• Mature • A Royal Tragedy, Part II

Tristan works on his great play. Job thread #2, Ymiden 716.

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Tristan Venora
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A Royal Tragedy, Part II

Part 1

Ymiden 65, Arc 716

The sound of a drum echoed through the House of Roses, giving the curvy, raven haired beauty on the stage next to the bar a beat to dance to. A couple of men and women were gathered around her and watching her fascinatedly. She knew exactly how to move in order to draw their attention to her, make their jaws drop and give her as much money as possible. More people sat at the bar and the tables that were scattered throughout the large room on the ground floor, often in the company of a scantily clad prostitute or two. The air was filled with the smell of alcohol that flowed freely in this place, of perfume and something more, hidden promises and desires that would be fulfilled in the course of the night.

Tristan Venora, noble lord, playwright and artist was sitting at his usual table in the center of the room. He wasn’t paying attention to the dancer, although she was very attractive, but scribbling furiously in the notebook that was lying in front of him. "So what is that king of yours currently doing?" the redheaded prostitute that sat opposite of him – Lucille – asked, took a sip from the glass of wine that was in her hand, adjusted her neckline of dress so that much more of her cleavage was visible and smiled at him.

"Hating his wife", Tristan replied as he looked up, raising an eyebrow at the sight in front of him as he did so. "She’s thirty, he’s eighteen, and they are very unhappy. I really need to rewrite this part because it doesn’t sound very believable." "Oh", Lucille made. "Why are they unhappy? Is she ugly? Or is he?" "No, they are not ugly", Tristan replied. "But their marriage was arranged. Leia was forced to marry Alexander when he was a baby and remain chaste throughout her teens and twenties while she waited for him to grow up."

"No, she wasn’t",
Lucille disagreed. "Chaste. Not for all those years. She probably had a couple of lovers on the side, and that is part of the reason why their marriage isn’t working very well. Do you know how many of the people that come here are married?" she asked and gestured towards the other tables that were quite full that evening. Tristan turned around and took a good look before he returned to writing in his notebook:

King Alexander and Queen Leia have marriage problems. They were betrothed to each other when the king was just a baby. Leia hated being married to somebody that was pretty much useless for the first fifteen or sixteen years of their marriage (although she liked being queen very much because of the power that came with the position). Since she was not a nun and not a particularly good person, she didn’t wait for her husband to grow up but took a number of lovers. The king never actually caught her, but he strongly suspects that she hasn’t been faithful to him, and he even has a suspicion as to who her lovers are or were. It’s probably a good thing that Leia never got pregnant. That would really have caused problems!
Last edited by Tristan Venora on Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:37 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 550
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Tristan Venora
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A Royal Tragedy, Part II

"So how long have you been working on this play anyway?" Lucille wanted to know, walked over to Tristan and looked over his shoulder so that she could read what he had written so far. The noble put his pen down for a moment. "Since last season. I have the basic plot down. I know who my main characters are, what they look like and what they will be wearing on stage. I know which music and which songs I want to have in the play. I even know which actors I want to play my characters, but everything is still very cliché, and the plot holes are so big that I can probably put my head through them."

Lucille laughed as she heard that. "Turn the page", she ordered. "That doesn’t actually sound too bad. I like how you write your dialogue, but I would make the king’s love interest – Elaine is his love interest, isn’t she? – a little less soft and pretty. She’s a boring character." "I know", Tristan replied. "I wanted to do that anyway. I was thinking of having her resemble a woman I know. She could be a warrior who feels at home on the battlefield as well as in a ballroom and is a little wild and headstrong rather than just another damsel in distress. I might even give her a few scars to make her less perfect."

"You are very good at this, Lucille", Tristan remarked as he wrote down what he had just said. "Why are you still working here? You could be a writer or you could help writers that have writer’s block and inspire them and be their muse. You don’t have to work in a brothel and sell your body."

"I like having sex",
Lucille remarked and shrugged. "Besides, I make a lot more money at the House of Roses than I would otherwise. I’m young, I’m pretty, why shouldn’t I take advantage of that? If I worked a normal job, I would probably be bored to death."

