Arc 721, 18th of Ashan
Dreams. A place the young woman could escape the world for a bit. So much had happened to her recently that most evenings, she dropped to her cot and fell into a deep sleep immediately. Life on Faldrass was challenging, taking a lot of effort and energy on her part to help the settlement as much as she could.
There were also other oddities going on as well. Less daunting but some exceedingly confusing. Her vision, for one. Elisabeth still didn’t know what to make of that although answers were coming in slowly. Part of her had worried, at first, that sleep might be another avenue for the visions to find their way back but in the few trials since, that hadn’t happened. Anxiety had eased just a bit, but she feared that somehow, someway, they would return.
Slumbering on the shores of Faldrass… but her mind was thrust somewhere…. else.
Or not….Opening her eyes, she found herself in someplace familiar…with a twist. Slowly moving forward, the structure of the Prime Atheneum was still there, but there were distinct differences. Beneath her bare feet, deep burnt orange-hued sand squished between her toes. Snow no longer fell…and one wall of the massive library had vanished, giving way to a spectacular view of a large mountain. If one listened carefully, they would hear waves crashing nearby.
While some things had changed, a few had not. The young woman was still clad in a gown of deep blue, long dark hair gathered upon her head in a riot of curls. The stacks of books still towered throughout the room and small contained bonfires were littered about the area.
This is where the dream took her…looking for…something…
Moving through the room, she tried to discern what she was searching for. A book? That seemed likely. She was in a library after all…but no. There was something more. Something…important. Sometimes her dreams knew what she needed more than the young woman did. The universe, she found, was funny that way.
Looking up at the blue crystal that followed her, she arched her eyebrow gently and inquired. “Do you happen to know?” Of course, as always, it remained silent. Sighing softly, the young woman gently chided the crystal. “I’ll keep talking to you until you talk back. I’m stubborn that way.”
Continuing, she came across one of the small bonfires, stopping to warm her hands. Her hands were always cold it seemed. Something about never being able to find her gloves, wasn’t it? She loved the cold – just not cold hands.
Glancing about, she smiled a bit, curious to see what the universe would bring her that particular evening.