Rude Awakenings

Gaunts Job Thread

Almund is a thriving township with a dark side. With houses made from the wooden bodies of decommissioned ships, there are many opportunities here, coupled with many dangers.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Rude Awakenings

64 Ymiden, Arc 716
It was an ungodly hour in the morning. The sort where even night owls and party animals have stumbled home to bed, but the masochists who rose when it was still almost night weren't up yet. Almund was as quiet as Almund got, which granted was not very compared to some places, but as far as any long term residents were concerned it was silent as the grave. This just took into account that it was quite probable on Scalvoris that the grave was being robbed at any particular point in time.

The silence, other than a few snores of one particular house, the one owned by one Gaunt Ki'hadi was broken, first by a few ridiculous rowling-howling barks which were almost immediately silenced, and a deep, rough voice saying quite clearly.

"What the fuck is this supposed to be?"

Wakening, if Gaunt decided to look before he leaped so to speak, would reveal by the dying embers of his fireplace a large figure with an athletic canine. The canines body language made it very clear it was entirely focused on Gaunt in case he made an aggressive move. Since this canine was nearly as big as a small pony, this would be somewhat worrying to the average, fully awake person.

More easily missed, but clearly the subject of the intruders attention and comment, was the pug, Captain, wheezing and snuffling as he rolled about ingratiating himself to the intruder, and absolutely and utterly failing as a guard dog.

Once eyes adjusted, or a candle or lantern was lit, the figure would resolve itself to be that of the Hound Master, Gibney, which would make the large black dog at his side Ari. What precisely they were doing breaking into Gaunts house.. Well that was yet to be revealed. Generally Gibney roused himself to action only when paid, so who had paid him to break into Gaunts home?
word count: 325
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Rude Awakenings


Stretching his body until he could nearly feel his joints dislocate, before plopping down graciously on his bed again, Gaunt cozily snuggled up in his blanket, oblivious to the fact a man -and dog- were looking at him in one his proudest moments. His hand reached down there, attempting to scratch it...The pug, THE PUG I tell ya! But when his hand didn't meet a sniffling wet nose'd derp, he growled and started scanning the boarded floor with his hands until he'd find his bestest cuddle buddy. After a while of rummaging around, time and again sticking his hands on liquids that were NOT meant to be there, he groaned and growled as he forced himself to wake up to hunt down his puggerpillar, thinking he was probably roaming the place, hunting left over crumbs and whatnot. When his eyes were a bit more adjusted to the darkness, he saw a silhouette, no, two of them, in his room. Seemed to be a bear and a horse. "Mmmrrr, the fuck is this?!"

It didn't take him long to figure out he wasn't seeing remnants of his dream or whatever, this was the real deal. Someone had sneaked into his house, on a fucking steed no less. He repeated himself, louder and no longer directed at nobody."The Fuck is this?!" Once his sight was fully adjusted and he saw a burly man and a gargantuan dog staring him down, in his own fucking home, Gaunt had to whip out every fiber in his being not to act impulsive and lunge at the man. He knew he'd just end up becoming a bloodied chewy toy for that goddamned beast. He opened his mouth to demand the where-about of his furry cuddle buddy, whom was now more of a tiny sack of useless sheite to Gaunt though, when he heard the wheezing and sniffling from behind the beast, apparently Cappy was trying to mount the damn thing's ankles. More annoyed than amused or impressed with his fearless companion, Gaunt finally directed his attention to the man.

A short and bold question, in a tone of voice that didn't allow his hesitation to gouge out the intruder's eyes, with fear.
word count: 380
Dmitri Saratov - Active
Gaunt Ki'hadi - Active

Talhar - Currently Inactive
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Rude Awakenings

"Don't play stupid with me boy! Where the fuck is it? I've been all over this fucking scumbag town tracking when I should be warm in bed with a whore for company. The amount I want to deal with another smart-mouthed little shit is basically nil, and Ari ain't even had her dinner yet, so unless you want to be dinner, hows about you smarted up and tell me what I want to hear? Where. Is. It."

Gibneys gravelly tones, almost more growl than speech split the air.

"And you sit down!"

With a guilty look Cap's little pug butt hit the floor so quickly it might as well have been weighted. There might have been a little bit of Gibneys blessing at work there. It had been a very long night, and looked like it might get longer still, he didn't need a... he supposed it as still counted as a dog.. distracting Ari.

"You think this is a game? You think because it's got some posh fuckin' name you can just steal from it and ain't no one going to do anything about it? You figured wrong boy. So you'd best just toddle over to wherever you've got it stashed and bring it to me all nice and friendly like, no silly tricks, and maybe you get to go on living with everything still attached."

As Gibney's voice got deceptively smoother, Ari made sure the threat was communicated, growl rising low in her throat. This was the sort of noise people heard in the wild right before something leapt out and ripped their throats out.
word count: 278
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