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11th of Ymiden 716

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All That We See Or Seem [Syhera Ki'hadi]

Timestamp: 11th of Ymiden, 716th Arc - Hot Cycle

"Dmitri, you good-for-nothing lout, get ploughing already!"

"I'll plough you a g'damned hole alright, 6 feet deep, if you don't shut your yap!"
Annoyed, tired and sick of it all, Dmitri rammed his shovel in the hard, earthen crust. Being a town filled with people specializing in crafts necessary for their immediate survival, it was not surprising that everyone worked every day 'till their muscles ached, their bones grated and their sweat rolled over every part of their body. All in all, it wasn't that bad, Dmitri could live with working hard, hell, he even preferred it. It was just that those f'king pumpkins need to learn to shut their yap when Dmitri is working the field! Behind him, he could hear the pumpkins scattered over the field yapping away, not able to shut their toothless mouths for one precious, blissful minute of peace. "One more time, start talking one more time and I'm going to make a stew out of every single one o' ya!"

"Try it, I'll whoop your a---"
Poor, poor pumpkin..wouldn't even serve as food anymore, scattered into broken bits and pieces, flying through the sky. "M--MURDERERRRRRR!!!" Leaves and vines flapping around indignantly all around the field while the pumpkins screamed at the top of their lungs in every imaginable note. Dmitri was about to go on a killing spree when the wise voice of the owl shouted effortlessly over all the pumpkins, instantly making them all shut up. "You're all in the wrong, Dmitri included! However, what's done is done, learn from it and move on! Or else...I'll eat ALL your pumpkin seeds!"

"You would EAT the UNBORN?! MONSTER!!"
Giving up on getting any work done for the day, Dmitri threw the shovel at a pumpkin, hitting him square in the face, before grabbing his shirt and stomping off towards the mesh hall." "Oi, oi, who turned off the lights?!" The panicking owl started schreeching in terror before Dmitri took off his shirt again. "My bad, damned pumpkins got me all mixed up!" Dmitri apologized to the owl tattoo, on his abdomen. Sighing in relief, the tatoo grouched a bit before closing his eyes and dozing back off.

'What a boring day.'
Dmitri thought to himself as he entered the mesh to get some much needed peace and quiet, a bit of dinner and a strong-as-hell drink. He had JUST sat down, when the watchtower started ringing his bell at a frantic pace. 'No, it couldn't be?!'Dmitri grabbed a radishield and a asperagusword before quickly running outside to see what all the commotion was about. "ATTACK, WE ARE UNDER ATTACCKK!"
word count: 463
Dmitri Saratov - Active
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Syhera Ki'hadi
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All That We See Or Seem [Syhera Ki'hadi]

"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
  • 11th Ymiden, 716 Arc


    People were screaming. Hera bolted upright in the thin mattress, panicking as she tried to kick away sheets that twisted around her legs and clutched her frame to the posts. She felt desperation - for what, she wasn't sure, but as the wailing increased outside, she fought harder, and the bed pulled her deeper in. "Let go! Get off me!" She was tiring quickly, and as her fingernails tried to rip at the threads of fabric, her mother appeared beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

    Everything quieted, and the sheets loosened their grip and Hera reached out for the woman beside her as if she were still a child in need of comforting, "Mama! Someone is screaming! They need help!"

    Hera's silver eyes searched for a window, any window, but the room she was in was... not hers? No, it was. It was strange, so similar, but as if it had been flipped - a mirror image, yet the older Biqaj moved through it like it had been this way all their life. Had it? "Easy, child. Haven't I raised you to be a lover, not a fighter? It's just the patch, I'm sure."


    "The pumpkin patch," Gwynthera gave a little smirk, a curious expression on her face as if her daughter was acting crazy. Whatever screaming had been going on had quieted and as Hera rose from the bed, the answer seemed completely normal. "You'll see it when you get yourself some food. Come along, get dressed."

    A black dress trimmed with lace was handed to the young woman and she slipped it on, along with some sandals. Her mother reached inside the wooden chest alongside the end of the bed and started pulling out a comically long rope, wrapping and rewrapping it around the crook of her arm and handed it to her, "Here, take this when you go, child. Oh, and don't amuse the pumpkins, they're all just a load of hecklers."

    Hera was then shoo'd out from the room, and the world she stepped into was... different. Houses with small gardens, and some with even bigger plots of land scattered around her. The roads were dirt or cobblestone and she pattered around like a lost puppy. Once, she passed a cat on a stoop cleaning itself that gave her a dirty look, 'What are yoooou looking at?"

