[The Forging] Souls

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: [The Forging] Souls

As introductions were made the Mortalborn took in all of the group, eyes meeting them as they each offered a small welcome. First Yeva, who offered her titles as the other tribesman translated it for Ralgar. One of them caught his attention. The dead. Perhaps it was some civil-folk term he did not understand, some title given to those belonging to a certain group. He couldn't be sure, nor did he have the time to ask right now, but it would remain fresh in his mind. Then Nir'wei explained what Ralgar had wanted to know, the Deathkissed returning a small nod and turning to another.

Woe. As Ralgar shook his hand he let the knowledge from Woe enter his mind, as Nir'wei and Yeva both explained what was going on to him. Whatever Woe had that could transfer that knowledge, presumably the goggle-shades, was something magical. The Mortalborn couldn't help but be impressed, a small smile creeping onto his face for just a moment. Even when the man slipped up his words, Ralgar glancing to the translator with a raised eyebrow, the other tribesman shrugging it off. "I like this one" Ralgar said, the translator leaving that one untranslated, Ralgar giving one more nod to Woe.

Finally, Hart introduced himself, offering help to the tribe should they need it during the winter. As he asked the man glanced back to the people who stood at the gates of his village, wrapped warmly in their clothes and fierce as ever. There was a level of pride in his eyes as he spoke, maintaining his eye contact on his people. "The storms in Scaltoth have been raging long this Cycle, more than they would usually. My people will handle this cold fine, but your kindness does not go unappreciated" he said, placing a hand on Hart's shoulder and patting it once should he let him.

Once Nir'wei had asked him questions, if the group had mounts and what he could be told about the Fei's Ruins, Ralgar's optimism dropped a moment. "We have many mounts, but preparing to take any would take time in these conditions. We will bring the horses instead" he nodded before his eyes went intense. "As for the Ruins, I know little. My people know little because it is forbidden to enter. Nobody knows why other than it is dangerous, so we do not enter."

After a second of pause, he continued. "My people hunt beasts that can rip through men with ease, we tame monsters that are powerful and vicious. The elders do not fear death because we worship it. Yet Fei's Ruins scares them, it is forbidden and we are not allowed to enter such a place" he explained, before examining his own club for a moment. "But if we must go there to save the Induk, to protect our home, nothing will scare us enough to stop us. We will guide you as far as we know and follow you into the unknown thereafter. You have my word."

Truth be told, Ralgar was afraid to go to a place like this, some perhaps even noticing the slight change in his body language when Fei's Ruins were talked about. But he would not allow it to defeat him, not now. This land was his home just as much as it was the civil folk, and Scaltoth was the jungle that had given him a new life. He would not allow it to be destroyed because of his inaction or fears. Not this trial or any that followed after.

Once they had found two horses, Ralgar and his translator prepared to ride them over to the group. Should others wish to come with them, Ralgar would tell them to make their own way there, together. To travel in a group and catch up, to not leave one man to travel alone because it was dangerous. Then, on horseback, the two men traveled back to the civil folk in front of the ruins, Ralgar clutching onto the horse tight as his club rested against the saddle, tied down with some rope to ensure it did not fall. As they rode the cold wind tore at Ralgar's skin, the man able to handle it as of now yet feeling just how cold it really was. Had it not been for his thick bearskin this journey would have been dangerous already. The man wrapped it closer around himself to keep the cold at bay.

"Death Spirit, protect us" Ralgar whispered as they arrived, looking onwards at the glowing ruins and wide array of colours. As Hart asked about the water of the ruins, and how long they have been there, Ralgar shook his head. "These ruins have been there as log as our Elders, and far longer by their stories. As for the water and..." he said, pausing in that moment as he looked up at the rip in reality, Ralgar's eyes glancing forward with an unease spreading across his body. In the moment he hadn't even noticed his own slip-up. "I do not know."

Whether they decided to wait or ride across the ice, Ralgar would follow their lead. If they waited, more tribesmen would arrive, though it would not make the lake any safer to travel across in Ralgar's mind. Then again, perhaps they would find an alternative route.

Only time would tell.
Off Topic
Must do:
Decide what you're going to do. - Follow Nir's orders
Whisper something under breath. - "Death Spirit, protect us"
Use a piece of your listed equipment. - Wrapping his Bearskin cloak tighter around himself, to be safe.

