• Solo • The Seal of the Crystal Blade

66th of Ashan 721

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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The Seal of the Crystal Blade


66th of Ashan 721

The Mortalborn had taken to delivering his own letters of late. Since sending out letters to the four individuals that he had, the ‘who’s who’ of Scalvoran government, and receiving as yet no word back… Granted it’d only been six days. But since his time dallying with Llyr and his ilk, Woe mistrusted the postal system more and more. He needed to get more echo scrolls for his contacts. And he would, just… Needed more contacts, basically. That was why he took off to the Glassblower’s Union hall. He wanted to investigate the rumor that the Crystal Blade had dealings with one of the masters. That he’d shackled him up, which led to the vigilante’s current disgrace.

Of course, masters of the Union only met with the general public upon appointment. Or so this one was said to. Perhaps a precaution to evade the same disgraceful sort of attack that had him in shackles before. In any event, Woe needed to talk to him, and so had an appointment note in his back pocket.

Covering Woe's shoulders was a black, quilted wool jacket, stitched with cloth of silver in a diamond pattern. Beneath it he wore a wool shirt of pale dark blue, which hung freely over a pair of black breeches made of quilted leather, in the same diamond pattern as the jacket, with similar silver stitching. He wore a pair of black knee boots on his feet, where parts of the soles, at the toes and heels were exposed to allow him to grip the ground if need be.

He walked into the main thoroughfare when he felt the sudden shift of weight from his back pocket. Before he could turn around fully, he heard an urchin darting off into an alleyway, bearing some of Woe’s copper nels and the note that he’d meant to deliver! Woe made chase, kicking off against the ground and running in pursuit. However, the lad was too quick. He made the distance before Woe, and the mortalborn nearly lost him as he ran into an alleyway. Yet as Woe turned the corner, he saw it led to a dead end. Assured then, that he’d have this child and his note back, he rushed in from where he stood. He shot a rope of webbing at the kid, just as the lad jumped into the air and started leaping about like a spider himself. Woe watched half in admiration as the child climbed over the dead end, and over the other side.

Woe approached the dead end, and with his hands and feet began climbing. The bare parts of his footwear allowed him to grip with the feet, while his gloves had been cut off at the fingertips. It took a great deal of effort and time, however, and by the time he reached the other side, jumping down from the height of the wall, he couldn’t find a trace of the lad anywhere. Cursing his luck, he wandered back to his place, keeping a hand on each pocket to guard his change. Gloom was a great acrobat and sneak… Woe could convince him to help him corner and retrieve the child, perhaps.

word count: 544
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Seal of the Crystal Blade


Gloom was minding his own business, making a delicious desert, a crumble-topped banana lemon casserole that he'd picked up from Tarnborg at the Lemon Messy. He had been waiting for days before he'd gathered all the necessary ingredients, the stage was set for what would be a scrumptious masterpiece of a feast. And Gloom was genuinely looking forward to sharing it with his friends, Iago and Woe. Perhaps even Botany would warm up to the idea of a delicious desert (although he wasn't sure if the ingredients were good for dogs). Gloom was happily whistling as he prepared the meal, and had just about set himself to start preparing it. Then he heard the door slam, and footsteps making way for the kitchen. Oh no, did something happen to Woe?! If Gloom hadn't been there for him while he needed him he'd be so upset, he'd...

But then it was Woe who'd shoved his way into the kitchen partition of their apartment. He said to Gloom, "Gloom, I need your help. Come with me."

Gloom turned around, and stuck his hands on his hips, frowning up at the tall Mortalborn. "Now... Wait just a minute, can you explain first? I was just about to get start..."

Woe sighed in exasperation, "Gloom, you can come or not, but if you wish to be of help I'd very much appreciate it. I'll even forward the coin for twice as many of whatever you're about to cook. A tentrial worth of luxury food, what do you say?"

Gloom thought on it. He hated to leave the kitchen when he was just about to get started, but then, Woe needed him. And he often did honor the promises of payment. He may hate whatever task the Mortalborn would set him to, but he would do it. A season's worth of luxury food and ingredients would be well worth whatever he put him to, provided it didn't lead to certain doom...

"Alright, Woe." He said with a forlorn sigh, "I'll help..."

word count: 350
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Seal of the Crystal Blade

Woe had a plan, something a little more complex than merely sending out Gloom to intercept the letter thief. Gloom would of course be utilized, as he'd planned, but there was more to it than that. Woe was prepared to use his magics in order to find out what the thief was all about. Who was he working with, and who was he reporting to. Was that person of relevance to the Watcher's Union, to the Crystal Blade, or someone else, perhaps the Warden? Woe would find out, one way or another. He had a plan, and it all centered ona letter he'd penned for the reading of whoever happened to capture the letter.

The mortalborn had written it out carefully, it was meant to entice the reader to act on that information, and he would certainly send out Gloom to stake out the other location described in the letter, which read as follows:


I'm sending word for you to join me in Almund, on the 30th of Ymiden. Take a trip from the Citadel, back to Foster's Landing and onward across the seas to Scalvoris. I will pay well.