    "Not much," Hera snapped, frowning as she kept walking. Dust kicked up under her feet as she walked and despite the heat, the sky began to turn grey, like a dull overcast was coming. Readjusting the heavy rope on her shoulder, the pretty redhead spotted the mess hall and went to go inside when sirens wailed from an invisible source.

    Any people that had been milling about went on high alert, rushing to grab weapons or to hide. Fear struck Hera and she froze, nearly getting rammed into by the people piling out of the dining hall. A shirtless man in particular, with weapons made of produce nearly plowed her over and she yelled at him in frustration, "Hey!"

    More screams, more people. 'Attack, Attack. They were being attacked.' Hera looked for any other weapon besides the rope in her hand but all she found was a discarded bottle that had been abandoned by an old barrel on the street. Snatching it up, she shattered the end of it and hoped for the best.

    Something was coming.
word count: 597
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All That We See Or Seem [Syhera Ki'hadi]

As Dmitri made his way through wave after wave of people storming out the building, he suddenly felt quite a heavy weight pulling on his neck. 'What now?!' when he saw the cause for walking double folded, he was dumbfounded…somehow, someone, somewhere, snuck a golden chain with a sort of unorthodox, primitive sundial, stashed safely in the mold of a golden medallion, around his neck. No time to be shocked though, there was no time! Or was there?! What was time? Eternity can last a second, a second can feel like eternity, what exactly IS time anyway?! Dmitri's attempt at reaching enlightenment was cut short when he heard more screams from outside, quickly shedding off the chain and his train of thoughts along with it, he picked up his dropped crops-weaponry from the floor and stormed out the main exit in a frenzy. Swooping the first woman he saw off her feet, unfortunately not in the good way. Poor lass almost got knocked over by the mighty veggie warrior, didn't even have the time to apologize properly, the only thing that came out his throat was a singsong voice going: "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say "Hello, Goodbye!" I'm late, late, I'm late!!" Breaking his gaze from the woman, he continued to storm through the picturesque cobbleheaded streets and alleys of the town.

Then, everything changed.

Al though it would've been as if running through an oil painting. The backdrop made sure it was not to be confused with a serene, peaceful, still life...All around, the air was dotted with screams, cries and pleas for mercy."I'm coming, don't die on me, hang in there!!" He ran, ran and ran, but he wasn't getting nowhere; The same houses, the same roads, he was going in a never-ending circle of guilt and despair. "Please! Please...Dmitri, save me!" The sad, pained, feminine voice screamed out to him, begging him to save her. Even though he hadn't figured out how to break the cycle, he defiantly shouted in a furious outburst: "I WILL save you! I WILL"

Turning a corner, the same one as ever, he finally found himself at the border of the town. Right at the pumpkin patch where everything had started. The sight before him was beyond unbelievable, hordes of Dmitris were rushing the town. Batallions of Dmitris were standing defiantly at the edge of their home, willing to thrown down their lives to defend what was precious to them. What exactly was going on?! Dmitri had no clue what to do, what to think. In the end, was there a point to it all? If he was the only person left in this world, the only one to fight, suffer and die for his cause. What was the point to it all?

Falling to his knees in despair, not knowing where or who to turn to, he was about to give up; When a judging, grouchy hiss came from just next to him. "Giving up already, youngster? Not the man you thought you were huh? Took too much on your own plate, and now you think about leaving without finishing what is yours...Coward!" The black cat hissed while speaking. "You are not alone, not there, not here. Get it through your thick skull, you haven't been alone since you met her."

There were two scenes flashing before his eyes, one was vague and misty, not really showing much anything but he could 'feel' he had just thought about a woman. The other flash was about the redhaired woman he had nearly ran over at the mesh. Rising to his feet, the war broke out. Every Dmitri, be it an attacker or defender, every single one of them fought for their cause. For some reason, he couldn't stop smiling, until the cat hissed again. "It's not over yet!"
word count: 665
Dmitri Saratov - Active
Gaunt Ki'hadi- Active
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Syhera Ki'hadi
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All That We See Or Seem [Syhera Ki'hadi]

"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
  • 11th Ymiden, 716 Arc


    Everywhere one turned, chaos was breaking out. Screaming, pleading, fighting. Hera clutched the neck of her bottle with stern determination, and ran. She wanted to go home, where her mother had been. Where safety had been. But now, as she moved further through the streets, she began to forget more and more how she had gotten here, and the world didn't seem very keen to help her. Hera searched for anything familiar.