Can do:
Use a malapropism in your next post - "Log" instead of "long"
Start every sentence with a vowel. - Not done.
Face a fear (IC). - Going to the Ruins of Fei, despite how afraid of it his tribe is.
~~Haltunga~~ Common~~
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

In times like these, haste was of the utmost importance.At least Ralgar saw this and settled for mounts that could be summoned quickly, and he took precious moments to tell him such before the transformation robbed him of speech. As the others mounted up, Hart spoke to Sovar, and the wolf huffed another warm breath, inclining his head in a nod. As part human as Nir'wei was now part wolf, they understood when they were being spoken to, and Sovar at least appreciated the introduction. In the last moments before his transformation finished, Nir'wei pulled his scarf a little tighter to protect him from the cold and uttered a soft word meant only for Sovar, but loud enough for Hart to hear: "Protect him."

Unfortunately, while they were all mounted and ready to cross, there was the matter of crossing itself to consider; Hart's observation was a keen one, that the ice was likely uneven in places, and a pair of eyes overhead would be almost essential to ensure safe passage. Especially considering the weight of the wolves they now rode upon, he suddenly realised, though he would not ask them to dismount for the exact same reason he entirely ignored Yeva's suggestion. In fact, she should have been glad that he no longer possessed a mouth capable of speech, or she might have faced the full force of his colourful vocabulary, since swimming would be suicidal for any of them. If the cold temperatures did not consume them quickly, then the ice freezing on their clothes and skin would cause serious hindrance at best for the remainder of the journey... not to speak of what things might be lurking below the surface of the ice to snatch up an easy thrashing meal. Of all the dangers, however, even that was not the most pressing - the tear in reality that stood on the far side of the lake shimmered in such a way he could not seem to tear his eyes away from it. If it led to their destination, they would have no choice but to enter. If it was nothing but a distraction created by the Ruins, or worse yet, a hazard to be avoided at all costs, they would need to find another way around, or outright ignore it. Either way, they needed more information. Inclining his head at Hart's suggestion in an approving gesture, Nir'wei also summoned his own Emean to act as a second pair of eyes, though Sage was far less... humanoid than Tamsen. It emerged as a shaking mass of inky black on six stout legs, a cluster of purple eyes twinkling on a vaguely canine head with no symmetry or order to their scattering. Air rippled around it as its malleable liquid-like body sprouted four wings of its own and it lifted into the sky alongside Tamsen, flying across the frozen lake to investigate the tear in reality and survey the Ruins of Fei.

Inside his head, he could feel the fear welling up, not just from himself, but from the others that shared it. Agree with it or not, he squashed it. Emea was a far away place that they had long since conquered; to enter the tear and be hurled back into that distant, empty corner of space was nothing but the stuff of a night terror, and of no use feeding now, for any of them.

At Hart's question on the Elements, Nir'wei huffed and shook his head, but then nodded over to the two Emeans. After all, with wings and eyes, they could rise above the ice and enlighten them on the path easily enough, and behind the scenes, Gaddwin the firebird FireForged diri rose into the sky on a pair of wings to survey and relay the points of light on the ice that matched the thinning portions, and Cyshe, the strange lake Lovalus diri skirted the ice just above the surface, passively feeling the distance to the water through her connection to her element, tracing the lines that Gaddwin could make out. Of course, nobody could see the two diri at work, skulking under the Beneath, but that was why Cold and Myrth were cautiously plotting the trek ahead, testing the route that the others would follow to feel the density of the lake's ice while Tamsen and Sage investigated.

All of this wood hopefully give time for the rest of Ralgar's men to catch up with them and bring them to full strength before the crossing began. If the entrance to the Ruins was to be found and another way sought, then they would know before making the first step... they would move with the utmost speed as soon as they knew which was the right direction, but not a moment sooner than that.
Decide what you're going to do - Wait and observe the area.
Whisper something under your breath - "Protect him."
Use a piece of equipment - His scarf. Using it to protect him from cold counts, right?

Use a malapropism - "all of this wood hopefully give time for the rest of Ralgar's men to catch up with them and bring them to full strength before the crossing began."
Start every sentence with a vowel - done.
Face a fear - Faced fear of returning to the Beyond.
word count: 895
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

It seemed that they were ready to go, but the very person who had provided the option of travelling across on wolf, also heard Hart's suggestion and they went nowhere.

Instead, two Emeans took "flight" and made their way over. Whether it made sense to, or not, they did. And what they saw, briefly, was beautiful.
Objectives Met!
All Must Do Objectives!~ You all completed all must-do obectives, which will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Can Do Objective!~ All except Hart & Ralgar did the vowel challenge. Other than that, you all completed all can-do obectives, which will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Secret Objective, too!~ Woe started every sentence with unique words. This means that positive consequence awaits at the end of the thread. (Yeva & Nir'wei repeated words).

