Ashan 16, Arc 721
On the 16th of Ashan, Devin Thorn, masterful bard, medical genius in progress and priest of Delroth, was in an extraordinarily good mood when he woke up. He smiled and almost danced when he left his bed, ate breakfast and got dressed, in fact, because he could barely contain his joy. Actually, he didn’t want to contain his joy because the trial had finally arrived – the trial when it would finally be finished, and he would be able to take the next step in making sure that Delroth would become the most popular Immortal on the island.
The young man was already normally quite fashionably dressed, but this time, he upped the ante and decided to dress in the very best and most expensive clothes, because Delroth, the Immortal of Vanity, deserved nothing but the best. At first, he had considered dressing from head to toe in gold. Covering yourself in an excessive amount of gold wasn’t really the best though; it would likely just end up looking incredibly gaudy.
Delroth deserved more than gaudiness!
For that reason, he put on a shirt that had been made of the finest white silk that money could buy, tailored to his body, and over it a waistcoat and a jacket that was made of just as fine a fabric, with delicate golden embroidery that shimmered in the early morning light and decorated with golden chains and tiny black and white pearls, and matching pants.
His cloak was a brilliant shade of white as well, and embroidered with a multitude of golden birds, and his feet were encased in soft white leather boots with a small golden heel, to make him look taller (not that he wasn’t already tall, but he liked looking just an inch or so taller, regardless).
The entire outfit was brand-new of course, because you didn’t wear something that you had already worn before on such an occasion, especially not when Delroth was involved!
Once Devin had gotten dressed, he put on some jewelry (golden, black and white and very beautiful, of course) and sat down at his luxurious vanity table in order to do his hair and put on some make-up. Well, at least that was what he planned on doing. For a while, he just looked at his reflection in the mirror (it was a gorgeous reflection in a pretty gorgeous mirror), and then he prodded his cheeks experimentally to see if that would cause a bit of divinity to reveal itself.
Delroth’s daughter had told him that he was a Mortalborn, and he believed her, and he was so happy about it because he’d always wanted to be someone special, but where were his domains? He could still only see the future which was a big responsibility. He didn’t know how he was supposed to handle such a responsibility though. He’d rather make people feel pleasure, like Zana, because that had sounded awesome, despite the side effects!
Before long, he stopped prodding his cheeks again though and focused on the task at hand. He grabbed a comb and started to do his hair, incorporating the shimmering feathers on his head in a way that made them look like a fancy hair accessory rather than what they really were – an Awakening, and then he added an ornament made of pure gold to it, and a bit of glitter so that his hair shimmered, just like his clothes.
A moment later, he decided to also use a bit of eyeliner to make his eyes stand out even more and sprinkled himself with perfume (it smelled like violets, to match his violet eyes).
Finally, he took the fancy golden silk robe that he had bought together with his new outfit and carefully folded it (he would only put it on once he had arrived at his destination so that it wouldn’t get dirty – a dirty robe would be a sacrilege!), and then he was ready to go.
In Cylus, Devin had not only made a generous offering to his favourite Immortal ever, Delroth, the Immortal of Vanity, he had also promised to improve his shrine and turn it into an actual temple, and he had immediately gotten to work. A priest of Delroth shouldn’t be lazy and take his sweet time – because Delroth deserved to get his gifts as soon as possible. Fortunately, there had been enough land around the shrine to build an extension. Approximately a season and a considerable amount of onyx nels later, it was finally ready!
He had already let his congregation know about the temple-warming ceremony (Like a house-warming party, only better and more religious!) during a previous mass, and he had also let everybody else who was willing to listen know (Provided that they were not ugly, dirty and smelly – he didn’t want the temple to stink!). Hopefully, a lot of people would come. He intended to open the new temple with prayer and lots of praise – because Delroth deserved all the prayers and praise on Idalos!
The original shrine had been small – no bigger than a garden shed – although it had been very beautiful, of course, as a shrine that was dedicated to the Immortal of Vanity should be, with golden decorations, bird sculptures that Devin had found during an actual treasure hunt and a magnificent painting of Delroth, among other things. The little shrine still existed. Devin had come to the decision that it would be perfect for private ceremonies and prayers.
