• Mature • Agent 000: GoldPrinter

Its like a spy movie but worse. Much worse.

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Agent 000: GoldPrinter

20th of Ymiden

The elegant Lord slid the door open, the dim torchlights of the Treasury’s basement dancing as the man’s presence swayed the atmosphere like a lullaby. Dressed in the finest suits, being an icon of fashion in the city, the polished shoes advanced onward towards what appeared to be a dead end as a tall wall blocked any path forward. However, the nobleman approached, and reaching out with a hand, a fake brick was pushed like a button. As quickly as it was pushed, another false brick was slid at the level of Maxos’ brown eyes.
“Password?” Said a masculine voice from the other side.
“Do you have a match?” Replied Peake in return, the brick wall immediately opening, the technology and engineering behind it being a mystery. The torchlight beyond the hidden door was more present, and after yet another door – this one being common and unimpressive – Peake found himself at the heart of the Kingdom’s most secret accounting division.

The Collecting Unit of the National Tax Service, usually abbreviated as C.U.N.T.S. was the Kingdom’s special unit, an intelligence service focused towards the collecting of taxes. It was top secret, only a few selected people in the entirety of the Kingdom aware of the presence of such organization. Its tasks were vital, and so the secret identity of its agents was absolutely mandatory. Maxos Andaris was one of those agents, chosen when he was a young man, trained to be effective, subtle, but dangerous. As one of the best agents in CUNTS, Maxos enjoyed wealth and luxury in exchange of love or a stable home. It was for this reason why he never married, and instead focused on conquering females before treating them like disposable objects. However, despite his record being sealed away in a chamber at the bottom of the deepest ocean, Maxos enjoyed the fame and pride of being the best of the best, and so few were his worries.

As he advanced through the underground offices of the CUNTS, many eyes and waves greeted him, each of the present seeking a portion of Maxos’ attention, and being as merciful as he was, he waved back with an arrogant smug.
“Maxos, M is waiting.” Said the woman behind the desk at the end of the hall, secretary to the highest agent in the agency. Also, one of the women Maxos had slept with, amongst the many other.
Maxos nodded and winked to her as he moved past her, reaching the doors at last and sliding them open before he entered M’s office.

M, short name for the Master of Coin, a man whose experience made him a genius in the Tax Collecting business, was also the leader of the CUNTS, and Maxos’ superior. The man itself was middle aged, face moderately wrinkled, and body still functional and healthy. However, one of the main characteristics seen was the pale white hair on top of his head, which immediately made him stand out amongst the crowd. If he ever left the headquarters, that is. Maxos was convinced that M never left, and sometimes even jokingly suggested that M was born in the headquarters and behind the desk in which the man currently wrote something.

“Maxos, I see that you’re back. How’s the hand?” M didn’t even look up from the pile of papers in which he was writing something.
“Healing.” Maxos glanced at his right hand, flexing the fingers and feeling a slight discomfort. Ten trials ago Maxos had punched through the plate breastplate and chest of a debtor, ripping his heart out in the process but unfortunately damaging his knuckles. It was feeling better, however.
“Good. Ready to get back out there?”
“Yes, sir. Got anything special for me?” Maxos was eager, indeed.

M finally glanced up, his piercing blue eyes almost shocking due to the man’s fair skin, although they quickly moved away from Maxos. Instead, a hand moved towards a thick file, taking it and tossing it before Maxos. Not a bit later, Maxos was already browsing within.

“There’s been a robbery. Four masked and heavily armored individuals ambushed one of the Treasury’s carriages, stealing thousands of gold in the process. All the guards were killed, and there were no witnesses.” M spoke with calm, and almost with boredom, something that most men would confuse with apathy. Maxos, however, knew that M was simply a very rational man that gave no heed to emotion. “There’s one more thing. They carved the words ‘GP’ on the foreheads of the guards. All signs indicate it was left by the Gold Printer.”

Maxos’ heart twisted in his chest, closing the dossier but hanging on to it for a later read. Still, he said nothing.

“Meet with the Quartermaster. I’ve instructed him to give you some tools you’ll need. Your top priority is to find the stolen gold and the men responsible. The Gold Printer is not your priority. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Good. Dismissed.”