They made their way over, the two beings, and what they saw was incredible. Ruins, yes, ancient and almost alien-like in their age. But it was that rip in reality which interested them and the pair of beings saw the same thing.

Underwater. An under water place.

There was more to see, it was a tantalising glimpse, and then the two Emeans found themselves simply unable to get any closer. The mist swirled around them normally, but it was like there was an invisible barrier of some kind. Exploring it showed that it was equidistant all around the now-island of ruins.
The little diri, Cyshe, looked down at it and she skittered about a little. Then, she told Nir'wei two things. Two things which were very important indeed. The water was deep. Incredibly deep. Impossibly deep. But it was frozen solid. There were no thin bits, it was totally, completely solid. They could, if they wished, walk over it. They could jump up and down on it.

And Ralgar's men spoke. They spoke to him, but there was a simple and clear reality. They were not going there. It wasn't even fear which drove them - it was superstition. It was forbidden to step there. His translator went with him, but that was that.

So, they made their way across via the wolf expressI'm making an assumption here PLEASE let me know if you wouldn't!.

It was easy.

But then, of course, it would be when the water was frozen solid so far down. They were able to get across and they saw the ruins more and more clearly, even through the mist. There was a rip in reality, they saw it as they moved. It seemed small, just a small phenomena perched on the top of a crumbled pillar. The crow in the sky above them circled and called out as they went across. As they did, they reached the area where the two Emeans had met an invisible barrier and they passed it without any change in anything. Their companions could come with them, the very beings who had been unable to previously.

As they set foot on the island, the crow stopped it's circling, it's cawing falling silent. As the very last one of them did, two things happened.

First, they saw that the mist which had enveloped them in the journey across had cleared. Instead, it formed a barrier around the islet they were on. Thicker than any mist had any right to be, they could not see through it. It undulated and moved slowly, tiny little dragonflies flittering in it and glowing in incandescent colours. It was beautiful.

But, it was a barrier. As, however, that barrier formed, the rip in reality grew and they saw through it. It was, indeed, underwater. They saw a street, a ruin, a statue - in the distance a building. All underwater - but none of the water poured out of the rip.

And the rip was, in the same moment that the mist closed around them, large enough for two of them to walk through - shoulder to shoulder.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Scaltoth in direct response to this thread
  • The Elements have flown up and are circling.
  • Ok, lovelies! Please remember that this is as cold as Ishallr normally is.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • Arrived at destination
  • Met Ralgar
  • Assigned a group leader
  • Got ready to go across the water
  • Noted the unusual phenomenon
  • Noted the water as frozen solid
  • Made their way across
  • Arrived in the ruins.
  • Woe You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You not hungry.
  • Hart You are managing against the cold, your Ezere abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Ralgar You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Yeva You are managing against the cold, your Fire Forged abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are starting to get hungry. Your goggles are as described in the sweetwine review for the event, not the basecamp - and the date is the 30th.
  • Nir'wei You are managing against the cold, your Fire Forged abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.


[None this round.


This round:
  1. You have to release the Induks in order. Ishallr must go first - then Sweetwine and Scaltoth
  2. Kura is investigating a fifth induk.
Next Post: Sunday 16th May
word count: 1038
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

30th Ashan, 721

"Protect him."

Hart glanced at Nir'wei when Nir'wei murmured the words, but in that moment, the other man had turned into a wolf. Protect him, Hart thought of Nir'wei's words, and glanced at Sovar. The great wolf huffed another breath at him, and Hart touched the wolf lightly on the head, close to his ear.

Then he mounted the great wolf, careful of pulling his fur, and they ran over the ice. The ice held them, held them well, and Hart looked down at it as Sovar ran. He didn't know a lot about ice; but would the water really have frozen so well in just three, maybe four hours?

Had the water been here, three hours before? Ralgar had said he didn't know anything about the water, despite the Bro'ky'na tribe being located not all that distantly from the Ruins of Fei.

The Bro'ky'na, save for Ralgar's translator, were not going with them for fear or superstition of the ruins. Ralgar had said that they didn't enter the ruins because it was dangerous.

The Scaltoth group had known that it would be dangerous, going in. But it seemed to Hart that the more they learned, the more dangerous it seemed.

Halfway over the ice, Tamsen landed on Hart's shoulder. She shifted smaller as she landed, so that when her feet touched down on his shoulder, she was the size of a crow. She was humanoid but other than that, she did not look human. Her hair was gone, her skin inky black like the... whatever it was, the emeyan that Nir'wei had summoned.

