that being said, enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: Could you add the date, please?
word count: 249





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