• Solo • Seri's Song

15th of Cylus 721

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Seira Shiryu
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Seri's Song


15th Cylus, 721

It was a rare trial indeed when Seira and Seri did not spend most of it together. But with their eighteenth birth trial coming up on the first of the next season, they each wanted privacy to start working on their gifts to each other. It probably would have been easier if they just went out and bought something. And while they were far from rich, they did have the money to buy the occasional treat or gift if they planned ahead and saved up their money. But they had a tradition of making gifts for each other instead. It had started back when they lived on the streets of Rynmere, and they didn't have the option of buying birth trial gifts for each other. Now that they did, it still felt...more personal somehow if they made gifts for each other rather than buying them. It was something special that they shared between them. For everyone else they cared about, they would buy gifts when the occasion arose. But for each other...it had to be something they created themselves.

To that end, Seira was sitting at her desk with a blank sheet of paper in front of her, pen in hand. Singing was the one thing that she could do well, and music had been a part of their lives for a very long time. So her birth trial gift to her twin this arc was going to be a song. More specifically, it was going to be a song that she wrote just for Seri.

Seira thought about her twin. Who was she as a person? She was fierce when it came to protecting those she loved, but she was also kind and caring...if only towards the people she trusted and loved. Seri was practical. She was slow to trust in others, but once she did, her loyalty to them was unwavering. She was strong; strong enough to survive living on the streets with only Seira to rely on until their mother had taken them in.

As Seira thought about who her twin was as a person, she wrote down her thoughts on the sheet of paper in front of her. Her handwriting was atrocious, but it didn't matter. Not for this. Right now, she was only gathering the information she needed to come up with a song for her twin. She was the only one who needed to be able to read her notes, so it didn't matter how "pretty" they were.

When she had finished writing down who her twin was as a person, she began jotting down notes on a new sheet of paper about what Seri had done in her life up until now. She had played the hang drum and the fiddle while Seira had sung as the two of them tried to earn enough money to eat when they were children. She had struggled to learn what they were taught in school when they skipped classes more often than they attended them because survival had to come first. She had comforted Seira when nightmares made sleep impossible in the trials after she had been trapped in Low Town for trials as the Iron Hand had fought their enemies. She had been brave enough to trust their mother when she had offered them a home, and they all made the move to Rharne. And so much more.

The next thing she did was to write down what Seri meant to her. Seri was her...everything. Her twin sister. Her best friend. Her constant companion. Her world. Seri was one of two people whose loss would utterly destroy her. Seira needed Seri in her life the same way that she needed air to breathe, and she knew that Seri needed her just as much.

word count: 638
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Re: Seri's Song


Her head started pounding, and she sighed irritably. She had been getting a lot of headaches lately. She closed her several trills, and put her head on the desk. When that didn't help, she stood up, only to have to sit down again quickly as a wave of dizziness overcame her. That had been happening more times than she was comfortable with too. But it never lasted very long, and it always went away on its own. Seira knew that she should probably go to the Order of Adunih outpost and see if they knew what was happening to her, but it just didn't seem that serious. If she went to the Outpost, her mother would find out about it. And she didn't want to worry her mother. Not unless there really was something to worry about. So for now, she would wait.

The dizziness passed quickly, but the headache did not. The pounding did fade into a persistent ache though, so Seira ignored it as best she could. Seira looked over the notes she had just written. Seeing her thoughts about her twin on paper like this helped her to focus on them so she could put everything that Seri was into the song she was creating for her. It also helped because it allowed her to organize her thoughts better.

After she had looked over her notes, she got a new sheet of paper, and began to write.

Like a shadow, you are always with me.
My constant companion through life's joy and pain.
Without you, I would be less than nothing.
My sister, my heart, my world.

Words flowed from pen to paper as she wrote down her song. Her handwriting was illegible to anyone who didn't know what it said already, but that did not matter. For right now, at least, she was the only one who needed to be able to read it. When she was finished, she went back and reread it. Shaking her head, she crossed several words out, and replaced them with now ones. Then she rewrote the entire thing on a new sheet of paper so she could see it anew with fresh eyes. Over and over she did this until she was satisfied with the song she had created.