Glittering purple eyes popped into existence all over her head and body, though Hart knew they weren't true eyes, just fascimilies. They blinked and bubbled. Her true eyes were where they should be, and they were dark blue, the same color as Wren's. It was strange, almost upsetting to see Wren's eyes looking out from Tamsen; but Tamsen was upsetting. She was half-covered in inky black feathers, feathers that bubbled from her skin with the same glittering sheen as the blinking, jewellike eyes.

Landing lightly on Hart's shoulder, her inky wings folding behind her, Tamsen said, "There's a barrier, all around the ruins." To Sovar she said, "You won't be getting through, wolf."

But despite Tamsen's words, when Sovar got to the islet there was no barrier. The wolf ran through where Tamsen had not, and Tamsen let out a harsh sound, much like the crow that had been circling them...

The crow that wasn't circling them now. Sovar bounded up the islet, well back from the Rip in Reality. Up on his back, Hart turned, looking for the crow. But it was gone.

Frowning, Hart noticed that the mist was gone as well. The mist had been coming from the Ruins of Fei; but now it was...

The mist wasn't gone. It was in a barrier around them. It was likely the same barrier that Tamsen had noticed before. Was the barrier why the Bro'ky'na didn't go to the ruins? Had some of the Bro'ky'na gone to the ruins in the past, only to be either unable to get in, like Tamsen, or unable to get out?

Unable to get out. The barrier surrounded them, and Hart thought of the vault. No. He didn't want to think about it. The barrier was just mist; it was just mist. He told himself that they'd be able to get out through the mist when it was time. But it wasn't time; not until the induk was released.

Hart let out a long, slow breath. "Hart," Tamsen said, and Hart looked where the emeyan was looking.

He'd been distracted by the barrier; in the moment the barrier had surrounded them, the Rip in Reality had grown. "Tamsen, go look," Hart said, quiet, and he shifted his focus to her. Abruptly he was looking out of her eyes. She circled the Rip, looking at it, and Hart looked through her.

Water. There was water through the Rip in Reality.

At first, Hart didn't know what he was looking at. The water was in the Rip, and for a moment he thought, That's where the water around the ruins came from. But the water wasn't spilling out of the Rip; it was just in it.

There were other things in the Rip as well. They saw a street, a ruin, a statue... in the distance a building. All underwater.

Hart looked at the Rip in Reality. Then he shifted his focus back to himself. There was that same sense of vertigo, shifting back from Tamsen's sight, and he shut his eyes momentarily.

"Doran said," Hart said quietly. The vertigo passed, but he was quiet, thinking; there had been so much information. "Doran said that Chrien drove a city into the water, when her mother died," he said. Was this the city Doran had been speaking of?

They were at the Ruins of Fei, and the city Chrien had driven into the water had been Fei's city; but to Hart, the ruins and the underwater city didn't look... the same, architecturally. If the city was underwater, under Scalvoris, then why was the city here in the jungle, in the Rip?

Stan had spoken about the City Beneath spilling through into Scalvoris. He'd said that it would do that, that it would rip into Scalvoris, if the Fracture beneath the island ripped.

Hart, looking once more at the Rip in Reality, felt his stomach drop.

I mentioned Fei and her Fracture under Scalvoris that possesses magic, magic that changes you, Doran had said. The magic of the Fracture had changed the landscape, surrounding the ruins; it had changed the animals in the jungle. Fei's magic was spilling through.

And Doran had said not to upset Chrien.

"The Ruins of Fei are our objective," Hart said, like he'd said once before. Then he said, "The induk is our objective."

"Nir'wei," Hart said, and Sovar bounded over to him. Hart would repeat his thoughts about the Rip in Reality, the City Beneath, Fei, and Chrien; he repeated them not only to Nir'wei, but to the others as well. "Would you inform Kura of this?" Hart asked, and then said, "I'm going to ride Sovar around the islet. Tamsen will go with us as well. Now that we're here, we're able to look for the entrance."

He looked at the others.

"Don't go near the Rip," he said. "Upsetting it might not only cause Chrien to storm upon the land," and that would be awful, awful in this cold, "But it might cause the City Beneath to spill out upon Scalvoris."

Hart thought of the Bro'ky'na village. If something upset the Rip, the Bro'ky'na would be the first to die, other than the group here.

"Tamsen," Hart said quietly, "We're going to look for the entrance." Tamsen showed her teeth to him, black and pointed, very like the false, birdlike claws that were now on her hands and feet.