    She saw the man from earlier! And then... she saw dozens of him. Scrambling, everyone became a copy, and they clawed at one another. Fists flying, teeth getting knocked in for an unknown cause. They were preoccupied with killing one another and might have done it had the Biqaj resisted the urge to take another step forward. Like dogs catching a scent, the two closest to her snapped their head up and released each other. One copy, bloodied in the nose and with a grin that split his whole face in two took a step towards her.

    Heart pounding, she took a step backwards. The other cracked his knuckles and rolled his head. And lunged. Hera gasped and threw up her hands and the broken edge of the bottle sliced into the man. He yelped and pulled back, raising his arm in horror. The cut that she had inflicted began to leak, not blood but a clear liquid that dripped slowly and smelled of brine. The flesh of his forearm began to bulge - a pressure building -- and then salt water began to spew forth like a damn breaking from inside him, and pooling around their feet. He collapsed in pain on the ground, clutching his wound and slowly deflating.

    The attack had gotten the attention of other enemies and from the crowd, a voice shouted a terrible demand, "Off with her head!"

    The Biqaj stumbled backwards, and looked for an escape. Unfortunately, she found none.
word count: 337
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All That We See Or Seem [Syhera Ki'hadi]

Unbeknowing what the Biqaj woman had just done to one of the Dmitris, slashing his arm open and allowing all the water to escape, filling the air with a salty ocean scent, it was not possible for him to realize why exactly tears started trickling down his face. He had been smiling, filled with a sense of happiness and comfort just moments ago, when he had envisioned the blurred scene of the woman. Dazed and enervated with whatever was going on with him, he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, staring down the cat menacingly for a brief moment after. "I have to find her..." Unsure whether he was talking about the woman drifting in the mist, or the woman he had ran into earlier. Deciding quickly, he picked up his arms and was about to run back into the town to see if she was still near the cafeteria somewhere. But why did it all come off as calm and peaceful again?! There were no loud, boisterous sounds of war or echoing wails of death. Turning quickly, radish and asparagus raised to fend off any Dmitri that had managed to sneak up on him, he was staring at the backs of every single one of the Dmitris, both defenders and raiders. What were they looking at?

That was when he heard someone shout "Off with her head.", alarms went off in his head and in a panicked frenzy, Dmitri rushed carelessly through the hordes of Dmitri, whom inexplicably engaged in furious combat again. The more he panicked, the more enraged they got. The more he ran, the more they chased him. Hauling ass for dear life, away from the battlefront and onslaught of Dmitris who remained hot on his track, he had no idea where to go or how to get there. His mind was blank, all he felt was fear and anger. "Lost again, are ya?!...Let me ask you, where are you going?" Dmitri almost tumbled over his own feet as the feline voice whispered in his ears, unseen. "What?! I don't know where to go!!" Again the whiskered whispers tickled his ears. "Then how can you be lost?" The surreal logic echoed through his mind, bouncing around until Dmitri winced, closing his eyes for the briefest of moments. Next thing he knew, he was running towards the red headed woman.
word count: 396
Dmitri Saratov - Active
Gaunt Ki'hadi- Active
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Syhera Ki'hadi
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All That We See Or Seem [Syhera Ki'hadi]

"A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
  • 11th Ymiden, 716 Arc

    The tattooed men around her blurred as she began to run, and each slow, drawn out second that went by, their demeanor changed. To Syhera, it felt like she was running through water, each step a challenge and taking double the effort. Her breathing quickened and she feared they would soon snatch her up, but no hands grabbed her. And then- their anger faded to something much more... calm.

    Too calm, some would say. The identical strangers stood, staring. Some couched or crying without sound. Many looked broken, a few had faces with cracks like shattered glass. They ambled around feeling nothing, numb and withdrawn. Not a single one would look at her, and Hera wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. As she moved further into the crowd, the colors of the world faded, replaced with greys, dull blacks, and off white. Things looked fuzzy and unfocused. Hera slowed, wanting to turn back, but was scared of the much more aggressive versions of this man.

    "What are you doing?" the cat from earlier hissed beside her, "Aren't you going to use the rope?"

    The Biqaj looked around, seeing one figure unlike the others that surrounded her. He still retained some of his color, but he didn't look like he wanted to skin her, "Hold on," she muttered, her body moving on its own accord. As if she knew exactly what to do, Hera slid the bundle from the curve of her shoulder and tossed it on the ground. Rearranging it to create a better circle, when the edges touched, the floor beneath it seemed to stretch and pull away, deepening.

    "Now or never," she said to no one in particular. A giant hole in the ground formed, so deep she could not even see the bottom. She looked over at the cat, and then at the man, feeling drawn to the new crevasse. Stepping to the edge of it, she took a deep breath, and jumped.

    Down the rabbit hole she fell.
word count: 359
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