So, we are going to be running a new global event. This is the sign up for it.
What? What's it about!?
It's going to be a chance to make world-changing decisions. This event will utilise strange and interesting locations, factions, flora and fauna.
Other than that - it's a surprise. You will have a chance to work for pro-Immortal, anti-Immortal, save-the-world, do-gooding, bad guy, money-chasing, mercenary... well, you get the idea. There's roles and sides for everyone.
It will take place at the end of Saun 721. It will start in June 2021, and will be finished by the end of the cycle.
Where is it!?
This is a global, so it's all over Idalos. You will be scampering (potentially) all over the place. But we'll deal with moving you around.
Signing up!
Go on - you know you want to!
You may sign up with more than 1 PC (if you have multiple) - just let us know.
This sign up is happening for the rest of this cycle and then a few days into the next.
It would really help us with planning if you could sign up early, but you're able to do so up to 3rd June, 2021.
Question & Answer thread is here
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This PC is signing up!
This PC likes the following Immortals:
Tell us a bit about the PC:
Feeling on the Immortals?
Good / bad / neutral?
Feeling on magic?
Hit it or talk to it?
Run away or run towards?
Other PC accounts of mine.