Maxos nodded before he spun on his heels before exiting the office. Instead of returning to the analysis section, Maxos took the stairs heading down, eager to meet with the Quartermaster – commonly called Q – and finally follow the trail on the Golden Printer before it went cold.
Thanks to Lazuli for this amazing template!
Last edited by Peake on Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 902
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000: GoldPrinter

Q’s various gadgets, or at least the ones granted to Maxos, were excellent. The ultimate technology and the most valuable materials made the items Maxos now wore invaluable, and almost unsellable. The world was not prepared for these kinds of items, in a way, as they were very specialized despite being also very extremely useful. The most notable was the invisible armor Maxos was currently wearing. All the properties and protection of a plate armor worn on one’s flesh without the weight or the sight. As Q explained it, the armor was made with mana-infused particles that compressed the metal so much it was literally removed from the visual range of an average mortal. It was a prototype, of course, so Maxos wore thousands of golden nel on his very flesh. Riches, armor, and protection that nobody could see, that is.

Maxos had read the dossier on the case he was currently following, and a detail had struck him severely, so much that he became obsessed over it. The ambush took place on the alley between two of the most traversed streets in Andaris, and thus the statement of having no witnesses was strangely suspicious to Maxos. After some investigation, it was discovered that all taverns in those two main streets were places of interests for most inhabitants, as anonymous individuals had paid for free rounds for the remainder of the day. It was understandable that more than half of those walking those streets decided to make a stop, indeed. However, on those two streets, the number of brothels available was also quite high, which Maxos deduced meant only once thing: those not thirsty for alcohol would surely hunger for flesh. Because of that, Maxos headed to the most luxurious brothel he could find near the ambush’s location.

Parking his sports carriage, heavily ornamented and adorned with paints and details, the most obvious detail was the fact that his carriage possessed six total wheels. The two white, pureblood stallions earned a slap in their ass from the chevalier, whom quickly left the daylight to instead penetrate the lustful shadows within the brothel. As the lights dimmed with every step, Maxos’ own masculine and suave aura slowly gained strength, almost shining in the darkness with his attractive presence. The eyes of many of the girls shot towards him, fascinated by him, lusting for him or merely wishing to approach to keep their own sanity in check. Maxos did not stop, however, as instead he made his way towards the counter. There, the bartender awaited for Maxos’ order. Unbeknownst to the bartender, Maxos had a very specific idea in mind.

“Three measures of rum, one of vodka, half a measure of Ice Wanders. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of watermelon. Got it?”
“Yes, sir. Right away, sir.” The bartender turned around and began gathering the ingredients from the complete bar, where everything needed for the preparation of the cocktail was present.
As the bartender worked, Maxos scouted the length of the polished wooden counter, and found the piercing green eyes of a redheaded female staring with an interest that bordered on obsession. Maxos smirked towards her, a soft wink being all that was needed for her to approach, eager to know more about the interesting/dangerous female.
“And many said that real men existed only in fairy tales,” said the redhead with a cocky smile. The size of her bossom was intimidating, even for a womanizer such as Maxos. “Does the man before me have a name?”
“Andaris,” said Maxos. “Maxos Andaris.” Intrigued and drawn to the female’s presence, Maxos turned his body towards the female to admire her beauty further. Just when he did this, his cocktail arrived. “What makes you think I’m a real man and not just an imposter?”
“I’ve seen many imposters in my life. They are like fish out of water whenever you look at them.” The redhead moved faster than Maxos, taking his cocktail and sipping from it, as her eyes stared back at the male playfully. Once her lips left the chaste glass, the red stain from her lipstick remained like a seal in a letter. “But when I look at you, Mister Andaris,” she said, leaning dangerously close to his ear. Her perfume was almost hypnotic. “… I see a shark.”

A pause came next, man and woman apparently halted in time, mentally challenging each other to pull away, to surrender under the presence of the other, to test their wills to see if they could keep their hands off each other. It was she the one that scooted back, a cocky and tempting smirk being granted to the impressed agent.
“May this shark know the name of his prey?” said Maxos, as a lustful leer inspected the female from top to bottom. “… or would his prey prefer anonymity?”
“Oh? How are you so convinced that I am the prey here?” said the female, a soft chuckle escaping her delicate throat. “I could very well be just another shark in the water.”
“I have never seen a shark as beautiful as you,” replied Maxos. “But I guess I’ve never experienced your bite.”
“Soon enough, you will,” replied the redhead. At last, she gave up her hand and offered to him. “Syhera Ki’hadi.”
Maxos took the hand within his own, and laid a soft kiss on the back of the palm. Eyes locked, they clearly lusted for each other, like beasts trapped in separate cells, devouring each other with their eyes instead.
Thanks to Lazuli for this amazing template!
word count: 942
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Agent 000: GoldPrinter