But writing it was only the first step. A song was not a story, or a poem. It was meant to be sung, not read or recited. And for that, it needed music. Seira began to hum the words of her song, playing with the melody until she found something that she liked. When she did, she stuck with it. Hummed it again and again as she experimented with different speeds. Was this a fast song, or a slow one? A happy one, of a sentimental one? The type of music she chose for the words of her song would make a huge difference in the impact that the song would have on those who heard it.

word count: 501
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Re: Seri's Song


It took her several breaks to find something that she fitted the type of song she had in her mind. Seira wanted to tell her twin just how much she meant to her with this song, and that made her especially picky. When she did decide on a melody she liked, she wrote it down. Well...sort of. The music for this song was meant to be played on the hang drum. And while Seira did not know how to write music properly, she did know the notes that could be played on a hang drum. Each note was assigned to a letter, and it was the letters that represented the notes of the melody that Seira wrote down. Eventually, Seira wanted to learn how to write music the right way, but this would do for now. It had to.

When Seira had finished writing the notes of the melody down, it was time to practice singing her song. She wanted it to be perfect when she sang her song for Seri for the first time on their birth trial. And that meant that she had to memorize the new song backwards, forwards, upside down, and inside out. Doubly so because she was going to be playing the hang drum as she sang it. That meant that she had to know the song well enough that she could sing it perfectly even when she was concentrating on doing something else at the same time; like playing the hang drum. It also meant that she needed to have the melody down perfectly too.

She started by singing the song over, and over, and over again. Through sheer repetition, she was determined to master the song. Seira knew that it wouldn't happen immediately, but if she practiced it every trial between now and her birth trial, she was confident that she would succeed in mastering it. As she sang, she did so quietly, not wanting her twin to hear it.

Seira didn't want to risk making herself hoarse, she stopped singing after a break or so. By then, she knew the words well enough that she didn't have to read them as she sang the song. It was a good start.

She went to get her hang drum, and she began to play the melody of the song. Just as with the singing part, she played the melody repeatedly until she started to get a good feel for it. Seira tried to play quietly, but this was harder to do than it was to sing quietly. She hoped that even if Seri did hear some of the melody, she wouldn't realize what she was doing. Or that she wouldn't be able to hear it clearly enough through closed doors to be able to recognize it when she played it for her twin on their birth trial.

The final step was to practice both words and melody together, but Seira didn't think she was quite ready for that yet. Even if she was, she would far rather do it when Seri wasn't home to hear her. That, or find a nice private place away from their home to practice it in. So she put her hang drum away, and began practicing her handwriting skills by writing the words of her new song over and over and over again until her hand started to hurt.

word count: 568
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Re: Seri's Song


Singing: practicing the words to memorize a new song
Singing: working out a melody for a song you are creating by humming
Singing: Seri's Song
Writing: notes don't have to look pretty if you're the only one who has to read them
Writing: writing down your thoughts helps you to organize them when creating a song
Writing: x 1

Loot: A song that Seira wrote for her sister.
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: A headache caused by the bond Seira has with her Nekosani settling/developing that lingers, and brief dizziness that faded quickly.
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I thought writing a song for her twin was a lovely idea, and I liked how you wrote about Seira thinking about what Seri was like. That allowed us to find out a bit more about Seri as well!

You conveyed just how much the twins need each other very well in my opinion. They are incredibly close, but in spite of that, there seem to be certain differences between them.

I appreciate that you included an actual part of Seira’s song for Seri in your thread.

I thought that the part where Seira tried to come up with a song for her twin, including the song itself, was nicely written, and I appreciate in how much detail you described everything.

I wonder what Seri will think of it, and I wonder when Seira will figure out why she has those headaches – and if she will eventually go to the Order of the Adunih!

Enjoy your rewards!

word count: 266





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