Three rooms had been added next to it though.
The extension in question was so beautiful that Devin himself was rendered speechless. He stopped in front of it for a few moments in order to admire it, even though he had regularly paid a visit when he had been in Scalvoris Town in order to make sure that the workers weren’t lazy and/or tried to steal the building materials and replace them with cheaper stuff (As a former criminal, he was familiar with a lot of tricks in that regard!).
He had decided to continue with the color scheme of the old shrine so that the extension wouldn’t clash with it but complement it.
The walls of the exceedingly complex and luxurious building were a brilliant shade of white, with fine red and golden ornaments and painted with birds, and the benches where the congregation would sit during mass were made of finely carved dark wood. There were fancy decorations and big stained-glass windows with Delroth-themed motives that could be opened in order to let in fresh air – and wind, for wind was one of Delroth’s domains as well.
(Not storms though. Those belonged to Chrien.)
The central part of the temple was the altar in front of which Devin would be standing during mass, of course. Behind it hung the painting of Delroth that he had originally acquired for the old shrine – because Delroth’s face didn't deserve be hidden away in a little shrine.
Only the most magnificent surroundings were good enough for it!
It was there, in front of the altar, that Devin stopped in order to kneel and say a prayer once he had put on his robe (He had a room for himself where he could get changed and get ready for his masses now!).
Having done that, he placed two onyx nels that were encased in a pretty little velvet bag that was embroidered with blue birds in front of it (Two onyx nels were more than a lot of people earned in an entire season!) – because the first offering made in Delroth’s temple should be a huge one. The Immortal of Greed deserved more than just a handful of puny golden nels!
As far as he was concerned, this would only be the first of many impressive offerings!
On the 16th of Ashan, Devin Thorn, masterful bard, medical genius in progress and priest of Delroth, was in an extraordinarily good mood when he woke up. He smiled and almost danced when he left his bed, ate breakfast and got dressed, in fact, because he could barely contain his joy. Actually, he didn’t want to contain his joy because the trial had finally arrived – the trial when it would finally be finished, and he would be able to take the next step in making sure that Delroth would become the most popular Immortal on the island.
The young man was already normally quite fashionably dressed, but this time, he upped the ante and decided to dress in the very best and most expensive clothes, because Delroth, the Immortal of Vanity, deserved nothing but the best. At first, he had considered dressing from head to toe in gold. Covering yourself in an excessive amount of gold wasn’t really the best though; it would likely just end up looking incredibly gaudy.
Delroth deserved more than gaudiness!
For that reason, he put on a shirt that had been made of the finest white silk that money could buy, tailored to his body, and over it a waistcoat and a jacket that was made of just as fine a fabric, with delicate golden embroidery that shimmered in the early morning light and decorated with golden chains and tiny black and white pearls, and matching pants.
His cloak was a brilliant shade of white as well, and embroidered with a multitude of golden birds, and his feet were encased in soft white leather boots with a small golden heel, to make him look taller (not that he wasn’t already tall, but he liked looking just an inch or so taller, regardless).
The entire outfit was brand-new of course, because you didn’t wear something that you had already worn before on such an occasion, especially not when Delroth was involved!
Once Devin had gotten dressed, he put on some jewelry (golden, black and white and very beautiful, of course) and sat down at his luxurious vanity table in order to do his hair and put on some make-up. Well, at least that was what he planned on doing. For a while, he just looked at his reflection in the mirror (it was a gorgeous reflection in a pretty gorgeous mirror), and then he prodded his cheeks experimentally to see if that would cause a bit of divinity to reveal itself.
Delroth’s daughter had told him that he was a Mortalborn, and he believed her, and he was so happy about it because he’d always wanted to be someone special, but where were his domains? He could still only see the future which was a big responsibility. He didn’t know how he was supposed to handle such a responsibility though. He’d rather make people feel pleasure, like Zana, because that had sounded awesome, despite the side effects!
