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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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The young woman was shivering and laughing as she was held close. Skin risen in little bumps where the cold air pulled at her wet shirt and hair. Cold water swirled around her legs and hips with every crash of the waves. "Maybe it's the Burhan blood?" She giggled and pressed closer to the man, despite his equally cool skin. The Skyrider had no intention to return to the shore and she giggled with chattering teeth. She felt young, free, reckless and very much in love with the man she had coaxed into cold water.

Droplets ran over his torso before they were swallowed by the greedy sea. Her fingers traced them down his chest, exploring the lines etched into taught skin. Hunger tightened her belly and her breath was stolen by the dappled starlight on bare skin, "I like Cora," she admitted ",and Simon... Simon for a boy."

He retreated and she dropped her hands to the water, head tipped back she laughed again as he teased and challenged. She swayed, swinging her arms to warm them as the water embraced her lover. Then the woman paused, long enough she hoped to cause Malcolm doubt before she dived, swimming after him in the darkness. Feet kicking against loose sand as she lunged for him. If he stood, she'd merely try and dunk him again.

It was then that a familiar voice rang out over the sand, and frozen like a naughty teenager, the woman turned as a whistle blasted the night air. Benjamin, on horseback, roared with laughter and Elyna could make out Kathryn lent forward on a pommel, discarded clothes collected and held in her hands. In the firelight, Ely could see the woman's mischievous smirk.
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Elyna joined Malcolm and in her arms he was home. Love like this came but once in a lifetime, Malcolm knew because he had never experienced anything like it before. Elyna had changed him, and yet he felt he could be himself around here. Perhaps change was the wrong word, for he didn't feel any different, just liberate. She was so much fun and had so much energy that Malcolm often felt as if what she offered was as important as the air that filled his lungs. Elyna's kisses left him wanting more and any time apart only made him cherish the seconds, minutes, and hours when it could be just them. Moments like this made those spent in anger no more than a distance memory.
It was Elyna who heard Benjamin whistle, Malcolm had been too absorbed by the sound of the crashing waves and his pulse thudding in his chest to spot the intrusion. The knight got to his feet and was shocked to find the air colder than the water that had offended his senses moments before. Their clothes were waved back and forth comically, reminding Malcolm that he was only half dressed. The knight sunk back into the water and closed his fists against the band of his pants to make sure they didn't come down as he stood up to leave the water, feeling like he as taking half of the ocean with him.
"What's wrong with the privacy of your own home?" Benjamin smirked.
"Too private?" Kathryn giggled.
Malcolm couldn't help but shake his head and smile as he snatched his shirt back to shake the sand from it and put it on. The material bunched and clung to his wet shoulders, making it a real struggle to pull down.
"Your wound healed well," Kathryn remarked.
"What you been feeding this guy, Elyna? He's skin and bone!" Benjamin called.
Malcolm added some driftwood to the fire. "She doesn't make rabbit pie like your lady, Ben."
"Pigeon and mushroom pie," the man corrected him.
"Don't!" Malcolm groaned. "I'm starving."
word count: 353
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Even in the darkness her cheeks were burning as she followed behind her husband. Elyna tried to stay behind him as he made his dogged climb out of the waves. Her sodden shirt clung to cold skin and thankfully reached a good way down her thighs. She collected her breeches with fingers shook with cold and grinned up at their friends, “I swear by the Seven he does nothing but eat!” She protested.
At his comments about her cooking the woman lunged at him, trying to trip him and tackle him to the ground. Sandy hands closed around wet clothes and she grimaced, staring into the green-eyes she loved the most.
“More comments like that, and you’ll be feeding yourself!” she warned, eyes narrowed with playful intent. Kathryn stayed giggling on her horse as Elyna finally sat up and dusted the sand from her legs and pulled on the breaches. The woman knelt beside the fireplace. Hands were rubbed together and held over the flames. Teeth chattered together but she couldn’t stop smiling, so she ducked her head to hide the expression.
Malcolm was still thinner than he had been, that was certain and he also seemed ravenous. She wouldn’t blame him for his hunger though. It was clear that he had been starved during his time in the arena. Even as the thought crossed her mind she reached out to him and pressed a gentler hand to his wrist and set the pan back onto the fire.
“Maybe your lady would teach me Benjamin?” The young woman looked up at the Captain, tilting her head to the side in the starlight. Golden skin was washed in firelight and she relaxed, “The Seven know, there’s a reason no one eats when I cook for the Skyriders. I’m surprised Malcolm’s lasted so long if I’m honest.”
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"Iron gut," Malcolm smiled and pat his belly as he sat down on the sand, catching his breath after wrestling with Elyna.
"Belinda and I would love to have you both around for a meal any time," Benjamin smiled. "She is still working at the local children's school as one of their relief teachers, but we're expecting in Saun so she will have a lot more time for visitors if you ever feel lonely out on the farm, Elyna. Malcolm and I used to share lunch, Belinda always made extra for him."
Malcolm smirked. "Shhh, Elyna thinks I eat the sandwiches she packs me," he laughed, clearly teasing.
Kathryn leaned forwards on her horse and crossed her arms against the animal's neck. "I'll have to find myself a man who can cook."
"Your girlfriend won't like that," Benjamin chuckled.
The woman reached out and smacked the man on his side. "She's not my girlfriend!"
"Could have fooled me," the knight laughed.
"And me," Malcolm winked.
"You see what I have to put up with?" Kathryn looked at Elyna and rolled her eyes.
"Would you like to stay for something to eat?" Malcolm offered.
"No, no, we were just doing a lap of the beach before heading back to the city," Benjamin explained. "Probably a hot stew waiting for me when I get home."
Malcolm pretended to pack up his things. "Well I'll see you later," he told Elyna and got to his feet momentarily before sitting back down. The pair on their horses laughed.
"Enjoy your last few trials in Rynmere," Benjamin waved.
Kathryn offered Elyna a cheeky grin. "Make the most of it you two."
word count: 283
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Even as she listened to Ben and Kathryn, the Skyrider’s gaze remained on Malcolm. She watched as he laughed and teased their companions. Smiling she broke her watch on her husband and looked up at the woman on horseback.
“We both know that if they were nice to you, you’d be worried,” Elyna joined in the teasing, “but you and your ‘friend’, Benjamin and your Belinda are all very welcome to visit for dinner in Malcolm’s absence. I’m sure there are plenty of stories you can share when he’s no longer in earshot,” her gaze returned to the Mortalborn and her expression brightened.