But she listened, flying off, and Hart said, "Sovar, let's go." Assuming the wolf would listen to him, he bounded after the emeyan. If the wolf didn't listen, Hart would dismount and go with Tamsen.

They searched the islet for some sort of entrance. They would search the Ruins of Fei; but also the rest of the islet as well, if needed. Other than the ruins, there was one other landmark on the islet, the lone tree; and so, after searching the Ruins of Fei, their priority would be to search there, and then the rest of the islet if needed.
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Re: [The Forging] Souls


Woe went through the motions, a good follower. As he went, he shared all of the information with those who were willing to share it, locking eyes in turn with Yeva, Ralgar, Hart, and even Nir'wei if he wished to have a different perspective on the information flowing from his Commerce Spirit in the Glass Temple. Woe for his part wasn't too fussed over what information was flowing from the headquarters. Others would know better than him what to do with it. It all seemed very outlandish, and outside his usual expertise to deal with. Great spirits, and Immortal conflicts? He'd been a part of them on a lesser scale in the past, but here he was out of his depth. He hoped Nir'wei and the rest knew what they were doing.

Woe whispered to Vabina, urging her to stay close to Hart so that Woe could help protect his fellow mage.

Ralgar said something with a smile, in his Haltunga, and pointed toward Woe. The translator related that the man liked him. Woe was glad he wasn't going to fight him then. He had a history with Lotharen that didn't exactly fill him with confidence. From Fridgar, to the Purveyor, the Lotharen could be a mixed bag. But mostly they caused trouble wherever they went, as far as Woe was concerned. Even still, he felt somewhat relieved that the big man wasn't immediately hostile.

Woe's eyes followed the flight of the crow. His sister's domain was crows. Suddenly, he felt a strange compulsion to lock eyes with the creature, even as far away as it was. He looked at its beady eyes, and related the information flowing from the Glass Temple. He wanted the information to flow to Labrae, if possible.

He only hoped the crow wasn't an enemy. But then, if the Warden was watching, he already had proven to have methods of doing so, in the Glass Temple and elsewhere. And should the crow have information for Woe? He would receive it.

word count: 345
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Forging] Souls

"I understand" Ralgar said when the tribesman said they would not join him, the Mortalborn hoping for better, yet not surprised. Superstition was a powerful thing in his tribe, something that drove many to fear what they did not understand. At the very least one man came with him, one that could translate all he said. It was enough of a comfort that he was not alone, that even one other Bro'ky'na came with him, even if it was not a man he knew by name. As the men explained why they would not come, Ralgar nodded, before glancing over to the group that was going.

"But understand that I must go. A Spirit is trapped, and I do not know what Spirit it is. But I know I am Deathkissed. Protecting the balance of this island is sacred, and it is my duty. I will go to the forbidden lands. Should I be exiled, so be it" he said to them, before they made their way elsewhere from the group. Ralgar turned back to his new companions and made his way across the ice lake, riding close to the group. Eventually, the man made it onto the Island that they meant to arrive at, Ralgar glancing around with the translator close at his side, the two men sticking together now. It was important for him to be alongside his tribesman when this situation went down. Whatever happened to them now, should they meet death and come to a cruel end, he would do so with his brother in death beside him.

As Hart talked and explained the plan he had, and what the group should avoid doing. He spoke of Chrien driving a city into the water, the translator explaining all of it to the Deathkissed as the man looked at the rip in time. Ralgar held his tongue until Hart had gone to look for the entrance, turning to his translator once Hart was a small distance away. "Stay. Call if something happens" Ralgar ordered, nodding to the man before riding his horse forward alongside Hart, pulling up beside him whether he walked or rode on the wolf.

"Together" the man nodded to his new companion, not wanting him to bound off alone in case something happened. This Island was entirely unknown to them now, and Ralgar did not know if Hart was a capable fighter or not. All he knew was weird things had been happening, even by the standards of Scaltoth. Dangerous creatures roamed these jungles, beasts that would destroy any man faster than he could blink. It was not safe for anyone to go alone, mounted on a wolf or otherwise.

After a couple of trills of riding, Ralgar glanced to the civil man and gestured to the Island ahead of them, the unexplored areas. "Dangerous. Elders warn Bro'ky'na. I stay with Hart" he explained with the best Common he could muster, incredibly unfamiliar with the language and still speaking with a deep and guttural tone. As they rode and explored the Island, Ralgar kept his hand ready to grab his club should he need to, preparing to fight anything that tried to attack him or Hart. Whatever terrified the Elders so much as to forbid this place from being visited was enough to make Ralgar cautious, perhaps even partially afraid.

