Question Regarding Purchasable Kits

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Question Regarding Purchasable Kits

Hey all!

I was working on creating my character for the first time (link here: /viewtopic.php ... 012#p12012 ), and was hoping to find some kind of Black/Smith's Kit like what exists for the other professions. I didn't see anything, and was hoping to get some insight on if it were possible to have something worked up for my character to start with, to fit the background? :)

If not possible, I understand. I wrote down Leatherworker's kit because I figured that was the closest thing to a full kit, and can round it out with various other items found in other groups, but would love something along the lines of:
  • Smithing Kit
    • Anvil (small)
    • Hammer (medium - forged)
    • Hammer, Tooling
    • Tongs, large
    • Vise
    • Quenching Tub
    • Chisel
    • Punch set (various sizes)
    • File set (various grains)
    • Saws (various bit-sizes)
    • Small stash of coal (TBD)
    • Quenching Oil
    • Polishing Oil
I know it's mainly just for flavor, but I'd love to be able to have something that meshed with my character's past, but wasn't sure where to start with this kind of request!
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Question Regarding Purchasable Kits

Hey there,

There is one such kit technically still in proposal here.
I really think it's just a formailty for it to be approved. ;)
That will also give you a link to the forum most often used for these kinds of questions. :D
Now I realize this entire kit costs 180gn, which is actually quite a bit less than buying all the parts separately.
And you're only starting with 100. (incidentally, your CS ledger is a bit off track in this regard. :lol: )
But you CAN buy just parts of the kit if you want.
You'll see that it is intended more as a traveling smith's kit, rather than a stationary one.
You actually have several options.
You can go into debt to get a full shop, building and tools if you want. Be a full-fledged town smith.
You could also get the kit, but just be a small job type stationary smith, in which case you could forego the wagon. Save some money.
That is really figured on going with a character that has a horse to pull it anyway. No horse with the city dweller pack. could cash in the house cost for an additional 250gn for the full kit. But then you'll have to rent.
Depending on where you intend to start, you should talk to the mod in charge to see what they think is most viable for you.
Money is not that hard to get. I'm sure if you either went into debt to be a major smith, or rented housing to start small, you could avoid getting into financial trouble.
I admit though, I'm not really up on the private business rules.
There's also the option of just getting a job as a smith or smith's assistant, and not even having to buy your own gear.
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Question Regarding Purchasable Kits

Ah! I had completely disregarded that forum as something different for some odd reason. Thanks for pointing me over to it.

At least it seems like I was moving in the right direction! If you don't mind, I'd definitely love to PM you about a couple things you've mentioned, since I could certainly use the help before I even think about putting my sheet forward for approval. :)

Thanks again!
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Question Regarding Purchasable Kits

Got your PM :D

And I hope I didn't crush you under the weight of all my advice. :o
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Anyar Silthendi
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Question Regarding Purchasable Kits

Without that help, I don't think I'd be the Snek I am today! ;)

Thanks a lot for everything, I mean it!
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