Before long, he stopped prodding his cheeks again though and focused on the task at hand. He grabbed a comb and started to do his hair, incorporating the shimmering feathers on his head in a way that made them look like a fancy hair accessory rather than what they really were – an Awakening, and then he added an ornament made of pure gold to it, and a bit of glitter so that his hair shimmered, just like his clothes.
A moment later, he decided to also use a bit of eyeliner to make his eyes stand out even more and sprinkled himself with perfume (it smelled like violets, to match his violet eyes).
Finally, he took the fancy golden silk robe that he had bought together with his new outfit and carefully folded it (he would only put it on once he had arrived at his destination so that it wouldn’t get dirty – a dirty robe would be a sacrilege!), and then he was ready to go.
In Cylus, Devin had not only made a generous offering to his favourite Immortal ever, Delroth, the Immortal of Vanity, he had also promised to improve his shrine and turn it into an actual temple, and he had immediately gotten to work. A priest of Delroth shouldn’t be lazy and take his sweet time – because Delroth deserved to get his gifts as soon as possible. Fortunately, there had been enough land around the shrine to build an extension. Approximately a season and a considerable amount of onyx nels later, it was finally ready!
He had already let his congregation know about the temple-warming ceremony (Like a house-warming party, only better and more religious!) during a previous mass, and he had also let everybody else who was willing to listen know (Provided that they were not ugly, dirty and smelly – he didn’t want the temple to stink!). Hopefully, a lot of people would come. He intended to open the new temple with prayer and lots of praise – because Delroth deserved all the prayers and praise on Idalos!
The original shrine had been small – no bigger than a garden shed – although it had been very beautiful, of course, as a shrine that was dedicated to the Immortal of Vanity should be, with golden decorations, bird sculptures that Devin had found during an actual treasure hunt and a magnificent painting of Delroth, among other things. The little shrine still existed. Devin had come to the decision that it would be perfect for private ceremonies and prayers.
Three rooms had been added next to it though.
The extension in question was so beautiful that Devin himself was rendered speechless. He stopped in front of it for a few moments in order to admire it, even though he had regularly paid a visit when he had been in Scalvoris Town in order to make sure that the workers weren’t lazy and/or tried to steal the building materials and replace them with cheaper stuff (As a former criminal, he was familiar with a lot of tricks in that regard!).
He had decided to continue with the color scheme of the old shrine so that the extension wouldn’t clash with it but complement it.
The walls of the exceedingly complex and luxurious building were a brilliant shade of white, with fine red and golden ornaments and painted with birds, and the benches where the congregation would sit during mass were made of finely carved dark wood. There were fancy decorations and big stained-glass windows with Delroth-themed motives that could be opened in order to let in fresh air – and wind, for wind was one of Delroth’s domains as well.
(Not storms though. Those belonged to Chrien.)
The central part of the temple was the altar in front of which Devin would be standing during mass, of course. Behind it hung the painting of Delroth that he had originally acquired for the old shrine – because Delroth’s face didn't deserve be hidden away in a little shrine.
Only the most magnificent surroundings were good enough for it!
It was there, in front of the altar, that Devin stopped in order to kneel and say a prayer once he had put on his robe (He had a room for himself where he could get changed and get ready for his masses now!).
Having done that, he placed two onyx nels that were encased in a pretty little velvet bag that was embroidered with blue birds in front of it (Two onyx nels were more than a lot of people earned in an entire season!) – because the first offering made in Delroth’s temple should be a huge one. The Immortal of Greed deserved more than just a handful of puny golden nels!
As far as he was concerned, this would only be the first of many impressive offerings!
16 WP for a huge room
12 WP for three average rooms
1 WP for an offering
1 WP for two masterwork quality outfits
Total: 30 WP
As Devin is Tier 10, the furnishings are masterwork+ quality.
16 WP for a huge room
12 WP for three average rooms
1 WP for an offering
1 WP for two masterwork quality outfits
Total: 30 WP
As Devin is Tier 10, the furnishings are masterwork+ quality.