20 Ashan 721
"Tell me about this," Elliot held out a copy of a small portion of Balthazar's file to the former mage. Balthazar took the file in his hand and opened it, glancing over the first few words and immediately recalling the event. He closed the file and set it down on the table. They still met and spoke in Balthazar's tent these trials, sitting on opposite ends of the table though Elliot often insisted they move to a more neutral seating arrangement before the end of the meeting. He'd already done that for this meeting so Elliot sat at the closest corner of the table and Balthazar sat at the head of it.
"I don't want to talk about that." Balthazar said in a somewhat stern voice. He was generally friendly or dismissive in his responses but he only grew stern when Elliot seemed to strike a sensitive topic. Elliot was frustrated but he was good at hiding it. It wouldn't do any good to get frustrated with Balthazar by conventional standards but Balthazar just might have been the patient who wanted his therapist to get frustrated. Frustration showed investment. Calm, professional demeanors showed analysis. It was easy for Elliot to tell which one Balthazar preferred but he had a job to perform first and foremost.
"Balthazar, the only way to work through the things you would rather ignore is to talk about them. Talk to me, I can help you. I know something happened." Elliot urged Balthazar who did not seem very receptive to his therapist. Why did they have to talk about those things? Why did people need to know? Balthazar shook his head slightly.
"Why? It happened, it's over. I'm moving forward."
"Are you?" Elliot asked, "In our last meeting you told me you were having trouble sleeping."
"It's not related to that." Balthazar lied and Elliot knew it.
"Is it nightmares or discomfort?" Elliot asked.
"Which is giving you trouble sleeping, nightmares or discomfort?"
"Discomfort, I'm being watched all the time."
"You're a dreamwalker, I'd have thought that you'd find more solitude in your dreams." Elliot pointed out, causing a pause that indicated he'd caught Balthazar in a corner. Dreams should have been the solution to his privacy issue but he hadn't gone exploring to make connections. He hadn't used the ability to walk or really any ability.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"So, nightmares or discomfort?"
"You know the answer."
"No, I only know what you tell me. Everything else is second hand." Elliot pointed out which in some ways made it a little easier for Balthazar to respond. It was good to know Elliot made his own opinions even if he could not trust the therapist to keep them to himself.
Balthazar took a deep breath. "Nightmares."
"How long have you been having them?"
"I've always had nightmares. This isn't anything new. Doesn't everyone have a bad dream once in a while?"
"Yes, once in a while, but do you mean to tell me you've always had trouble sleeping then?"
"No, that's more recent." Balthazar admit.
"So when did that begin?"
"I don't know exactly," When Balthazar said that, Elliot's brow raised a little. They were both very aware that Balthazar knew exactly when everything happened. He just needed to focus on it to recall the memories. So Balthazar sighed again and nodded his head. "Shortly after the sentence, but they'd been getting worse leading up to it. Ever since," he gestured towards the file that Elliot had shown him. "that."
There was a silence that grew in-between Balthazar's response and Elliot's next question that gave Balthazar time to reflect and prepared. Then Elliot asked the same thing he'd asked at the start. "What happened?"