“May I ask you a question, Miss Ki’hadi?” asked Maxos. Although greatly attracted in the female and her wild sensuality, the call of duty was too loud to be ignored. “Did you happen to see---“
“Shh,” shushed Syhera. In the fraction of a bit, she had leaned over, her lips almost caressing his ear. “I know who you are looking for, Mister Andaris. The man in the table has all the answers you need.”
As she pulled away, Maxos’s eyes couldn’t help themselves but to peek towards the table section of the establishment. There, waiting in the lingering shadows, stood the frame of a man with a hat. He must’ve been staring at the couple, for the moment Maxos’ eyes looked towards him, he jumped towards the exit with a haste that was almost too fast to follow with a naked eye. Peake stood up with the intention to give chase, but his hand was trapped by Syhera’s.
“Maxos… I...” she stuttered, tears threatening to run down from her eyes. “I will wait for you.” A sad smile escaped her lips, which Maxos would forever remember, before she let him go.

Maxos wasted no time in chasing the male. Running outside, back into the sunlight of Ymiden, the heat of the afternoon and the crowded streets. In between those crowds, Maxos’ excellent vision allowed him to spot a hurried carriage moving away from him, and on top the same hat from the shady man he was chasing. In need of no more evidence, Maxos jumped on his sports carriage and with a harsh crack of the reigns, the pureblood stallions pulled Maxos’ carriage after the shady man’s. The crowds dispersed as the elegant carriage unleashed its wilder side, going faster than any other carriage ever witnessed, the six wheels leaving their wooden imprint on the stone below.

When the agent got close enough to the fleeing man, the latter glanced over his shoulder and the true chase began. Both riders urging their steeds to hurry and accelerate to their limits, the chase quickly cleared the streets from any of the crowds that still dared to remain in the narrow battlefield. The fleeing man’s carriage also proved to be capable of achieving high speeds, as Maxos was slowly losing gain, approximately 10 yards away from the target in question. It was then when Maxos decided to use the button Q had shown him, big and red and located below his seat. The moment he pressed it, two secret compartments in the carriage opened, and some mechanical devises extracted two small catapults from the carriage’s sides. A confident smug appeared on Maxos’ face, immediately after smashing the button.

The catapults were activated, and the two projectiles were launched through the air. Despite not reaching the enemy carriage, they landed quite near it, two explosions going off in the mid-town section of Andaris city. Maxos was ready to sacrifice anything for his kingdom. Just as he was ready to press the button once more to reload the catapults, two more carriages joined the high-speed pursuit through the deserted street. Lining themselves next to Maxos’ carriage, soon he was boarded by the many thugs.

Being a man trained to kill, the assault was automatically replied by Maxos’ instincts. Two men jumped from each side, swords ready to chop Maxos like a slab of meat. Jumping back as his hands drove him to cartwheel backwards with cinematic grace, the moment he landed back on his feet his sword was drawn. Overcoming the first opponent was easy, a stab in the neck being enough to end his life. However, the second goon was mid-swing when Maxos realized it. Sword stuck in the goon’s neck, Maxos had to active Q’s gadget, pressing a secret button on his sword’s hilt and thus releasing the second weapon within the sword. The hilt separated from the long blade, and instead a small dagger was drawn, a weapon small and nimble that allowed him to quickly toss it right between the thug’s eyes. With the blade stuck between its eyebrows, the goon fell from the carriage.

Not a pant was released from Maxos’ lungs when a third man jumped from the back of the carriage, crossbow in his hands and a wide smile on his twisted lips. “Farewell, Andaris!”
Peake reacted immediately, raising his right arm, in whose wrist stood a portable solar clock. With the press of the button, another of Q’s gadgets, a tranquilizer dart was shot, landing directly on the goon’s neck. Not a bit after, he was collapsing in the sudden sleep that was taking control of him. Maxos scoffed as his palm adjusted his perfect beard. “Farewell to you, sir.”

