• Solo • The Man with the Horn

Ashan 721 Wealth Thread.

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Man with the Horn

Ashan 17, Arc 721

On the 17th of Ashan, Devin Thorn, master bard, medical genius in progress and unexpected Baron (He had just wanted Alyssia to get the job!) was standing in the treatment room in his exceedingly colourful house in Scalvoris Town. He was rolling up bandages, checking his collection of surgical masks and singing, a silly little children’s song about little ducks in a pond (totally off-key, as usual) because even the dullest and most frustrating activities, such as tidying up the treatment room, were better with a little song.

He had just opened the window in order to let in some fresh air and was wondering if he should also spray a bit of perfume in order to cover the smell of medicine that was hard to get rid of sometimes, when he heard a knock on the door. A moment later, Aidan, his roommate, entered and told him, “Your first patient of the trial just arrived. He is waiting downstairs with his wife. I’m not sure what’s the matter with him – he refused to tell me – but anyway, are you ready, or do you need more time?”

Devin finished rolling up his last bandage, put it into a drawer and turned around, smiling. “Tell him that I’m happy to see him!” he said- which was not a lie. Devin really loved doctoring. He loved it so much that he continued to treat patients whenever he was in Scalvoris Town for business or university-related matters, despite being a Baron, and he had to admit that he was quite excited about his newest patient, whoever he might be.

If a patient refused to reveal what his problem was right away, something was usually up. It was either something incredibly embarrassing, or something nasty and a bit gnarly, or both, and Devin loved such ailments especially. He put on a pair of protective gloves (blue, to match the sky-blue outfit that he was currently wearing), just in case the potentially embarrassing and/or nasty thing his patient had was a bit contagious. Having that done, he plopped down on the chair behind his desk, a wide smile on his face and waited.

A few moments later, the patient (and his wife) finally entered. Both of them were in their fifties, and human. The woman was a bit overweight, with grey hair that she wore in a bun, and a dress with a floral pattern that reminded him of the dresses that Rose Lefluer, the librarian, usually wore, except that it was less pink. The man on the other hand looked like a lumberjack, with long ruddy hair, a matching beard – and a broad bandana that he had wrapped around his forehead, and he appeared to be the epitome of health.

In fact, Devin had hardly ever seen a healthier patient which was a little unfortunate, to be honest.

Maybe he was a hypochondriac though?

He’d always wanted to treat someone with a fake illness!

word count: 503


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Man with the Horn

“How may I help you?” Devin wanted to know and folded his hands that had fingers with very fancy black nails (Curtesy of a Grafter!) atop his desk, like a true professional and looked at the man expectantly, at the man who almost seemed to be … afraid of coming closer and taking a seat at one of the two chairs that stood on the other side of his desk?

“Come on, Albert Prendergast”, the woman remarked and pulled at the sleeve of her husband’s blue checkered shirt. “Don’t be so childish. You are fifty-three. I bet Doctor Thorn has already seen everything. He’s a very skilled and famous doctor, with a Charter and everything!” she pointed out which immediately caused Devin to sit up straighter and beam at her. He liked it when people called him skilled and famous. Being a celebrity was great!

Albert who probably towered over Devin sighed and hesitantly took a seat, as if he’d rather be anywhere but here before he admitted, in a tone of voice that seemed strangely shy, “I think I got cursed. I … doctor, I have some sort of growth on my forehead …”

“Nonsense, Albert Prendergast”,
the woman interjected. “Why should anyone curse you? You are too quiet to offend or anger anyone. It’s probably a medical condition, I told you so, and Doctor Thorn will fix you in no time. Right, Doctor Thorn?” she asked Devin. Before the Mortalborn could say anything, she continued, “And now take that silly bandana of yours off so that Doctor Thorn can actually see what you have.”

When the woman revealed that Mr. Prendergast’s problem was hidden under the bandana, Devin perked up even more than before because he couldn’t help but wonder what it was. Maybe it was a third eye, or … no, additional nipples were located on one’s chest. Maybe he had scales or fur or something like that though, or a really interesting rash!

“Your wife is right, Mr. Prendergast”, he agreed, smiling the sweetest smile that he was capable of. “I can’t diagnose you if I can’t see what you have. I have seen everything”, he added, in case the man was ashamed of his problem – which was a bit of a lie. He had not seen everything, but he had seen a lot, and he was a very good doctor either way. Mrs. Prendergast had said so herself. “So, you won’t be able to shock me”, he added.

With a sigh, Mr. Prendergast removed the bandana, and Devin who was pretty excited at this point leaned forward slightly so that he would be able to see better, only to struggle to hide his disappointment. A moment later, when he realized what exactly the thing on his patient’s forehead was, he felt a lot better again though. Mr. Prendergast would need surgery, because the thing on his forehead was a cutaneous horn (which was something he had seen before).

He really enjoyed surgeries (as long as he was the doctor, at least)!

word count: 515


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Man with the Horn

For a moment, Devin was quite tempted to rush over to the cabinet where he stored his scalpels, his needles and his surgical thread and the rest of the supplies that he would need, but then he realized that he hadn’t told Mr. Prendergast what he had yet, and that it would be a good idea to take a closer look at the horn regardless, in order to be completely sure. Once upon a time, he had not cared about such things as much, but he was a respectable doctor now, and he wanted to do this doctor thing the correct way!

