[Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Sign up to the 721 global.

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[Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

A new global event?

So, we are going to be running a new global event. This is the sign up for it.

What? What's it about!?
It's going to be a chance to make world-changing decisions. This event will utilise strange and interesting locations, factions, flora and fauna.

Other than that - it's a surprise. You will have a chance to work for pro-Immortal, anti-Immortal, save-the-world, do-gooding, bad guy, money-chasing, mercenary... well, you get the idea. There's roles and sides for everyone.

It will take place at the end of Saun 721. It will start in June 2021, and will be finished by the end of the cycle.

Where is it!?
This is a global, so it's all over Idalos. You will be scampering (potentially) all over the place. But we'll deal with moving you around.

Signing up!
Go on - you know you want to!

You may sign up with more than 1 PC (if you have multiple) - just let us know.

This sign up is happening for the rest of this cycle and then a few days into the next.

It would really help us with planning if you could sign up early, but you're able to do so up to 3rd June, 2021.

Question & Answer thread is here

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This PC is signing up! 

This PC likes the following Immortals:

Tell us a bit about the PC:
Feeling on the Immortals?
Good  / bad / neutral? 
Feeling on magic?
Hit it or talk to it? 
Run away or run towards?

Other PC accounts of mine. 
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~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

This PC is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Ymiden, Moseke, Ziel, Daia, Ilaren, Xuir. (If she meets them she might like others but these are the only one she has felt with)

Tell us a bit about the PC: Gennadiya is healer. She also tries to help people generally improve themselves and their lives. She works for the Order of Adunih. She enjoys research as well.
Feeling on the Immortals? She likes a number of them. She feels that they are necessary
Feeling on magic? Okay with it though it’s not for her.
Hit it or talk to it? Talk.
Run away or run towards? Towards

Other PC accounts of mine. Jasper
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

721 Global Sign-Up

Yeva is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals:
Cassion, Ziell, Vri, Moseke, Saiore, Ilaren.

Tell us a bit about the PC:
Yeva is a smart, passionate, intensely curious woman who has a knack for finding herself in life-threatening scenarios. She is kind and trusting and occasionally mischievous with a sense of humor that has darkened since her first death. Known as a medic in the Order of Adunih, this redhead has begun to carve an identity for herself as a local name in Scalvoris. Her greatest strengths include her tenacity, charm, and bravery. Her greatest weaknesses are her naivety, sensitive nature, and mercurial confidence.
Feeling on the Immortals?: She views the Immortals as experimental guardians more than complete masters. While Yeva does not disregard the existence of Immortals, she desires a more inclusive approach, holding spirits to the same esteem. Yeva actively fears Syroa & Yvithia due to their interest in her affairs and previous encounters.
Good / bad / neutral? Good
Feeling on magic? Cautious, but fascinated. Yeva loves a good magic trick and is interested in the arcane arts. She does not, however, know enough to look at them entirely optimistically. In many ways, magic unease her, although she's been known to appreciate the aesthetics of an individual who has been modified by both worldly and divine magics.
Hit it or talk to it? Talk to it.
Run away or run towards? Both. Usually running towards.

Other PC accounts of mine: Cyrus, Navyri, Andraska, Mastemyr
Last edited by Yeva on Thu May 06, 2021 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 252
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

721 Global Sign-Up

This PC is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Treid, Aeva, Yvithia, Ralaith

Tell us a bit about the PC: Being blunt and inexperienced in expressing outward affection, Cyrus can come across as cold or distant, a personality quirk that couldn't be further from the truth. Quite a dedicated individual in regards to both his goals and his relationships, his loyalty becomes a target for less scrupulous companies seeking to take advantage. Cyrus values and craves stability and security, likely stemming from his life in the hard mountains, he considers it his duty to maintain smooth operation, willing to pick up the slack for those who are incapable of meeting his standard of work ethic. Cyrus is a man of honor. When he gives his word, he follows through, determined to meet his obligations no matter the personal cost, and can become quite thrown when others do not hold their word to a similar standing. In the same vein, laziness and manipulation are surefire ways to get on Cyrus' bad side. He is traditional and religious.
Feeling on the Immortals?: Cyrus holds a respect for Immortals, although none as high as Treid. He fears and outright despises Audrae and longs to find a way to win Aeva's favor so that someday he might be granted the ability to work a hot forge.
Good / bad / neutral?: Neutral
Feeling on magic?: Highly skeptical and wary of it. Not opposed but would want to know more.
Hit it or talk to it?: Hit it... maybe.
Run away or run towards?: Run towards.

Other PC accounts of mine: Yeva of Rharne
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Elisabeth is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Saoire, U'frek, Xiur, Ziell, Moeske (These are the ones she's been around/met). She is positively inclined towards Vri due to her relationship with Balthazar, but has never met him. She is positively inclined towards Ethelynda due to her association with Varlum & Praetorum (both mentors of hers from Rharne). She is positively inclined towards Qylios due to her involvement in the Mummer's Ball.

Tell us a bit about the PC:

Elisabeth is a passionate young mage who's still learning about Idalos and herself. She's skilled in defiance magic as well as blades/unarmed combat. She watches and learns from the world around her, trying to figure out answers to her past and more importantly, her present and future. She actively goes out of her way to help people, trying to make Idalos a better place. Elisabeth lives in the Haven settlement on Faldrass with Balthazar Black.

Feeling on the Immortals?
Elisabeth respects all Immortals and actively attempts to take all their views into consideration and learn from them.

Good / bad / neutral?

Feeling on magic?
Positive - is a defiance mage - but is cautious with her training

Hit it or talk to it?

