20th of Ymiden
The elegant Lord slid the door open, the dim torchlights of the Treasury’s basement dancing as the man’s presence swayed the atmosphere like a lullaby. Dressed in the finest suits, being an icon of fashion in the city, the polished shoes advanced onward towards what appeared to be a dead end as a tall wall blocked any path forward. However, the nobleman approached, and reaching out with a hand, a fake brick was pushed like a button. As quickly as it was pushed, another false brick was slid at the level of Maxos’ brown eyes.
“Password?” Said a masculine voice from the other side.
“Do you have a match?” Replied Peake in return, the brick wall immediately opening, the technology and engineering behind it being a mystery. The torchlight beyond the hidden door was more present, and after yet another door – this one being common and unimpressive – Peake found himself at the heart of the Kingdom’s most secret accounting division.
The Collecting Unit of the National Tax Service, usually abbreviated as C.U.N.T.S. was the Kingdom’s special unit, an intelligence service focused towards the collecting of taxes. It was top secret, only a few selected people in the entirety of the Kingdom aware of the presence of such organization. Its tasks were vital, and so the secret identity of its agents was absolutely mandatory. Maxos Andaris was one of those agents, chosen when he was a young man, trained to be effective, subtle, but dangerous. As one of the best agents in CUNTS, Maxos enjoyed wealth and luxury in exchange of love or a stable home. It was for this reason why he never married, and instead focused on conquering females before treating them like disposable objects. However, despite his record being sealed away in a chamber at the bottom of the deepest ocean, Maxos enjoyed the fame and pride of being the best of the best, and so few were his worries.
As he advanced through the underground offices of the CUNTS, many eyes and waves greeted him, each of the present seeking a portion of Maxos’ attention, and being as merciful as he was, he waved back with an arrogant smug.
“Maxos, M is waiting.” Said the woman behind the desk at the end of the hall, secretary to the highest agent in the agency. Also, one of the women Maxos had slept with, amongst the many other.
Maxos nodded and winked to her as he moved past her, reaching the doors at last and sliding them open before he entered M’s office.
M, short name for the Master of Coin, a man whose experience made him a genius in the Tax Collecting business, was also the leader of the CUNTS, and Maxos’ superior. The man itself was middle aged, face moderately wrinkled, and body still functional and healthy. However, one of the main characteristics seen was the pale white hair on top of his head, which immediately made him stand out amongst the crowd. If he ever left the headquarters, that is. Maxos was convinced that M never left, and sometimes even jokingly suggested that M was born in the headquarters and behind the desk in which the man currently wrote something.
“Maxos, I see that you’re back. How’s the hand?” M didn’t even look up from the pile of papers in which he was writing something.
“Healing.” Maxos glanced at his right hand, flexing the fingers and feeling a slight discomfort. Ten trials ago Maxos had punched through the plate breastplate and chest of a debtor, ripping his heart out in the process but unfortunately damaging his knuckles. It was feeling better, however.
“Good. Ready to get back out there?”
“Yes, sir. Got anything special for me?” Maxos was eager, indeed.
M finally glanced up, his piercing blue eyes almost shocking due to the man’s fair skin, although they quickly moved away from Maxos. Instead, a hand moved towards a thick file, taking it and tossing it before Maxos. Not a bit later, Maxos was already browsing within.
“There’s been a robbery. Four masked and heavily armored individuals ambushed one of the Treasury’s carriages, stealing thousands of gold in the process. All the guards were killed, and there were no witnesses.” M spoke with calm, and almost with boredom, something that most men would confuse with apathy. Maxos, however, knew that M was simply a very rational man that gave no heed to emotion. “There’s one more thing. They carved the words ‘GP’ on the foreheads of the guards. All signs indicate it was left by the Gold Printer.”
Maxos’ heart twisted in his chest, closing the dossier but hanging on to it for a later read. Still, he said nothing.
“Meet with the Quartermaster. I’ve instructed him to give you some tools you’ll need. Your top priority is to find the stolen gold and the men responsible. The Gold Printer is not your priority. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Good. Dismissed.”
Maxos nodded before he spun on his heels before exiting the office. Instead of returning to the analysis section, Maxos took the stairs heading down, eager to meet with the Quartermaster – commonly called Q – and finally follow the trail on the Golden Printer before it went cold.
Thanks to Lazuli for this amazing template!