Woe actually had no intention of sending away for Fleaface in Etzos. Far be it for him to disturb the old man's rest and retirement. But he did wish to inform those watching and monitoring Woe's correspondence, that he intended to make a big move. Few of Woe's larger schemes excluded Fleaface in the past, and if anyone tracking his activities wasn't aware of that, it'd be yet another calculation to take into account. He wanted to know the caliber of person he was dealing with. And so he attained the frequency on the object, the letter that he was sending. That done, Gloom appeared at his side, ready to take the letter, and wearing a forlorn frown.

Gloom was instructed to run just slow enough and stop at the market, in order to browse some foods that Woe had given him the coin for. Enough luxury foods for a tentrial. Woe would then wait for the child thief to steal the letter, and see how he acted. If he would open it himself, or bring it along to his broker or fence. Whoever he sent his stolen information to.

Woe, meanwhile, was safely in Soraia's house. His being there served a dual purpose of checking up on his friend, as well as giving him adequate cover for his magic use. He'd need it for what was to happen next. As he opened the view of the frequency, so many town blocks away from him, he projected his consciousness on the letter inside the envelope. There, he listened, and waited.

The child had absconded with the letter, and Gloom did the job of yelling the code word that Woe had given him. "Help, thief! Stolen letter!" Not much of a code, all told, but it gave Woe the idea of what was going on.

Soon enough, his letter was being born through the streets of Egilrun. The child ran like the wind, and Woe could almost sense how fast his small legs were pumping as the letter was carried to its inevitable destination. Yet, Woe couldn't tell just where it was they were being taken, as he sat in meditation in his old house.

Eventually, a voice rang out from outside the envelope, easily heard through the thin paper. "Oy, whatcher little wart? Whatcher got fer me!"

"A letter, give me a gold nel, like you said!" The child warned, seemingly ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble. Woe could almost sense the man's glowering frown as he looked down on the child, but eventually seemed to relent, and handed him a golden nel. The letter then changed hands.

Moments later, the envelope was opened, in a darkened inner room of whatever establishment it'd been carried to. Now Woe had visual access to the place. But he still couldn't tell, or garner many clues as to where it was, exactly. The man spoke, to someone. The other person was wearing what looked like a guard's uniform, with a large gray cloak and buckler hanging from his belt. He turned, his eyes shining at the envelope. "You have company. Give me the letter." So saying, as he read the letter, Woe had a good view of his face. He would remember it, for quite a while afterward. The man read the letter in just a few moments. Before smiling back into the letter. "You were silly to send me this note, Mister Morandi."

Woe was shocked to hear his name, too shocked and confused to react to what came directly next. When the Crystal Blade took the letter in his hand, and began disintegrating it in his grasp. As he did so, he sent a shock of ether through the connection that Woe held to the letter, sending him reeling in his meditation space in Soraia's home. Woe was floored immediately.

When he awoke, he was being doted on by Soraia, and Iago stood by nervously, along with Gloom. Woe looked at them all, squinting, and still having trouble seeing straight after the shock to his system. "I... I think I'm alright."

"Well that's a relief." Said Soraia in Vahanic. She shook her head, somber as ever. "Because you were out for trials."

Woe was nearly struck by the atavistic realization that he'd lost so much time, that he almost fell back into unconsciousness. But as it was, he grappled the ground, and brought himself back to center. It must have been a bit of overstepping. But at least now he knew the Crystal Blade was active in Egilrun. Even if he was now trials ahead of him, and knew of his plans to send for Fleaface.

It was a fairly major setback, all told.

word count: 999
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Seal of the Crystal Blade

Experience: +10 xp



Attunement: Projection: A way of listening in from a remote location, on an item or person that one has an active frequency with.
Attunement: Projection: Can also be used to see what is around the object one is projecting to.
Attunement: Projection: Don't let someone destroy the object you hold a frequency on. It may lead to overstepping.
Meditation: Finding a quiet place to concentrate.
Meditation: Splitting one's consciousness and senses can be facilitated by meditation.
Meditation: Overstepping while meditating can break your trance, as well as send you reeling.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Information on the Crystal Dagger’s activities
Injuries/Overstepping: Light to Medium Having a targeted object destroyed while attuned to it is pretty traumatic, I’d imagine. See consequence below:
ETA: Let's go with full on Medium. Woe was out for a couple trials.
Consequence: When E.F. Hutton Talks... (Pulse Variant) Through the next Cycle (until end of Zi'da 721), whenever Woe talks to somebody in public, *any* other party within earshot will tend to find themselves inadvertently eavesdropping on Woe’s conversation, even to the point of distracting them from another conversation they themselves are currently having (Novice Disicpline to ignore). They may even grow annoyed with Woe for interrupting them (even though he isn’t).
Renown: None. Seeing as this is cloak-and-dagger stuff.
Wealth Points: -2 WP
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: Yes, +10 for Attunement.


What an entertaining thread! You challenge Woe and put him in a lot of trouble here, trouble he doesn’t necessarily succeed in dealing with. First the thieving urchin, then the Crystal Blade gets the better of him. For this round, at least…

I like how Woe bargained with Gloom for his help. It acknowledges the NPC’s autonomy.

I awarded a an overstepping consequence based on the fact that it happened while Woe was Attuning to eavesdrop on someone. Hope you like it!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 332
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