Run away or run towards?
Run towards

Other PC accounts of mine.
Natalia Gregorios
Last edited by Elisabeth Black on Fri May 14, 2021 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 223
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

This PC is signing up! Oram Mednix

This PC likes the following Immortals: Cassion, Saoire, Vhalar (all Immortals he’s had positive interactions with) and Karem, since she’s the patroness of hunting.

Tell us a bit about the PC: Oram likes to build traps, to hunt, fish, and scowl. See, that’s funny, because it sounds kinda like “fish and fowl”…never mind. Sometimes he tells stories.
Feeling on the Immortals?: Ambivalent by default, but respects the ones who patronize Domains important to him.
Good / bad / neutral? : Good.
Feeling on magic?: Doesn’t trust it. In a “new-fangled, fiddly technology that’ll get you killed” kinda way, not an “abomination unto Nuggan” kinda way.
Hit it or talk to it? Talk to it. Unless it has tasty meat or a commercially valuable pelt.
Run away or run towards? Depends.

Other PC accounts of mine. Kieran Gawf
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

This PC is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Saoire, Vri, Ilaren, Daia, Moseke, Delroth, Pier & Pre, Raskalarn, Xuir, Ziell

Tell us a bit about the PC: Balthazar is the leader of a small settlement on Faldrass and an adept mage however he is currently sentenced to wear paradigm cuffs and undergo psychological evaluation. He is marked by Vri and bound by an agreement the two of them made that Balthazar believes has changed him for the better.
Feeling on the Immortals? Generally positive despite some doing questionable things. Respectful more than supportive of most other than those he likes.
Good / bad / neutral? Alignment is a tricky thing. One persons villain may be another’s hero. So I’ll say Good.
Feeling on magic? Positivite about certain domains, negative and neutral about others.
Hit it or talk to it? Recovering Hit it addict working to become a talk to it person.
Run away or run towards? Run towards.

Other PC accounts of mine. Azrael, Ulric, Revan Blackhand, Mathias Blackwood
word count: 171

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Doran is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Xiur, Daia, Ziell

Tell us a bit about the PC: Doran is the mortalborn son of Ziell. Once upon a time, he was a servant of Syroa. He was without hope, and he thought that the world was doomed. He had witnessed too much pain and suffering to believe anything else. That was one of the reasons why he attacked Xiur during the battle at Treid’s Tomb. He realized that he was wrong though, that the world is fighting for, and that there is always hope. His actions in Oscillus became his deepest regret. During the Mummer’s Ball in Rharne he renounced his ties to Syroa and was marked by both Xiur who had forgiven him and Daia. Doran is a professor in Viden, a doctor and a skilled swordsman, although he tends to use his skill with the blade to defend and protect nowadays. He is a very calm and disciplined and sometimes stoic man, and he is more sociable than he used to be.

Feeling on the Immortals? Neutral to positive, depending on the Immortal. He doesn’t see the Immortals as omnipotent deities, although he recognizes that they are far more powerful than he will ever be. He sees them as his kin, and as people, albeit foreign people, rather than just as something to be studied and prayed to (He prays frequently though).

Good / bad / neutral? Good? Alignment is a bit tricky.

Feeling on magic? Ambivalent. Doran values his own spark, in no small part due to who initiated him (If he had not met Llyr, he would likely never have become a mage.), but he has decided to never progress his magic further, initiate someone or acquire more sparks. He is aware of the fact that magic can be dangerous, and that it can change you negatively, and even make you lose your mind. In his opinion, most people shouldn’t become mages. While he is accepting of practitioners of most domains regardless, provided that they are reasonable, he cannot abide necromancy. In his opinion, there is nothing good about a magic that requires you to desecrate a grave and disturb the rest of the dead to even be initiated.

Hit it or talk to it? If possible, Doran will observe it for a while before he decides whether to hit it or talk to it. In general, violence won’t be his first reaction if there is a realistic alternative.

Run away or run towards? Same. Provided that there is time for him to do so, Doran will take a moment to observe it before he decides whether to run away from it or run towards it.

Other PC accounts of mine. Devin, Victor, Tristan.
Last edited by Doran on Fri May 21, 2021 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 463





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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

This PC is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Moeske, Karem, Daia, Xiur

Tell us a bit about the PC: A lost soul really, he just wants somewhere to fit in and feel comfortable. Shl'drei is actually an extrovert with introverted outlook. He's human, and that means being a contradiction and a work in progress. Oh, he tames things. Poorly.

Feeling on the Immortals: He's more neutral leaning, paying respects to Karem, Ashan, Daia, Qylios, and Moeske. His primary immortals are Karem and Moeske, with the remaining following secondary in no order. His views on immortals are basic- he feels like they should be respected for their power, much like wild beasts should. Though he reserves judgment of them by experience - if he deems a immortal 'evil' he won't advocate for them or anything similar, but the rest he will be more open to despite not caring much either way.

Good / bad / neutral: Neutral?

Feeling on magic: He's never really knowingly experienced magic, as such he has a cautious but neutral outlook on it. He sees it for what it could be, a useful asset, but can recognize that such things can be dangerous to play with.

Hit it or talk to it: Talk

Run away or run towards: Away

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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

This PC is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Saoire and Karem

Tell us a bit about the PC: Alyssia was kidnapped but managed to get free. After many adventures she ended up becoming Alyssia von Smooglenuff.
Feeling on the Immortals?: Alyssia likes the ones she has met so far. The rest she is undecided about
Good / bad / neutral?: Good
Feeling on magic?: She does not know anything about magic
Hit it or talk to it?: Depends on the situation
Run away or run towards?: Also depends on the situation

Other PC accounts of mine: Tor'ree and Cail Qy'Jihai
Last edited by Alyssia on Tue May 04, 2021 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 103
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