But he would not let fear stop him now, so on he rode, Hart at his side.
~~Haltunga~~ Common~~
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

The immediate feedback Cyshe gave was so strange that he might not have believed her, if not for the fact he could tap into her conscious stream and see it for himself through her eyes. The entire lake was frozen solid. From the very surface down as far as Cyshe's senses could feel, there was nothing but ice, all the way down. Wariness still warred in his head, remembering the strange stumble he'd suffered the moment they'd landed here - nothing here was at it seemed and they could trust nothing, not even themselves, not even their own senses. If anything, that gave even more of a reason to search for another way around, to look for just about anything else to cross the ice, and yet they simply had no time. Despite Tansem's words and Sage's affirmations, they rode across the ice together, the wolves digging their claws into the ice's surface to avoid slipping.

As they reached the islet, the barrier that had once barred their entrance seemed to vanish entirely for them all, even Sage... and reappear behind them, closing off their view of everything beyond the islet. To test the theory, he even sent Sage back to try and pierce the veil that now surrounded them on all sides, and found that the Emean could no longer cross over. "It's leading us by the nose." Ice should never have frozen like that unless it was to allow them to cross. The mists should never have parted unless it was intended for them to enter. The rip, that had once looked much smaller, now large enough for them all. He understood and in fact respected Hart's level head. His caution was well-warranted and his thinking was clear, to search the rest of the ruins for what could be considered the 'proper' entrance to the resting place of the Induk. Before he could suggest a guide, Ralgar offered himself, and Nir'wei nodded in agreement. "Go with them," he told Kin, an Omega wolf that walked on the other side of Hart, significantly smaller than Sovar but by no means lacking in the strength or cunning to assist if things should go awry. "Be careful. But do not be afraid." Sovar went with Hart, bounding wherever he wished and with a little more energy to his step now that they had solid soil under his paws - his enhanced senses sniffing the ground and every tree, ears perked for signs of suspicious noises, while Kin slunk about in his shadow, weaving through the undergrowth with more grace and subtlety.

Hart had told them not to go near the rift for good reason. Doran had said that Chrien drove a city into the water, and on the other side of the tear in reality stood a city, under water. This could be something intended to distract them, or perhaps something dangerous trying to draw them deeper... and yet what if every time they hung back to exhaust every other possible avenue, they were only delaying themselves, searching for answers and other paths that simply didn't exist? Everything up until that moment had opened itself to them, almost asking them to draw deeper. Now, so too did the rift. If it was up to him, he would have gone inside. It seemed there was no other way than through, after all, and while the possibility of further antagonising this war and Chrien didn't seem particularly appealing, it might very well turn out that intervention with the City Beneath would be inevitable. Kura's message, passed through Squeak to avoid entering at all costs, held him at bay however.

Nir'wei stretched his neck and back as his wolf form gradually gave way to a Sev'ryn, clothes reappearing back on his body and the weapons he'd carried settling over his back. "Stay there." Vabina and Greyhide remained with Ralgar's translator outside the entrance to the Rift, since Woe and Yeva had said nothing. "Guard the entrance. Don't go inside. When Hart returns, tell him I scouted ahead and took everyone else with me." Nir'wei respected Hart's rational logic. However, in a place of strange and abnormal magic phenomenon like these, things like rational thinking were obsolete. "The rest, with me." Cold and Myrth, his two Betas, appeared at his side. Castile, his Omega, beside them both. Archailist, Cyshe and Gaddwin swirled above his head... and Sage, the Emean, growled an alien noise like stones being crushed by metal as it settled heavily on his shoulder, the size of a large cat. "We'll curve around the opposite side of the islet and meet with Hart at the back. If there's any other option, we'll find it first."

With that, the wolves and spirits fanned out as Nir'wei trekked out on foot in the opposite direction to Hart and Ralgar, searching the Ruins of Fei for signs of unusual activities. The spirits went high, the wolves went low; Nir'weis hands remained empty and yet Cyshe was never far away enough that she could not be summoned at a moment's notice should he require her. Natural Camouflage masked his presence and scent, his Enhanced Senses prickling for the slightest sight or sound lingering at long distances... and Sage quivered with energy, feeling for oddities and strange signatures, though there was bound to be plenty of those everywhere. If they came across nothing, they'd circle the entire island at a brisk pace to meet Hart on the other side of the Ruins and circle back around again to Yeva and Woe, though of course that would take time... and prove that there was no other option than passing straight through, as he'd believed. But at least before then they would exhaust every other option they could find.
word count: 985
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

“You want me to stay?” Yeva paled, frustrated at herself, “I am not much use as a fighter,” she admitted without a touch of reluctance. She looked at Woe. She hadn’t thought of him as deadly before but... looking at him now, it... seemed entirely reasonable. If they were to be a successful team, they had to be honest in their strengths and weaknesses. She had every intention to become better in combat, but no where near where she wanted to. Being stuck at the entrance was a... important job... but... she hated it, “But want me to guard? While I might be a liability to someone, I might very well be the reason they stay alive.”