Then, out of a sudden, a building collapsed----

“Wait, that doesn’t make any sense!”
“Shut up,” replied Peake, annoyed at the high-pitched voice that interrupted him. “I’m getting to the good part.” Clearning his throat, Peake once again began his narration. “Then, out of nowhere, this simpleton comes up to me with a dagger, and I like punch him in the nose, he gets all dizzy and stuff, and then I close my fist and like literally punch through his chest. I rip his heart out, like this,” Peake gestured. Holding out an invisible heart before his face like a crazy mage suited him. “And I was like ‘Die, you traitor to the Kingdom’ before I take a bite out of the heart and push him over. Then out of nowhere, this flaming—
“That doesn’t make any sense! You said you did all this just before coming here!” interrupted the kid once again. Peake looked down at him with a frown, truly annoyed at his interruption.
“Yes, I fucking did. What doesn’t make sense?”
“Many things. You said you are a special agent that relies on stealth, but you told your name to a woman and even to me, a kid.”
“Well, I trusted you with privileged information because I thi---“
“Also, the woman you mentioned was like, unrealistic. You basically exchanged two words and she was like all teary when you left, and that’s impossible!” said the kid between snickers.
“Well, that’s because I have a very nice beard, and, like…”
“Also, I’ve been out all day and I haven’t seen any explosions or heard anything.”
“It happened on the other edge of town.”
“Furthermore, you said you were racing through the main streets, but I find it hard to believe you can advance ten yards without the carriage being blocked by pedestrians.”
“ Also, there’s the matter of this invisible prototype armor you supposedly wear.”
“What about it?”
“You said it was mana-infused. You know mana is toxic, right?”
“It is?” Had Peake learned something new from a kid?
“You said you had a sun clock on your wrist that shoot darts. Where is it?”
“I was just going to explain----“
“You know a sun clock can’t work if its carried on a wrist, right?”

Peake finally went quiet. Raising his sandwich and giving it a big bite, he turned to watch the distant movements. His men were dragging out the belongings from the home, slowly being charred by the intense heat as Peake, their boss, sat in the shadows next to some random kid. The nobleman liked his job. It was challenging to track down debtors, to outsmart them, but it was also tedious due to the paperwork. Having been doing this for many arcs now, it had gotten to the point where it was more boring than exciting. Most would point to any tax collector and they’d brand them with an IQ equivalent to that man’s finger count. Many times, they would be right, but geniuses like Peake were still around. When persuing businessmen and investigating them, it was exciting. When collecting the belongings of a family to pay their debt, it was boring.

The kid beside him had been listening to his false story for quite a while now, perhaps half a break, and it had taken him a couple of questions to shatter the story in half. Peake wasn’t a storyteller, but he had done his best to impress the damn, stupid kid. For that reason, he prepared to fix the story, mostly to keep himself busy.
“I was going to explain, you little shit. As I said, it was a prototype Q made. Belive it or not, the CUNTS is a very real thing, and Q is a maste---“Peake began, before he was interrupted.
“It’s obviously not true. Who would be dumb enough to fund a group of tax collectors and pay for six-wheeled carriages and pureblood stallions? That’s the most stupid idea I’ve ever heard, mister. You must think I’m---“interrupted the kid, a smart one for being of his age. As he spoke and explained, his features acquired a smug Peake didn’t like at all.

Peake, in an outburst of rage, reached for the kid’s collar, pulling him towards and immediately emptying his lungs on his face in a fierce yell. “Shut up!” It was so loud the whole street was paralyzed, everyone staring towards its origin as if worried the kid might’ve been killed before their eyes. He wasn’t dead, as Peake sensed some pulse on his neck, but he was definitely passed out. Never before had he scared a child so badly that said child lost consciousness, but this one totally deserved it. As the dirty looks towards him became stares, Peake stood up and casually moved ten steps away from the unconscious kid, sitting back down on the shadows and biting on his sandwich again.

Never again he’d bother to craft a story for a random child.
Thanks to Lazuli for this amazing template!
word count: 1663
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Agent 000: GoldPrinter


The Collecting Unit of the National Tax Service
Maxos Andaris: Alternate Identity
Investigation: Awareness of Surrounding Factors
The Shark's Prey, Syhera Ki'hadi

Password: Collecting Unit Base
Gold Printer: Carves the Letters 'GP' on Victims
Invisible Armor: Mana-Infused Particles
Brewing: Ice Wander Cocktail
Seduction: the use of metaphors to entice others
Mount: Carriage Maneuvering
Storytelling: Incorporating Fantasy into Real Life
Persuasion: Weaving A Story to Persuade
Intimidation: Scaring Someone Unconscious

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: -2

Story 5/5
Collaboration 0/5
Structure 5/5

Comments: That was... that was interesting. I really liked reading it, though. Peake's got some imagination, lol.
word count: 111
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