[Institute of Innovation] Qualification Registry

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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[Institute of Innovation] Qualification Registry

The Institute for Innovation
From Cylus 721 (Feb 1st 2021 IRL), this is the thread where will people will claim their qualifications from the Institute of Innovation.

Please post below when you have completed a Qualification with the Institute. Even if it's been via a modded thread, please post here, because this thread will function as my "to do" list.

Code: Select all

[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Qualification you are receiving (full title, please)[/b]
[b] Links to all required threads. [/b]
[b]Any other relevant information about your pc and the Institute? (additional threads etc)[/b]
Credit: Faith[/font][/googlefont]
word count: 106

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