She threw a small pebble at his back as he turned to go and forsake their campfire dinner. Waving the pair off with a smile. Relaxed she lay back on the cool sand and basked in the glow of the firelight. The smell of cooking sizzled in the quiet between them and she let out a soft sigh, content. There was something playful about the man who had lived over four centuries and she enjoyed this side of him. The humour and teasing that brightened their days and bought out the best in her. There were so many sides of his affection and Elyna tried to memorise the moment. Down to the detail of the rough sand against bare skin and the distant crash of waves.

“I love you,” she murmured and the moment hung in the air. Finally she sat up again, turning the steaks and preparing the rest of the meal. Laughing when she realised that her method of cooking the potatoes had thoroughly failed and left them burnt and blackened husks. They were left with just the meat to devour once it had cooked and remained, stretched out on the sand for a time before they gathered their things and made a slow and sleepy way home.
word count: 318
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Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Mount: Saddling up quickly
Mount: Strengthening balance by rising in the stirrips
Mount: Negotiating tricky terrain
Animal Husbandry: An overcrowded field isn't good for horses
Fieldcraft: Making fire
Cooking: How (not) to cook potatoes under a campfire
Cooking: Place steak into a hot pan
Endurance: Cold water torture!
Location: The cove where you had dinner
Ne'haer: Heat of the south and the forests of Krome
Cora for a girl, Simon for a boy?
Benjamin & Belinda: Expecting a baby in Saun



Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Gardening: plant well in good, dark soil
Gardening: water a newly planted tree
Mount: Saddling up quickly
Cooking: When cooking outdoors, hot rocks are useful
Cooking: Don't leave steak unattended while you frolick.
Endurance: Cold water torture!
Cora for a girl, Simon for a boy?
Location: The cove where you had dinner
Elyna: Has always wanted to go to Ne'haer
Benjamin & Belinda: Expecting a baby in Saun


General comments. A lovely, sweet little thread that gives us a glimpse into the private life of Elyna and Malcolm. I love how playful they are together - you get a lot of emotion into those posts and it's a pleasure to read!
Story A real feel-good thread where you have a lovely time and I had a lovely time reading it too!
Structure No worries, all good.
Please do PM me if you think I've missed anything or you have any questions!
word count: 268
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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