So, he told Mr. Prendergast to sit down on the examination table so that he would be able to examine his growth better and subsequently prodded the horn with a gloved finger before he looked at it, narrowing his eyes as he did so. It was curved and yellow, and surrounded by slightly thickened skin, as cutaneous horns often were, and it was approximately twice as tall as it was wide – in short, it had all the traits that cutaneous horns usually had!

“Doctor Thorn?” Mr. Prendergast asked hesitantly when Devin stepped away from him again (His wife remained seated at the desk, although she watched both of them like a hawk.)

“It’s not a curse, it’s something called a cutaneous horn. It’s a type of skin tumor that can be caused by exposure to sunlight, among other things”, Devin told Mr. Prendergast – he was pretty proud of the fact that he remembered that piece of information from university – only to notice how his patient’s eyes suddenly widened in absolute shock.

“I have … cancer?” Mr. Prendergast asked. For a moment, he looked as if he were about to faint.

“No, I said that you have a tumor”, Devin corrected him in a firm tone of voice, in order to hopefully better get the point across. “Not every tumor is cancerous. A lot of them are just harmless growths that can easily be removed with surgery and won’t ever come back. Furthermore, it would be a very short and simple surgery in your case”, he reassured Mr. Prendergast who still looked worried and appeared to be on the verge of saying no to the surgery. “It will take approximately a quarter of a break, and I’ll numb the area so that you won’t feel any pain beforehand”, he assured him.

Mr. Prendergast nodded hesitantly and looked at his wife who smiled at him reassuringly. Once Devin had told him how much the surgery would cost, he lay down on the examination table. A moment later, Devin carefully cleaned the horn and the area around it (which would, hopefully, help prevent a future infection), before he numbed it so that the patient wouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery and waited a few bits before he prodded it experimentally. When Mr. Prendergast didn’t react, which was a sign that the substance that he had applied, had started to work, he went ahead with the surgery and cut away the horn from its base in order to remove it from the skin.

It was a fairly straight-forward surgery, but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed all kinds of surgeries!

Soon, he was left with a hole where the horn had been, got a surgical needle and a bit of thread and proceeded to close the wound with a few stitches. His stitches were not as uniform as the stitches of someone who knew something about tailoring might be, but scarring would, most likely, be fairly minimal, especially since it wasn’t even a very big wound!

“We are almost done!” he assured Mr. Prendergast who had kept his eyes closed the entire time and chosen that exact moment to open them again. “I’ll just apply some ointment now in order to speed up the healing process and bandage the wound”, he told them, got a jar with a creamy white substance and did what he had said.

“Careful”, he remarked when Mr. Prendergast who seemed to have used up most of his courage tried to stand the moment he was done – and swayed dangerously in the process. “You should remain on the examination table for a few bits after surgery. Do you want anything to drink? Water can help”, he pointed out, just as Mrs. Prendergast who had not looked away for even a moment remarked in a surprised tone of voice,

“Albert, he gave you a blue bandage!”

“Indeed, it is blue, just like your shirt”,
Devin confirmed in a cheerful tone of voice. He tried to do a good job as a doctor, and he tried to do everything correctly and be friendly to his patients and not scare them nowadays, but he refused to use those utterly boring white bandages, and he always would. Color-coordinating was important, and besides, you could see blood and pus and other substances just as well on a colourful bandage, provided that said bandage was not too dark!

Mr. Prendergast’s eyes widened, and he reached for his forehead as if he wanted to feel the bandage, but quickly lowered his hand again when Devin warned him not to touch it. A moment later, the man who seemed to have recovered somewhat told Devin, “A glass of water would be nice. Do you need to see me again, by the way?” he added.

“I’ll see you again tomorrow”, he told Mr. Prendergast before he filled a glass for him, accepted the money for the surgery (he loved getting nels!) and finally bade the Prendergasts farewell, smirking slightly as he heard how Mrs. Prendergast told her husband that he had been such a brave man. He couldn’t wait for his next patient. He loved doctoring, and he especially loved giving people stitches and such. That was absolutely great!

word count: 989


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Man with the Horn

Experience: +10 xp


Cosmetology: Color-coordinating is important
Medicine: Diagnosing a cutaneous horn
Medicine: A tumor does not equal cancer
Medicine: Applying ointment to speed up the healing process
Surgery: Cleaning the site before surgery can help prevent infections
Surgery: Surgically removing a cutaneous horn

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Loot: None.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.

Renown: None.

Comments: Devin loves being a doctor! And I love reading threads about Devin being a doctor! It’s clear that he cares about his patients, not just their health, but their emotional well-being and even their vanity! Matching bandages for the win!

The Prendergasts were a delightful couple, with the big, burly husband turning out to be a bit of a baby when it came to going to the doctor and getting surgery. They both felt very human and believable.

And I learned about cutaneous horns!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 147
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