A bold statement but Yeva was no pushover in the healing arts. She had even gotten a small foundation of knowledge about the wilderness and while she could not compare to Nir’wei himself, couldn’t she offer more than standing around and playing messenger? She had earned a number of awards, had been on the ground floor of multiple wars and disasters both natural and unnatural. Some of which he had been involved in. Responsible for, even.

Frowning, Yeva could still be a team player. A small voice told her that every job had its place, its role. Another told her, a bit louder, a bit more brazen, believed it to be a mistake, “If nothing happens here,” if they just ended up standing around, “My skill set will have been wasted.”

Yeva sat atop the wolf and watched the others ride off. She did not know how Woe felt about this unfolding of the events but looked skyward to where his attention had been drawn, “What do you see?”

She scanned the area around them, searching for anything that looked like it could be a danger. What would happen if the animals became hostile? If the rift changed? If the Warden sent something to kill them?
Last edited by Yeva on Thu May 20, 2021 11:23 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 326
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Re: [The Forging] Souls


Hart and Nir'wei left, to search.

Yeva and Woe stayed behind, observing. The rift - the rip in reality - was a source of fascination. It was mesmerising - literally and Yeva found herself drawn towards it. One step. Then another step. But she was able to recognise itCompetent Discipline, but it was hard, truly hard to walk in there. She was sorely tempted and the pull of Cassion's mark, too, led her. It was adventure there. It was where they were meant to go. WoeExpert Discipline, however, was more able to pull himself and his gaze away. He recognised the pull of it, too, though.

Then, Woe looked at the crow. It cawed and ruffled its feathers, and he heard it speak. It cawed and they all heard it. "Shrouded in shadow, marked by the Dark One's taint. You're being watched from every shadow, spawn of my mother's womb. Watched." Labrae, undoubtedly, received the information. "Whispering your secrets to me, have you no more left to keep?" His sister's voice was clear. "You knew. You knew! Yet you left the child there. The Mistress of Shadows hears it all."

The crow laughed and took flight. Circling around them it laughed some more and then, it flew off.

The area they were in, a now-small islet surrounded by solid mist was small enough that between Nir'wei and Hart and Ralgar, they were able to quickly explore. It was pure luckNir'wei and Hart both have Expert Detection - so - happens at the same moment that they spotted the place. Hart and Ralgar had gone left - Nir'wei, to the right. The place they both spotted in the same moment was exactly equi-distant from them.So, if this were a clock face. Rip in reality is at the center, where the hands meet. Hart and Ralgar have gone towards the 9, Nir'wei to the 3. It's at 12 It was easy to miss, Ralgar in fact didn't spot it until Hart pointed it out. But there, as they approached it - there was an area which wasn't over run. Where the stones were clean. It was different than the other areas.

And, nestled hidden away in there, in a dark corner at the base of a ruined wall was an opening.

And stairs. Leading down.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Scaltoth in direct response to this thread
  • The Elements have flown up and are circling.
  • Ok, lovelies! Please remember that this is as cold as Ishallr normally is.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • Arrived at destination
  • Met Ralgar
  • Assigned a group leader
  • Got ready to go across the water
  • Noted the unusual phenomenon
  • Noted the water as frozen solid
  • Made their way across
  • Arrived in the ruins.
  • Explored the ruins.
  • Woe You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You not hungry.
  • Hart You are managing against the cold, your Ezere abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Ralgar You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Yeva You are managing against the cold, your Fire Forged abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are hungry.
  • Nir'wei You are managing against the cold, your Fire Forged abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.


None this round.


This round:
  1. You have a rough idea what is happening in the other groups.
  2. You hear exactly what's going on in Command.
Next Post: Sunday 23rd May
word count: 742
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

Woe could recognize the pull toward the rift and was alarmed by it, refusing to give in. It was important that they all stayed together, or so it seemed.