"Oh, don’t look so shocked", she added. "Some of us actually enjoy this here. So, what happens now?" she wanted to know and gestured for Tristan to turn the page again.
word count: 380
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A Royal Tragedy, Part II

"That’s really nice", she remarked. She wanted to take another sip from her glass, but found that it was already empty, so she held it out to Tristan who quickly asked a waitress to refill it because he wanted his companion/ critic to be in a good mood. "I also like your antagonist. The bearded guy is your antagonist, right? He reminds me of somebody, somebody that seeks the company of my colleagues on occasion."

"Actually he’s the secret hero of my play",
Tristan replied. "He betrays Alexander because he is secretly in love with him and jealous of him, but when he sees what his betrayal has caused, he does everything he can do save him as well as his lover and ceases his pursuit of Alexander because to love occasionally means to let go."

"That's sad",
Lucille commented and drank from her wine which was quite delicious in her opinion. "But I like it. I’m a sucker for tragedies. You said you’ve already thought about who’ll play your main characters. Who do you have in mind for him?"

"I was thinking about Daniel Stone",
Tristan said. "He’s one of the best actors in Rynmere, he’s the right age, and he has the right attitude. I just hope he accepts the role. It’s a little – how shall I put it – controversial." Lucille laughed as she heard that. "People are such hypocrites. I know a lot of men that secretly prefer the company of their own gender, but act all shocked when the topic comes up in public. So who do you want to play the other two main characters?"

"I’d like Jane Andaris to play Queen Leia",
Tristan told her. "I’m usually a fan of Valeria Macerys‘ work. She was spectacular in her role as Queen Nora, but she’s only twenty. I’m not sure if she can convincingly play a morally flexible thirty year old woman that cheats on her husband. Jane Andaris is the right age, but a noble lady like her might not want to play a character that most of the audience will end up hating. Do you have any idea how I might be able to convince her?"

"Give her a gift, something that will flatter her",
Lucille suggested. "Most women like gifts. Or tell her how difficult the role is and that you are not sure if there is any actress in Rynmere that will be able to do it justice. Anyway, who do you have in mind for King Alexander?"

"I was thinking about asking Daliane Andaris",
Tristan replied. "We grew up together, so I know him very well. He is the right age, and he has the right looks and the right attitude. I’m just a little concerned about his lack of experience. I suppose I could also ask Mason Williams, although he is a little old and usually prefers to play minor characters."

"Oh, nepotism",
Lucille remarked. Tristan shrugged. "Not when the person in question is the best fit for the role", he disagreed and wrote the following in his notebook:

King Alexander – Daliane Andaris or Mason Williams
Queen Leia – Jane Andaris (give her gifts and tell her how difficult the role is, she might just accept it because she likes a challenge)
Lord Maximus (the similarity to a certain man named Maxos is just coincidence) – Daniel Stone

"I’ve actually thought about playing a minor role myself", he revealed. "A lot of famous playwrights do it, and I miss being on the stage rather than behind it. I originally wanted to dedicate the play to Zanik because he is my favorite immortal, but Daliane insisted that love is Vri’s domain and that I should dedicate it to him."

"Just dedicate your play to both",
Lucille said. "The more, the better, I say." It was just then that Madame Alessa, the proprietor of the brothel signaled her. Sighing, Lucille emptied her glass, put it on the table and informed Tristan, "I have to go back to work now. I hope you invite me to the premiere of your play because I helped you so much."

"Of course",
Tristan replied. "I’d love to have you there. It’s the least I can do." His play was finally beginning to look presentable, and he didn’t feel as if he would embarrass himself anymore. It just needed a few more minor edits, and then it would be done.

OOC: 1.640 words
2 glasses of Venora Rose: 16 sn
word count: 762
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A Royal Tragedy, Part II


Writing: Comedies
Writing: Dramas
Acting: The importance of praise
Lucille: Enjoys sex
Persuasion: Women like gifts

Writing: Writing a simple plot
Writing: Believable Characters
Writing: Dialog
Writing: Antagonist
Writing: Protagonist
Acting: Coaching new actors[/columns]
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5

Comment: Good little story. Looking forward to seeing more about the play.
word count: 71
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