Woe turned to Yeva, and tried to occupy her attention, lest she falls into the trap of being lured into the rift. He told her everything he knew up to this point, through the magic of his shades, blessed by Chamadarst. Filtering all the information slowly, one bit at a time, but fast enough to do so before the others were done scouting. By the time he was done filling her in on everything going on in the Glass Temple, as well as the rest that had occurred to him through the lead-up to his arriving here, he registered the words she spoke of guard duty and staying with him. He smiled sadly despite himself, as Breen materialized next to Yeva and Greyhide. Breen whined up at Yeva, then huffed slightly. Woe spoke to her then, ”Breen missed you, perhaps it’s not so bad that we’re left behind then. The others seem better suited to scout duty. We can guard this spot, and you’re a healer right?”

Expecting to hear an affirmative, he would nod. ”I’m not entirely useless in combat, so you can trust I will protect us both if you can provide healing when needed.”

But then, Woe made the mental connection to the crow, and it spoke for all to hear. Then it was indeed one of Labrae’s creatures, and his sister spoke to him through it’s filter.

"Shrouded in shadow, marked by the Dark One's taint. You're being watched from every shadow, spawn of my mother's womb. Watched." Labrae, undoubtedly, received the information. "Whispering your secrets to me, have you no more left to keep?" His sister's voice was clear. "You knew. You knew! Yet you left the child there. The Mistress of Shadows hears it all."

Woe could tell the obvious distaste on her voice as she referenced Audrae. And the child seemed an obvious reference to Ru. Was Ru connected to the Girl? Labrae seemed amused, so it didn’t seem like she was emotionally connected to the situation, but perhaps was interested in abducting the Girl? Woe was slightly confused by this information he was receiving, and the fact that Labrae had a vested interest in any of this was cause for alarm.

Woe took a golden nel out of his coin bag at his belt, and sacrificed it to his Diri of Commerce so that it might communicate his ideas to the Glass Temple.

At the Glass Temple, Radburn Salvatore, in the form of a grand golden peacock, related Woe’s message to Doran and Kura. ”Ring Ring! My associate, Woe, has a message for you all.” And so Radburn related the crow’s words verbatim to the pair. ”Woe believes that Labrae is oddly amused by the situation and that she really obviously despises Audrae as she mentioned her. So it’s strange that Labrae has a vested interest in all of this. Perhaps she means to abduct the Girl? Or even Ru.”

Woe swiftly shared this tidbit with Yeva, and afterward, waited for the Councilor and the rest to return, so he could share with them if possible.

So having established everything that he had, Woe turned to Nir’wei if he returned. ”Councilor, you may have missed me at the Glass Temple, but I want you to know everything of importance that has occurred up to this point.”

Should Nir’wei not return, but linger on the other part of the island, Woe would relate the following to Vabina, presuming that she had some spiritual connection to the Councilor, given his deep connection to his wolves. ”Vabina, when the Councilor has a moment, I will be able to give him more information. Also, I believe that was Labrae who shouted at us just then… What Labrae has to do with any of this, while I have ideas, I’m not sure.”

So saying, he stood guard, making sure that Yeva didn’t jump off or do anything rash, as she appeared to be struggling with the temptation to jump into the rift, more than Woe anyway.

He used Breen to capture her attention and had him stand in front of Greyhide, staring at her with his blue eyes.

Woe is wearing his magic glasses, which allow him to communicate info in the space of all of a moment to people. Here is the item's description. This is what he's using when he's communicating large amounts of info to people

Base Item (Shaded Spectacles): The lenses of the shades were an inch and a half in diameter, round with bronze wireframes. These resembled goggles, however, more than shaded bifocals, with a shallow tube-like siding on the outside of each lenses frames. The material was a lighter color of bronze, with lacquered goat horn reinforcing the temples and temple tips. The lenses were black, entirely opaque to the naked eye, but when worn allowed a comfortable level of visibility in sunlight and bright light. It reduced ambient sources of glare but rendered a dim-lit room to near full darkness.

Enchantment: With a lingering glance in the eyes of another, the user and the individual he locks eyes with can link their past experiences and share a detailed array of events with one another, from childhood experiences to great findings in the world. In this link time flows statically on the outside world, and so while others may perceive this as two individuals merely meeting with a short glance, a great deal of information could be shared, the user and the one they lock eyes with are able to look through the lens of time passed to share knowledge of previous events. This can be overwhelming to those of weak will, and should be undertaken with caution, and not engage in oversharing.

The recipient and sender can refuse the information transfer if they wish. Both recipient and sender are totally in control of what information comes from their end. They cannot control exactly what information comes from the other party. This cannot be used to pry or impart information from/to someone who is unwilling to share it.
word count: 1061
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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